
One talk radio show reaches more people than all twenty major metro dailies put together.
Who reads it? Do you read it? If you care go HERE for a NRO hit job detailed and in living color.
Total daily circulation is just over one million. Population of the greater New York area is pushing 11million. Circulation includes out of town figures. Nobody reads it. This Blair story is about nothing anybody outside a liberal elite cares about. In fact people don't read newspapers any more. Their penetration is about 10% of metro markets skewed toward older people. Younger people use TV, the internet, and radio (talk). Put in perspective Rush Limbaugh reaches more people per day than all 20 major metro dailies. Since there aren't twenty major dailies you get my drift. Sean Hannity reaches more people than the top ten major dailies.

Put more clearly: the people who read the major metro papers number around six million people out of a total adult population of two hundred million so what we have is three percent of the American people grossly misinformed. And they know it.

Blair story is strictly inside stuff for insiders who mean nothing.

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