
Agit Prop compared to entertainment;

Let me begin by saying that National Banana is a terrrific site and if you haven't popped over there and spent some time with "Sands of Passion" (the almost too good soap satire of things Muslim Terrorist) you have missed classic stuff. But if you want to see how a talent prostitutes itself, read this (the Cuba Gooding Jr. Cialis spoof) or or this (The Paris Hilton satire) for an example of the really funny stuff that can be on there. Then drop down to this humorless agit-prop piece a small skit that has as one purpose----to pretend entertainment in order to lure you in and then snare you with their Left propaganda. As if you will have your mind changed by this heavy handed "humor." Again, this is a super site but Hollywood will always rear its ugly head if given half a chance.

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