Friday Thoughts Broodings
Who really should give a fat fuck about dogs? Are they more important than canaries? (probably yes) More important than trees? (no way) More important than the ill and sick humans in the U.S.?The answer to the last is quite obviously "yes," at least to the majority of self centered baby boomers who will now rally sensitive mobs against the employers of Michael Vick just to show their sensitivity about fucking dogs.
FBI about to make arrests revolving the fixing of NBA games. A ref is supposedly involved. A ref can easily affect the point spread through "non calls" which are rampant toward the end of quarters and games; they do not have to call fouls that don't exist. They do not have to affect the winner or loser, something that might be spotted. The betting on games is so huge that a 300K per year ref can be had quite easily.
The Congress in general: face it, we have a political system that is universally corrupt, bought and paid for by corporate and labor union slush funds. Right now they are in the process of allowing contaminated meat to be sold in this country, in spite of the health risks to our own citizens; they are slipping every portion of the rejected Amnesty Bill into each and every piece of legislation in the belief that these poison pills will never be spotted within a 300 page missive; they are paying little attention to business (the Border Patrol hearings were missed by 70% of the committee, for just one example). I could to on and on but I don't want to start the weekend pissed and depressed.
The drug created Barry Bonds will set some (now) phony record or other; the Toure dee France is a joke once again as riders show up drugged; the FBI is so under funded that they are once again ignoring organized crime in favor of fighting "terrorism." We are a micro-second away from the worst oil shortage imaginable and nobody in the brilliant Administration has done anything; this is a situation that could destroy this country.
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