
Rush and drugs I commented a while back HERE and before that HERE about pain and what it did to me for almost a year. Today Kim du Toit runs a more graphic description. As I said in my post, don't throw stones at this particular glass house unless you have been hit with unending serious pain for months on end with no possible relief. One comment not on Kim's site: FOX, at least, has given a forum to several people who are really plugged into this OxyContin problem which has caused more addiction than Heroin, Cocaine, and other street drugs combined. All delivered legally, at first, but now available to any nine year old over the internet. I don't suppose any far Left types bother to read this blog, but all of us need to get together on these opiate pain killers available everywhere to everyone with a computer and a stolen credit card.

NOW a serious answer to a serious question: How can a person that is strung out on drugs function? I once had dinner with a judge who commented that he had never had a rich addict come before him. The discussion (we were all literary types) then revolved around the many famous rich people that functioned well in spite of their addictions. The old horror movie star Bela Lugosi (sic) was a raging heroin addict and never missed a line, a work assignment, or anyhting else. It seems that if you just maintain an opiate habit you function. The problem is, as in Rush's case, you end up taking huge quantities every day and only a rich person can do it. I hope Rush can kick it, but thirty days to kick a huge thirty pill per day opiate addiction ain't going to do it.

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