

Started as a "blog," designed exclusively to focus on the "Duke Rape Case," the site, Durham in Wonderland (perfect title) has become almost a novel about small town corruption circa 1950 time warped into the 21st century. The corruption surrounding the DA's office in Durham NC, the lack of police procedures in the "rape case," plus the two local papers praising the violations of almost every known rule of procedure, civil rights violation, and campaign irregularities (or should we say "regularities"). The blog about this town is a lesson for all of you who claim to pine for the good old small town days. I grew up in one of the most idyllic of those small towns and Durham in Wonderland makes me remember the corruption writhing under the facade of our little community. A one industry town (agriculture), a one paper town (only TV came from "outside"), a place where it became "safe" to kill someone because of the incompetence of both the police and the County Sheriff--all covered up by the local paper--it took a slaughter of ten or so Philippino illegals for somebody to do something---I don't know what "somebody finally did" but the murders stopped and in true small town style the local paper didn't cover it. In so far as the city of Durham goes, finally, and I mean finally, it looks like the Federal Government (another Bush Republican jerk off) may step in and file charges against DA Nyfong for malicious prosecution, against the local police for misconduct, and against two secretaries at one of the local high schools for topping off at a local gas station. In true elite prosecutorial zeal, no charges will be filed against the Duke University academics who are responsible for the 1930s style lynch mob mentality down there. At any rate visit the blog once in a while for a civics lesson, one that probably applies to almost all small towns in the USA. Once you read it a few times you'll see that Al Capone’s Chicago wasn’t so bad after all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unless the MEDIA exposes the officials crimes, they will only be swept under the rug, and sealed with a handshake, and a payoff!

THESE are true crimes against humanity, and is unfathomable that such depravity is from our own law and legal enforcement!

I KNOW the depths of their depravity, and have begged for help with my only brother's murder!

Beyond lies and corruption is murders, kidnapping, prostitution, drugs, counterfeiting, fixing cases, botching cases, and all in all a plethora of evils, ALL committed by trusted and respected law enforcement, and elected officials!

Serpico meets the Dukes Of Hazard, only this story is real and NOT funny!

Rhonda Fleming
Cleveland, Ohio