
Turkey Ain't No Bird

Turkey is voting themselves into slavery. I've posted many times since Turkey refused to allow us to invade Iraq through their territory that the country is still the seat of the old Ottoman Empire and the population of the country was going to eventually overthrow the government and install an Islamic state. Since Ataturk immposed a secular Western type democracy in the 20s each time a political party attempted to take the country into the tender arms of Islam it has been the military that has marched in and kicked out the government. There is not a country in the Middle East that wouldn't vote Muslims into office, and only existing governments have been able to keep them out. There isn't a Middle Eastern country that isn't eager to embrace Shiria Law. There is not a single country that wants Democracy or "freedom." The entire West is the enemy. The U.S. is now an atheist state joining with the atheist states of Europe against a world that is more and more religious, church going, and believers in a Deity.

The real problem in all this is that in election after election the fundamentalist Muslims win. Does anybody doubt that if an election were held in Saudi Arabia that the Wahabis would win? In Jordan? Iraq? What we really need to do is change, or cause to change, the Wahabi influence which has spread all the way to South East Asia, India, Pakistan, and could be taking hold in Turkey. I wrote a piece about our atheist elites and that by definition people who don't believe in God are hostile to the concept of a God centered life anywhere. We are faced by 1.8 billion people who believe in God, who actually pray to God five times per day each and every day. We have a major political party that is actively engaged in stamping out religion in our own country.
It is the democracies that are standing in the train tracks paralyzed with fear as the oncoming train of religion bears down upon us. We don't have the guts to stand up and fight and lack the initiative to get out of the way. I previously noted here that the wearing of the hadji for girls is a ticking bomb. Every time it shows up as in issue, always brought up by Muslim girls, it is a signal for revolt against the Western swine. The hadji has been outlawed in Turkey since the 20s but the university women have been agitating for permission to wear it for at least ten years; they won. It is now permitted and the same political party that spent government funds to build madrassas, mosques, and media is now in charge and with huge public support it isn't likely that the Military can step in to save secularism. Women not now wearing the hadji are branding themselves as "bad Muslims" and bad Muslims are killed. They are now agitating in Paris but the French government has so far resisted this powerful force. Next: liberals will demand that the girls be "allowed" to express themselves on college campuses here. That will be a signal that the end is near.

1 comment:

Xiaoding said...

The quickest way to defeat the Islamics is to give them exactly what they want...Sharia law. They will never recover. There is no need to fight, they will destroy themselves. Meanwhile, the good Islamics, who flee over to here, will be around to take over in a hundred years or so.