

Yipee, it's Oscar Time. And what do these two photographs published here have to do with Oscar? Just a reminder that Clint Eastwood is nominated for a movie called "Letters from Iwo Jima," a revisionist propaganda movie which purports to tell the "Japanese side" of Iwo and WWII. That the pampered Americans were sent over there with the expectation they would come back, but the "brave and noble little Japanese" were sent over there to die, to never come back. So a not so gentle reminder to you of what despicable animals the Japanese soldiers were. The photographs on this page were taken by the murdering Japanese soldiers themselves after they slaughtered 350,000 Chinese in Nanking, including little babies.
Then the proud Japanese mommies and daddies forwarded these photographs of slaughtered babies to the patriotic Japanese newspapers who dutifully printed them and praised the bravery of their troops. No stinking Hollywood Award should ever let you forget that Eastwood is revising history. Revising facts. Creating a big lie. Oh, not to mention that the Japanese troops on Iwo Jima captured a few horrible American Marines and ate them alive; sliced them into bloody steaks while the poor bastards screamed in agony. The screams of the Marines lasted for two days; the misunderstood Japanese soldiers hoped the Americans would come out of their foxholes to be slaughtered. Great film, ain't it. If you think I'm going to watch the most Left Wing Oscar telecasts ever, you are crazy.

A much more detailed account was my post of last December HERE.

Libertas review is HERE. From the comments there we can assume most of us know how bad the Japanese actually were. Some of us learned from relatives who were lucky enough to survive. In my case, I had an uncle over there, and as late as the 60s my relatives would pray that he got it quick and wasn't one of the ones eaten alive. They were in agony over it. Finally an old Marine buddy told the family that he died in combat and died quickly. They cried in relief.

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