I felt she should have been running for prez in the primary. McCain has made a superlative choice and I can't wait to see the Feminazis and Obamakins mass effort to trash her. Right now it's "no experience."
Proud to be Designated a Right Wing Extremist by our Democratic Administration NOTE: COMMENTS OFF DUE TO EXCESSIVE SPAM
I felt she should have been running for prez in the primary. McCain has made a superlative choice and I can't wait to see the Feminazis and Obamakins mass effort to trash her. Right now it's "no experience."
Posted by
8/29/2008 11:08:00 AM
Fucking great! Looks like Elaine from Seinfeld!
Can't wait for the National Organizatin of Women to give Obama their full support
One heart-beat from the presidency is raised during every presidential election... when a candidate will be 79 years old at the end of a second term, it understandably will be a greater consideration.
With that said... is Palin really qualified to lead the most powerful nation on earth? I'm finding it difficult to keep from laughing when posing the question.
For many, this choice was intriguing today... I believe it will become pathetic as the election nears.
Way back when, when it was clear that McCain was going to win the primaries, many conservatives were distressed, to the point many said they were not going to vote. Thye saw it as a defeat for conservatism.
I, on the other hand, saw this as the greatest opportunity for conservatism in one hundred years! McCain is weak candidate, on his own, without the conservative minority behind him. Thus, an opportunity for HARD DEAL MAKING.
The sign, that a deal had been struck, would be in the picking of the VP.
Conservatives will have influence in this next administration, GREAT INFLUENCE. Use it wisely!
If the Democrats were counting on the conservatives sitting out the election, time to SOBER UP! The flag is unfurled, and the trumpets sound! The conservatives are on the march, and they will flatten the Democrats this time around!
Can you say, "Here is the nuclear football President Hottie"?
Yes I can thank you considering the alternative is, "Here is the nuclear football comrade President".
"is Palin really qualified to lead the most powerful nation on earth? I'm finding it difficult to keep from laughing when posing the question."
Uh, right. Biden running the country doesn't bother you? He has been soundly whacked over the years every time he even suggested he might be the Dems candidate. Now you think this guy who could never be elected president is just peachy to inherit the presidency?
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