
Christina Hoff Sommers, a really smart feminst--I know, an oxymoron-- has a rant about gender equity (she doesn't like it) and the new drive to force science to accept inferior women til the number of women is equal to men in science. Look for scientific breakthroughs like latte' will cure cancer in some women; Einstein lied. He stole the theory of relativity from Sonja Willingham, a poor science teacher at Wellesly who correctly calculated the speed of light at 5,272 feet per second. The miscalculation by that MAN Einstein is the cause of the failure to contact other life in the universe.

My only observation? Where are the bitching women demanding gender equity in the oil fields? The ones in Alaska? The crab fishing fleets? The mines? Any and every job that is risky to life and limb and requires strength?

Women only want gender equity in those jobs that solely involve sitting on their asses while wedged behind a desk. Period.

Next? Gender equity in the NFL

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