
Sunday Stuff

Shiites and Sunnis battle each other......in Dearborn. Debbie has the goods...

From George Will's terrific essay in the Washington Post wherein he deftly lays out the reasons that Sarkozy will fail in France.....

welfare states are, paradoxically, both enervating and energizing -- and infantilizing. They are enervating because they foster dependency; they are energizing because they aggravate an aggressive (think of burning Peugeots) sense of entitlement; they are infantilizing because it is infantile to will an end without willing the means to that end, and people who desire welfare states increasingly desire relief from the rigors necessary to finance them.
Everyone expects France to somehow muddle through, but eventually just muddling through won't cut it.

What nobody seems willing to say about the (fill in the blank) immigration bill is that these people are squatters and there is no palatable way to force them to leave. The problem is, how do we assimilate people who don't like us and don't want to be assimilated? And further, how can we possibly absorb a population that simply wants to depend on the Welfare System of the host state? And then, what can we possibly do about it other than make our country worse than Mexico? I'm getting to like the idea of taking my kids to cock fights every weekend instead of surfing.

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