
UnFairness Doctrine Dead

I wrote about the so-called Fairness Doctrine last week that provoked lots of emails and some comments all doubting that the efforts being put forth by people like Pelosi and Waxman were actually taking place. Well they were and are attempting an end run around the legislative process and instead substituting the bureaucratic method of simply finding justification in existing law and custom as an excuse to shut down talk radio and the internet. HOWEVER, it looks like a goodly portion of the Left are opposed to the "Fairness Doctrine" and all it implies. many are speaking out against it and the tactics being used to implement it. In short: Times change. It's not 1968 any more. I don't think the courts would put their stamp of approval on any "Fairness" sort of a doctrine. Oh a Ninth Circuit decision from all the liberal fascists might approve it but the high court will kill it. I had lunch with lawyers from the "enemy" yesterday and the conversation turned to government censorship for ten seconds and both lawyers scoffed at it and said they'd love to take the case to court. Both thought the idea out of date without broad support except from the bastions of Lefty "thought."

1 comment:

Roux said...

They won't call it the fairness doctrine but they'll use other tactics. The left and the One can't stand up to scrutiny. Wait until some in the press tire of Obama and his antics.