
Read Patterico from the top today. Lots of goodies like phony civil rights suits, Paris Hilton, that phony 60mil lawsuit against the cleaner who "ruined" a judges pants, and more.........He alone points out that this judge is allowed to sue FOR everyone who might have been damaged by this cleaner.......

New hosts on MSNBC morning shows reveal just how good Imus was. These replacements all have good talk shows, but it is a talk show's narrow focus (Liberal, conservative, women's shit) that is ruinous for TV. Say what you will about Imus, he has wide ranging interests and isn't afraid to go into any area. I hope he comes back. Take a look at morning MSNBC. An emailer says he had to go all the way back to Dave Garroway to find an equal to Imus. The on air Imus not the overall broadcasting genius of Garroway.

CBS has closed its open comments section due to the racist rants appearing there. I have long monitored my own site because racist comments and since three weeks after watching my comments like a hawk the really bad stuff has stopped. And I'm not like the poor over sensitive Malkin who loves to wallow in the insults hurled at her by publishing them; none of them will ever see the light of day.....

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