

Only a comatose intellectual could fail to notice the kill AIG "demonstrators" marching up and down city streets carrying carefully crafted signs bearing print big enough for TV cameras to convey the angst filled texts for the couch potato audience. These are all fake "investors" getting their marching orders from the algae clogged portion of the political thought pool, most likely Daily Kos, Daily Worker, Democratic Underground, and places like that pretending to be ordinary communists. Enter MSM and when liberals turn watch out, they eat their young and you will note the tone on TV over the tax punishing rhetoric of the Libs in the Congress is having the predictable unintended consequences. The entire investing community is fearing a similar retro-active lurch to brand them as the horrible rich and thus a target for government attempts at annihilation. Those who dare will dare no more til retro tax punishments are legally dead. In the French Revolution the Terror was blamed on the fish wives of Paris, here we can blame the media whores of America. Next: MSNBC will blame Congress for persecuting George W Bush.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


What the Obama presidency is leading to is not a debate on left verses right, economic or fiscal theory or policy, or really any adult conversation at all on domestic or foreign policy.

It is leading to a place where there are believers and non-believers.

There is simply no ground to set foot since Jan. 20, where someone can argue from a base of facts, figures, or conventional premise.

We’re now a belief based society, where the debate is base a vaporous notion, and things that sound good, and cost nothing.

It’s a great plan if you want to really f**k things up to have it your way.

But when it get’s down to believer verses disbeliever, as History has shown, thing get ugly.

I’m not one to defend the GOP, but I don’t think anyone knew how much they were just the Dutch Boy with their finger in the dyke.