
Are we waking from the Obama Trance?

The Awakening? Lots of middle of the road to slightly left types are slowly beginning to ask themselves if they are sleepwalking through this campaign. The lack of substance beneath the mist cast over the landscape by the Obama dream machine is troubling to many. He is a blank page on a word processor; just type in what you think and feel and that’s who he is. He’s a “fill in the blanks” candidate. Large numbers of actual women are fainting dead away from hearing him–so part of the problem may be in the 19th Amendment which gave women the right to vote (note: doubt has been cast over the legitimacy of the fainters. All incidents are exactly the same, Obama's reactions ditto). The haze around the brains of too many of the sons and daughters of the usual suspects who don’t know or care what Obama’s position is on anything just so long as he’s black and sounds good is a huge part of Obama. The Sandman has put them all to sleep so they can dream their dreams of what Obama stands for.

But the magic sand gently sprinkled upon their eye lids is beginning to lose its powers. Some of the sleeping dupes are stirring. According to eye witnesses, when Obama is stripped of his teleprompter and notes he reveals himself to be a nasty liberal devoid of humor or grace.

The people saying that are dead wrong....But a few of The Dupes are asking questions......

"Wait a second," some are saying. "We're talking about the presidency of the United States, not the mayor of Scarsdale or a city councilman from Carmel. Just what are we doing?" It's as if an entire population has allowed itself to become hypnotized by the stage magician and as a few of them wake they are astounded to see their friends happily crowing like chickens or braying like goats just as the magician told them to do after they willingly allowed him to place them in a trance.

And so it is. Victor Davis Hanson is seeing him as a real life Bill McCay, the lead character in the 1972 movie, The Candidate, where Redford as McCay allows himself to be manipulated by others so he can win an election but wakes up after "winning" and asks of the his now invisible handlers, "What do we do now?"

The Candidate is a very poor analogy for the phenomenon that is Barak Obama. For one thing this guy is not being manipulated by some off stage mystic. If anything, Obama is the mystical Rasputin himself, come alive on stage in front of us. He paints in our minds the Romanov villains of this country, which he says are Big business, big pharm, big insurance companies and so on, and we all know what happened to the Romanovs. So Obama shows us what is wrong with this country. What is his solution to what’s wrong with this country? I mean what exactly is he going to do?

First, its clear that we leave those Iraqi towel heads to be slaughtered by the Iranians, Syrians, and AlQaeda as we cut and run. He has also told us that medical care is our problem that will be solved by single payer universal medical care. He intends to solve the problem of education, not by doing anything about unfit parents and unfit teachers, but by hiring more teachers who will join their union so they cannot be fired. He intends to give us all a tax break by reimbursing us for all the FICA deductions now being stolen from our pay. To be clear, the FICA tax is a United States payroll (or employment) tax imposed by the federal government on both employees and employers to fund Social Security and Medicare—federal programs that provide benefits for retirees, the disabled, and children of deceased workers. Social Security benefits include old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (OASDI); Medicare provides hospital insurance benefits.

Since we won’t have to pay for this stuff, either our employers will pay or the General Tax fund will pay and nobody asks how all this will work, but he tells us WE won’t have to pay it any more. Oh, thank God for Obama.

OBTW, LGF has a post up that spells out a horrible tax proposal by Obama. One that puts us under the direction of the UN and will cost us 800bln plus. He wants to tax EVERY AMERICAN overseas and put the money into the UN.

Please don’t wake up yet, the election is eight months away.

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