

Two point eight BILLION
dollars....that's how much the musical "Mama Mia" grossed world wide. "Mia," a play which is mainly all the ABBA music ever recorded, with a stupid Saturday Mantinee story, was seen by an estimated thirty million people. (link includes "Take a Chance on Me," only the best recording of anything ever made). So? So it's going to be a movie.....starring Pierce Brosnan and Meryl Streep (??). Question of the day is, Who will Meryl Streep play: (a) Richard Nixon, (b) ABBA's gay costume designer, (c) Sophie's mommy; (d) the evil stepmother? BTW; the producers include Hollywood "hitter," Tom Hanks, which to me means: that Hanks, Streep, Brosnan, and any other "star" will fuck up the unfuckupable. Because when all these greedy pricks soak up their fifty to seventy million in up front money there won't be anything left to put on the screen. Big Q: can any movie with a stupid plot like "Mama Mia" hope to succeed? After all we can all buy CDs of the original music. The "Oh too Seventies" Picture above included because it's the only butt and near crotch shot of the group known; gorgeous they weren't.----Now if this hot hot babe does a lip synch, it could be a smash no matter how bad the story; that's because who would know?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I happen to be a big ABBA fan so when my girlfriend got tickets from a client we went and saw the musical at the Cadillac Theatre. Pretty good, I knew the words, and it was stricly entertaining, goofy stuff. Pure entertainment for the sake of entertainment Not like so much of the shit in theatres today that is all about some bullshit social commentary, hating America, having people appear naked or shouting, "Fuck!", "Shit!", etc...
I believe you are right, when Hollywood gets their hands on Mama Mia, they are going to turn it to shit, just like pretty much everything else they touch. The movie will be a failure, if it is even made. Will it even gross 1/10 of what the play has made? Not on your life. I still can't believe that Hollywood manages to fuck up so much. It is like they are trying to make garbage films. Am I wrong? No original ideas, no writing, it is like 10% of nothing. If you ask me the real writing talent is in cartoons these days anyway and the only good actors in Hollywood are the character actors, like the guys who play Nazis in Indiana Jones, etc...