

Imagine a business dominated by 5 huge multinationals but with over 100 smaller companies also making product for them. Imagine the employment. Then imagine the hundreds and hundreds of smaller little companies that make things for these firms, supply food, copying services, portable toilets, clerical, communications, and day labor. Employment is close to a million in a city of four million.

That is the movie/tv business in Los Angeles. In addition there are sound stages, sound studios, film suppliers, trucking companies, advertising, and God knows what else. Only those of us who have cold called in LA for business realize how big this business is.

Now LA is in the process of kicking them out. This is a community of NIMBYs (Not in My Back Yard) people. They have run out the farming business, chicken ranching, milk production, the steel business, the car manufacturing business; in short every business that employs sweat labor has been chased. When the big business downturn hits here don't feel sorry for LA. We did it to ourselves.

A bunch of Latte' lappers and wine sniffers are bothered by film crews shooting movies in their neighborhoods and they will succeed in running this business out of town like they have run out all the rest. The business may end up in Canada or other states more than willing to have a non polluting business that will employ more than a million people. Movies MUST be shot outside. The movie producers will find another town with an outside good for shooting movies, one that actually wants the hundreds of millions of dollars generated by this business.

Oh yeah, the music business will follow because of the technology, sound stages, etc. that musicians need.

You can call LA "France with sun." And Indian Gaming.

Too dark a picture? Production is already way down and being shot other places. Coolest LA site? Could be LA Examiner but if you live in Frisco it's zero.

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