
The best economic blog, bar absolutely none, is The Big Picture. Their picture is so big it is sometimes difficult to get a handle on what they are saying. However this AM try these excerpts and then get the fuck over there and read.....

1. He, like I, tells you NEVER EVER invest in a Black Box system. You guys who do this are admitting you don't know enough to be in the market at all. If an offering comes your way with a 157 page disclosure doc, unless you understand it fully, stay away. Once again, this entire debacle is caused by people putting their money into black boxes AND THEN FINDING OUT that you cannot get out except at certain times and then only by giving them notice.

2. A consensus forecast of professional (and I use the term advisedly) economists is more accurate than that of the lay public. That’s kind of like saying that German shepherds are smarter than German shorthaired pointers. That may be true, but in an absolute sense, neither is very bright.

Then there is this gem

1 comment:

Ritholtz said...

many thanks for the mad props!