
Bush speech delivered while the Raiders were playing the Titans. This meant that I switched back and forth through the first quarter like every other patriotic American and I may have missed some subtlties like "fuck the French" and "Saddam is Howard Dean's best friend" but I got the main points between plays. I thought it was just OK. I think he is a weak speaker. The bomb he left sitting on every American living room floor was 87 billion dollars. This is what the freeloading element in the Democratic Left , led by Ted Kennedy and others to be named later, wants for welfare, free legal help, free college education, free heroin, and all the rest. This crowd, estimated at 20 million, see every dime not directed toward their agenda as stolen FROM them. The speech will do nothing to quiet this gang. The rest of us may see that we have no choice, but once again we are fighting the fight for everyone else in the world and we should remember that when they start whining for food this winter, or anything else. France and Germany are our enemies, not our friends, allies, or anything else.

His main point, that Iraq is the center of terrorism, will be attacked by the Left because they will say Bush CREATED Iraq as the center of terrorism, that it wasn't the center before the war. They will still ask "Where are the WMDs?", something Bush didn't cover. And of course all of us are concerned about an "exit strategy". There is always the specter of a Muslim Islamic state being elected; a cinch formula for civil war.

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