
Lawyers at Finish Lines so Women Will be Treated With Respect

Danica Patrick: The Obama of Sports. Waaa waah boo hoo she lost the race at Indianapolis, has a wreck in fact, and goes into the face of the MAN who she claims caused her to lose. Fact: men cannot compete with women on anything like a level playing field. Most men would have clocked any other man who got in their face or pushed them after a race. But not---boo hoo--Danica. Repeat after me: Women only lose because a MAN does them wrong. Solution is to have lawyers at the ready at every sporting event the poor babies might lose so they can sue quickly.

Maxine Waters (Moron, CA) threatens to nationalize oil companies if prices continue to climb. These private companies produce AT MOST ten percent of U.S. oil, all the rest of the producers are owned by governments, ninety nine percent of which are dictatorships that hate America. But what that moron (and the rest of the Democratic Party socialists) don't realize is that even if the companies are nationalized the countries actually producing oil will simply sell to other countries or just raise prices anyway so our nationalized retailers either raise prices or get government money in order to survive---not profit.

Gasoline Prices: just an empirical observation, but there are more and more hybrids on the road around here. Combined with the soaring Toyota and other 4 cylinder car sales, consumption has to be coming down. Enough to make a difference? Sooner or later.

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