That Fucking Atlas is Shrugging AGAIN
I've written many times that I started the thousand page monster called Atlas Shrugged in college and after two or three hundred pages or so I just pretended, along with my pals, that I'd read it. More interested in stray pussy and good shit, I sort of read Ayn Rand's various other writing and felt she was off the charts in fantasy land. Oh Oh, wrong again. It seems that the generational divide has been rent asunder and that an awful lot of people are actually reading it, and....(Jesus, the world is coming to an end) UNDERSTANDING IT. The crazy as shit thing is being made into an Angelina Jole star vehicle of twenty minute duration created by the usual suspects whose only purpose in life is to lie in wide screen with color and get paid a fortune for doing so. How can it miss? Big Hollywood (formerly something else) has a real good piece on it called "Why Atlas Shrugged Matters" right here and it's well worth reading, especially for those of you who are "up to here" with the Obama crowd. The McCain crowd, the MSM mobs, as well as all other crowds who are suddenly aware that the people who produce nothing are about to seize the entire country from those who do. In their brave old world we will all have agents, all work under some form of government agency while being told that it is free enterprise, will all miraculously vote for the same people, and will be happy as
clams liberals in a state owned whore house. My opinion: this can only be a fifteen piece TV movie like Rainer Werner Fassbinder's marvelous Berlin Alexanderplatz,which is a 15 hour TV movie seen by dozens with an equally complex set of values. It will take at least something like that to capture the essence of this monster novel.
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