

The usually ready to slaughter all reputations, Perez Hilton, has linked to this new (to him) group. Check in and see if you like it too. Lyrics are dam good. Warning: it's country. BTW, as a sign of the times there are commercials for tattoo removal on the FM dial; this one through the use of an ointment Does it work? HTF to I know? But I knew these chicks would regret some of the shit they pasted on their exposed arms and legs sooner or later. I suspect that laser is the only way to have a scar free removal. The invitations to anal penetration inscribed just below their posterial waist lines pointing toward their rear entrances may still be sexy, who knows? Best one I ever saw? A teenyslut at work who always wore low riders had inscribed just above her butt: "Keep Your Hands ON." The dyke division supervisor fired her, probably because she couldn't fuck her or whatever dykes do.


Anonymous said...

I've always been a fan of the "trampstamp" myself. It is often a good indicator of whether or not the money you coughed up over 2 or 3 dates was well spent, if you get my meaning. A few of the babes who work in my buidling have them, but I haven't gotten a real good look (I'm trying to you know!) The best one I have seen yet was on a really cute stripper in Philadelphia at a strip club near UPenn (Mr. Wizzards I think, but it has been about 5 or 6 years). She has PIMPSTRESS in caps. Great. I should have asked for a number. The worst she could have said was no.

Anonymous said...


Some of your posters are obviously very successful with the ladies.

Anonymous said...

I remember that stripper, she used to work at show and tell on Columbus blvd, I think she said her name was Devon.