
Sunday hits

Oakland Raiders with Culpepper at quarterback look surprisingly good.

Market rally: I don't think this rally is real. Reason? No volume. I think it is just shorts covering. Beware.

NFL preseason telecasts
indicate that the networks and NFL have decided that any commercial promotion is better than any game. The constant sideline interviews (always conducted by a clueless female) take precedence over anything taking place on the field.

Malkin says that Democrats are clamoring for a mortgage bailout. I don't see it. Most liberals on TV, at least for now, say "let the deadbeats hang." Media whores like Schumer are always floating "trial launches."

Latest Black movie star to back Vick: Jamie Foxx. Are all Black stars terminally stupid or just such racists that they cannot see reality?

It is perfectly OK to fuck a sheep in the Netherlands....as long as the sheep doesn't object.

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