

Is it sucked out of the economy thereby robbing economic growth?
Well, it is raised by check which means the check publishing services make some money, then it is deposited into various banks which creates a lot of employment for Pentium chips. An interview with a couple of chips revealed that there is no such thing as overwork for them. No new chips will be hired.

Job gain so far: 0

Then phone banks will be manned and womand by phone sales persons from various tax shelters, investment scams, phone company slammers and the like who will put in some extra time to make this country "better". Some managers recruited from boiler rooms across the country will be new employs, so let's say employment in this area will grow by about three hundred criminally inclined people. Since all are employed elsewhere, no job gain.

Job gain so far: 0

The phone pitches they will employ will include the "Are you looking forward to having your son or daughter killed in Iran?", "What will you tell your old mother when they kick her out of the nursing home?", "How strongly do you feel about giving all your money to the rich?", "Does murdering American soldiers so the oil companies could get rich affect you?", and other tried and true phone pitches. Fund-raisers Guilt will mean an increase in drug sales and more sessions for therapy providers, but no employment gain.

Job gain so far: 0

Then we have the Hollywood film and commercial producers and actors. Here is where employment will boom. Five hundred extra jobs will be created for a year or so for the poor Hollywood crowd.

Job gain so far: 500

And who else? Our nation's always truthful newspapers will pick up ten or fifteen million in extra ads which will create jobs for ten janitors in printing plants, Kodak will sell several million feet of film and video tape produced by their automated plants, the fertilizer people will be unable to process the million tons of bullshit produced by the various candidates so no jobs there. So where does the job creating money go? We are stuck at 510

My research has shown that more than 700 political hacks experienced in pocketing funds, keeping double sets of books, and laundering drug money will find jobs. Limo services will make out as will lawyers who file suits against candidates across the country. But this is just job expansion.

In short, this sea of money will be sucked out of the economy to create around 500 jobs, two of which may be on Pennsylvania Avenue.

I say this is a hell of a deal for all of us.

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