

Obama has positions??? What are they? Supine and upright? I read that he had positions and all I had to do was go to his website and I'd find them. Ho ho, that's rich. However, CNN has published a transcript of one of his speeches that will let you know what this guy MAY stand for, but if he doesn't keep saying these things one must wonder if he means them.

1. Our Social Contract....some French piece of shit coined the phrase to note the fact that every government has a contract with its citizens that is unwritten yet clearly understood. Breaking this "social contract" is a formula for disorder, societal collapse, and just plain bad shit happening. Obama sets out what he says is our social contract and defines how it has been broken.,

...we need a tax code that's fair - a tax code that rewards work and advances opportunity. Every American who is ready to work for their American dream should be able to trust that they have a government that works for them. I'll keep that trust by cutting taxes for working people, homeowners, and seniors, and by simplifying tax filing for middle class Americans.
The problem there is that it is being said far and wide that most people do not pay a single penny in Federal Income Tax. That may or may not be true but the RATE for married people starts at zero to 15K and your rate is 10%. The code actually kicks in at $30,650 to $74,200 where you pay $4,220.00 plus 25% of the amount over 30,650. But Obama has no specifics on how he'll cut and how much other brackets might pay and at just what amount of income do you become the rich who he intends to raise the tax on.
When a single mom gets her paycheck, that check gets taxed. When she goes to buy groceries, that purchase gets taxed. (Food is not taxed) When she reaches her retirement, her social security benefit gets taxed. (not true unless 10K is from a job and then only that money is taxed) Meanwhile, her boss's investments get taxed at a lower rate, and the corporation she works for has all kinds of loopholes built into the tax code because they've got lobbyists in Washington sticking up for their interests.

It's time for that to change. It's time for Americans to have a President in the Oval Office who makes decisions based on their interest, not the special interests.

He sounds very good, very appealing, and everything is stated in a clear way. Take a look. It's pretty long but very instructive. It is said that the first step in solving a problem is to state it correctly. He certainly states what a hell of a lot of people think is the problem(s) and all his solutions seem to involve taxing someone else.
Let's not forget that even in this era of economic change, our wealth as a nation remains founded on work. I'd reward work by providing an income tax cut of up to $500 per person - or $1,000 for each working family - to offset the payroll tax that they're already paying (offsetting SS deductions and unemployment deductions, disability, and so on---WHO IS GOING TO PAY THOSE TAXES? EMPLOYERS?) At a time when confidence in the American economy is unsteady, this will give middle class Americans a break, and help them deal with the rising costs of energy, education, and saving for retirement. Under my plan, 150 million Americans - and their families - will get a tax cut. And because this credit would be greater than their income tax bill, my proposal would eliminate all income taxes for 10 million working Americans.
Take a look. This guy is the best salesman since FDR, better than Reagan even, and these positions have been carefully thought out over a long period of time. He didn't just get off of the Underground Railroad after fleeing the plantation, he's been here quite a while and it shows.

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