

And that is what it is. Add to the cab drivers in Minneapolis refusing to transport passengers carrying booze the super market checkers refusing to scan any pork products in grocery stores; Power Line here.....We have two groups who are trying to destroy our culture: Mexicans and Muslims. Liberals like it just fine. Sharia Law is about to be U.S. law in some places.....unless.

The surge that isn't according to MSM. Stories on the Tube last night all featured old Viet Nam stuff, focusing on the hopeless case in 1970 and attempting to link this with Iraq right now. CNN, MSNBC, had nothing but. Reading the live stuff from Iraq (links on left column) it looks like it is working, although our guys are still being killed. The degree to which the media is lying about what is going on has no precedent in our society. They lie and lie and lie. If the surge works they will spin it so that it looks like a failure or a success too dear and will only focus on our dead and wounded. I blame Bush in large part. His lack of communication skills, his brain dead White House Staff (that he appointed), and his cluelessness is at least partially responsible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Islam is a continuum. All muslims want jihad and then sharia, even the "moderate" muslims. Please also note that there are no moderate muslims. Muslims only disagree about how sharia will be attained, through violence and war or through the way you have enumerated above, with PC, multi-cult bullshit aided and abbetted by the liberals and left (really the same thing). Go to Dearborn, MI, it is like the Middle East. Parts of Jersey City too. Halal meat everywhere and Happy Eid and Ramadan a ding dong and all that shit. It makes me sick. My girlfriend lives in Jersey City and she is freaked out by it all. These guys are praying 5 times a day for Allah only knows what. Alcohol is a way of life, my way of life and I don't want some muslim telling me he won't drive me around if I have booze on me (and I almost always do. A good flask is an invaluable tool to cope with girlfriends, jobs, everyday bullshit, etc... you get the idea). If muslims don't want to drive American drunks around then they can go drive sober muslims in Riyadh, Mecca, Mogadishu, etc... These muslims won't even drive dogs around because according to muslims law, dogs are unclean (Jews too apparently. Remember when those muslims nations wouldn't take aid from Israel after the tsunami?). That to me is the most fucked up thing about islam. Who the fuck doesn't like dogs?! Kick these fucks out of the US now before we have another terror attack, beheading, honor killing, shooting etc...,that will never happen though because from GWB on down, everybody is falling all over themselves telling me that islam is a religion of peace. Total bullshit and the biggest fucking lie ever. Howard, I don't know what we can do about these muslims unless we run them out. Maybe after the next terror attack the they'll all be deported, or worse.

Regarding the surge. The MSM is ignoring it so far because it is working. My cousin is in Iraq and he tells me lately they have really been sticking it to the jihadis and they are on the run, so this surge thing seems to be effective so far. They are killing and capturing the enemy left and right, but it is a tough fight.
However, since the media really hates America, no one will ever know except through the internet and word of mouth how things are going and the real nature of what goes on. The fighting has been very hard and he has almost been hurt/killed a few times since they got there. There is plenty of stuff over at Liveleak that shows how brutal some of the action is. Your hair will stand on end. Everyone should take a look at what this war is like and how vital it is we win. The videos you had from that reporter were good too a week or so ago. If I wasn't a total pussy and could go without a drink for more than 12 hours, I'd enlist myself.

Here are some links below about how traitorous these muslims are. Read at the risk of high blood pressure and the urge to build a bunker.


Or this: http://propagandamatrix.com/Trade_Center_warning_baffles_police.htm
(it is originally from MSNBC)