

QUICK QUIZ; meaning answer immediately and no thinking....
1. Name winner best picture
2. Name each of the nominated pictures
3. Name best actor.
A hell of a lot of us cannot answer all those questions, a few of us may not answer any. I was reminded of the disconnect again yesterday when I went to a movie with a bunch of friends and one remarked "any of you guys have an Oscar party this year?" It reminded me that we used to have them almost every year. They were fun.....when movies were fun.

300: It's obvious that the computerized backgrounds don't bother any of the younger audiences who were literally brought up on video games. I was conscious of them but not bothered. I think because there was no attempt at telling us what we were watching was real in any way so we could accept all, or part, of each and every scene. It's like the proscenium arch in theater; one has to be willing to "cross" it in order to enjoy the show. In the case of "300" it starts out with graphics so you either accept them or walk out of the movie. I can see why the Left is unglued over it, not just because the bad guys are Black and Gay, but because it's about a simple value (honor) that our elites have rejected out of hand. Honor is for suckers; their immorality themes aren't selling real well. So the word is that these lying hypocrites are going to start making movies with principle as a part of the theme. Hollywood People without them are going to sell out and make movies about honesty and principle? The Nativity the Hollywood take: two of the Wise Men take a stand for abortion and bi-sexuality while Mary bitches about the cost. Merry Whichever Holiday Doesn't Offend You will be the first one out of the box

BTW, the previews at "300" were for four of the worst fucking movies one can imagine, all with the same "theme" or basic story line: come back from the dead, the dead control us, the dead menace us, etc., and the worst part is that my very favorite two actresses, Hillary Swank and Julianne Moore, are wasting their talents in two of them. So the movie with the largest attendance of the spring is "sold" lice ridden dogs too lazy to hunt. Don't look for a big Hollywood summer.... While I'm thinking about it, Moore has horrible taste in scripts, how else to explain her series of total shit movies? Either it's her or she is so weak that she lets others tell her what movies to do. It could be that Boogie Nights, which really was a piece of shit about absolutely nothing that was sort of successful, fooled her into thinking somehow that it represented quality. A sample one line review of one of her movies: "Makes you forget it as you're watching it...." But that bitch can bring it. Can you just see her as the Persian King in "300?"

And and and......how 'bout that Phoenix-Mavs game? An old time NBA shootout with players who could shoot, pass, and rebound.....that included two white guys who dominated the game. 129-127 Suns, in TWO overtimes; no cheap shots and great action.

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