
NFL Draft: Marc Sanchez. the USC qb drafted by the Jets, is being touted as some kind of All World talent, something I doubt. I've seen him play twice in high school and about five times at SC and in both systems he was blessed by having receivers that not only got open, but they got really really open, often. The NFL requires the ability to throw to a pin prick while on the run and throw 50 yards through a brick wall on those "out" patterns. We'll see, I was fooled by the apparetly soft armed Matt Ryan who seems to be able to throw the required patterns with a nerf ball so we will see. And three linebackers in the first round and another in the second; how they managed to lose to Oregon State will mystify us forever, or until they lose to some other nothing team. BTW, Oregon State had seven players drafted in the first two days so stories of their bad team have been overblown. Their first team when healthy was a top ten all the way.

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