Markets Markets rebound. Why? I tole ja last week that when all the usual media assholes say something the exact opposite will happen. This is as close to a truism as there can be in stock and commodities markets. The horrible weather in the grain producing states is going to kick commodities higher but the stock markets are up sharply over the past week and gold is down. It really looks like the bottom is in, although a week does not a trend make, the main tipoff that the worst is over being the advance of the Financials (even Bear Stearns). What's really significant is that the Democrats may lose their current issue du jour. "It's the economy, stupid" won't fly by June because it's going to be a short recession. That is why the "progressives" are suddenly concentrating on housing and bailing everyone out as if everyone was in trouble. They are not. Only ten percent of the sub-prime market is in trouble and as these adjustable rates reset lower much of the bad will be good again. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch.
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