
As Wright's great so-called church goes crazy finding the good deeds it has supposedly done to show us what bigots we are and how wonderful they are, I'd be willing to pay homage to that church if and when they "put up." I challenge Reverend Wright to tell us, no show us, how many assisted living facilities for senior citizens, day care for children, pastoral care and counseling, health care, ministries for persons living with HIV/AIDS, he has opened and at what cost and most especially, show us the audited books. How many people have received hospice training and are working, how many prison ministries are there, exactly how many scholarships for thousands of students to attend historically black colleges (of what academic reputation?), how many youth ministries, how many tutorial and computer programs, a church library, how many domestic violence programs, and exactly how many scholarships and fellowships for women and men attending seminary and what is studied?

A record of this will be like the Clintons tax returns, Kerry's actual military record, and the real story of UFOs.

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