INTERNET TAX IS ABOUT TO HIT US. GO HERE This is too serious to ignore.
Today's WSJ:
Back in 1994, the National Commission on Wildfire Disasters warned that "millions of acres of forest in the western United States pose an extreme fire hazard from the extensive build-up of dry, highly flammable forest fuels." The commission's chairman told Congress that year: "The message we are trying to bring to you today is that there are millions of acres of federal forest in the inland west that need immediate intervention, to prevent an environmental and economic disaster."What we haven't had from either Clinton and now Bush is leadership. This is from today's Wall Street Journal.
.....the dominant Democratic model of environmentalism is stasis; it won't allow any policy that would "favor logging interests.All of you can rest easy in the assurance that logging companies didn't make one dime from the SoCal, Colorado, or Arizona fires. Not one dime from the billions in property damage, and not a penny from the tears of widows and orphans. Love them enviros.
Posted by
10/31/2003 04:31:00 AM
How does the LA Times cover the 7.2% rise in the GDP? They don't. The front page is devoted to praising the ousted GOVERNOR DAVIS in two slobbering pieces, the fires, TWO hit pieces on our disgusting Army guys (nobody was killed yesterday which has to piss them off), and one health piece (all begin on page 1A). NOTHING AT ALL ABOUT the economy. That is how the Left covers the biggest GDP rise in 19 years. They don't mention it. When they do, it is in the Business Section and is couched with stuff like
.....corporate America, whose cutbacks helped precipitate the recent recession (the recession was the fault of business)They then quote what they say are "most economists" calling for "only" 4% growth next quarter (a boom) when most that I know of are calling for 5%. It's really tough when people who want our country to go down the tubes realize that it is prospering in spite of them. These assholes will really be pissed when the Dow passes 10,000 in less than two weeks. When the Dow and S&P achieve new highs they will print it in the Women's Section along with the comics. Our propaganda machines keep on keeping on.
Business is finally coming out of its cocoon (in case you didn't get it)
....concerned about the economy's longer-term prospects, Wall Street showed little reaction to the GDP report
Posted by
10/31/2003 01:59:00 AM
Sullivan has written a typically misleading fruit piece tying being suspicious of homosexual infiltration of an organization with being anti-Semitic. Let me tell you from long personal experience that gays do infiltrate systems and they DO take over and dominate. They further will exclude everyone who isn't gay. All you have to do is check out Hollywood, and the West Hollywood government. Sullivan waving the anti-Semite flag is a sewer tactic used in a pseudo literate attempt to discount anyone who dares stand up. Anti-Semitism and watching perverts in a work place is not the same. Jews are not cruising little boys or teens for the purpose of sodomy, Jews are not sodomizing their friends. Jews are not working against family interests. Sodomy, sado-masochism, bondage, and dressing as the opposite sex are not the same as Jewish and everybody with half a brain knows it. You have probably already read the hypocritical hit piece, but if you haven't it is HERE Dishonest, morally corrupt, and oh so clever as usual.
Posted by
10/31/2003 01:30:00 AM
Red Cross SoCal Fire Disaster Relief.....Another 9/11 fiasco where funds go to lesbian re-hab centers and Mexican symphonies? Or will it REALLY go to the fire victims? I don't know but I AM sending bucks to an organization I have mistrusted my entire life, and with cause. The San Diego offices of The Red Cross have been one of the very worst in their whole sorry system. But whom else to donate? I'm giving but with a huge dose of suspicion. If these notoriously corrupt pieces of shit in San Diego mishandle this money they have to be shut down. GIVE, but then watch these pricks. The Red Cross has a typically corporate and impossible to figure out website that wastes an entire page patting themselves on the back trying to get you to forget their corrupt abuse of our gifts for 9/11, but you can go straight to the contribution page HERE. Many people who had homes in the fire areas are not rich and have lost everything. Give it a shot. They really need money.
Posted by
10/31/2003 12:58:00 AM
Email from a former insurance guy in CA thinks everyone should ask why in the hell wood houses were insured in the middle of the dense forest and underbrush. He states that the underwriting statistic of fire in these areas is 100% in a fifteen year period. Translated, this means premiums in excess of 100% of replacement cost every 13 years is necessary. Premiums like that would be prohibitively costly, therefore the State (taxpayers) underwrites these risks in an assigned risk program. AND, under the insurance theory of spreading the risk, everyone else pays higher premiums. Why are wood houses allowed? They've been there for years. Even new stucco homes could not have survived a fire in fifteen year old growth that has never been thinned out, courtesy of the environmental lobby. So far only FOX is mentioning the environmentalist contribution to this. People who had the dead trees on their own property cut them down at their own expense, but the government lands were not cut due to enviro nut pressure.
Posted by
10/30/2003 01:11:00 PM
7.2% 3 Qtr GDP??? Holy Shit!!!
Best since 1984, and "you know who" was president then. After the Reagan tax cuts. Shhhh, don't tell Liberals that tax cuts work.
Simply great great news and it is 7.8% if you discout inventories (inventories are subtracted from growth when they compute the numbers). But look how Reuters spins all this into a negative: "UPDATE - US jobless claims fall, employment costs rise". The always Left will spin this as the worst possible news. It is amazing. Jobless claims are down too, but not by much. Unemployment will drop to 6% or 5.9% on November 7. Look for a big number in December. A large part of the number is exports, and the Left spin on this is that we manufacture nothing. Mexico manufactures and we "put the stuff together" and this GDP is a fake. The Left dominate the media and get ready for them. Do NOT look for a repeat of this number for the 4th quarter.
Posted by
10/30/2003 06:31:00 AM
For those of you who questioned my emasculinity I took that "gender test" over at Gender Genie. Whew!!! I passed. My writing successfully hides my transgender tendencies and allows my homocidal rages to dominate. I am masculine as hell by a margin of 1777 to 361 (the 361 bothers me) so I am safe to read. BTW the word "so" is feminine so therefore I will stop using it. I speak to the dominant male in all of us and will remain totally committed to violence, gunplay, and limiting sexual foreplay to parking my car in front of her house. Please, please like me.
Posted by
10/30/2003 06:11:00 AM
Loss of more than 3,000 homes in CA fires WILL affect you no matter where you live. This is because the reserves of insurance companies are not set up to withstand this much in claims at one time. Your rates may go up in high risk areas, insurance will be harder to get, and you can blame environmentalists and their "save every dead leaf" policies. Read John Fund in today's Journal; the first and only main media to point the finger exactly where the finger should be pointed.
Posted by
10/30/2003 06:01:00 AM
If Daniel Pipes is not a weekly look for you, be sure you go there. Wahabi influences in this country are getting bolder and bolder, using the Left and "free speech" as a lever. Iraq is not the focal point for most Muslims; the U.S. is the focus and they are getting bolder and bolder. The Main Media blacks out everything Pipes says and does. This makes it a necessity for all of us to stay hip. This guy is the hippest. Particularly interesting to me is the re-registering of Arab-Americans(?) to the Democratic Party while at the same time Jews are re-registering Republican. If Jews in significant numbers move to the Republican Party this will have a huge change in the Republican Party. Face it, Jews bring an intellectual rigor to debate that is lacking in much of the GOP; they are highly active, educated, and passionately committed to principal. This could be very good news for this country. I have been saying for more than a year that the Liberal Party in this country is now the Republican Party, only nobody in the Party knows it. The Democratic Party is increasingly racist, anti-Semitic, and anti-business/pro Welfare State. Sort of a New French Party. While I stand by my post below, things do change.
Posted by
10/30/2003 04:55:00 AM
Proving that Bush never said the end game would be easy is not anybody's job but Bush's. Sullivan does a once over series of extrapolations of "what Bush really said" but Bush didn't do what a leader has to do, and that is lead. Leading is a 24 hour a day job, every day. He has failed. He obviously had no plan for Iraq that is working. The plan, if there was one, failed. To assert to us now that the attacks in Baghdad mean "we are winning" is like "we destroyed the town in order to save it". VDH said what HE THINKS the Bush policy is. Sullivan does ditto, and many writers also weigh in, but Bush goes to the ranch, the Far East, and firmly communicates bromides. None of us were prepared for the two killings per day because Bush didn't prepare us. He doesn't talk to us. Nothing guys like me can say is policy. Yes, I am pissed. Really pissed. I'd vote for anyone who would actually offer some leadership.
My belief is that Bush will be re-elected and then many will be through with the Republican Party. They led us into a war with no plan for resolution, with intel they had to know was poor by their past performance, and our troops were set up to be killed.
Nobody writing anything anywhere changes policy. Only Bush can set or change policy, and Bush is pathetically inadequate to articulate anything. We are at war. Bush puts a guy on trial for "rough interrogation", an interrogation that saved American lives. Bush is putting him on trial. Bush is the leader. "Stay the course", "we are winning", etc., etc. etc. is not leadership. Sick and wounded at Ft. Stewart are abused, only Senators bother to take a look. Now reports plus pix of the same taking place at Ft. Knox that will totally piss you off; If you can stand to read the whole thng I'll be surprised. This is Bush's fault. Wake up everybody. This is what we have in the White House, when he's not on the ranch.
Posted by
10/30/2003 03:26:00 AM
Notes on the SoCal Fire for those of you not living in California: there is not one word in local media about the environmentalist involvement in this disaster. Only the National Media, FOX and MSNBC, report the Sierra Club/Greenpeace legal attack on spraying dead trees, chopping them down, or allowing lumber companies to harvest them. They are responsible for all the damage and all the deaths. As far as residents here know it is just "one of those things" that could not have been avoided. A lie.
The now vicious Left print media and the education people who make up stories like the ones in the Temple of Evil here in LA about Schwarzenegger and now the horrid attack on Congressman George Nethercutt, an attack that is just plain lies.
We have now a Media Education Elite that is lying about everything that is news. How are we ever to find truth???? We can't. Not even about a fire.
Posted by
10/29/2003 04:45:00 PM
A ton of pro iTunes email and many trashing me for not loving it. Hey guys! I'm not an iPod guy. Not a Mac guy. I'm a Windows guy and this new iTunes is for WINDOWS. Their inventory sucks. Period. It may be the Killer Ap if and when they get an inventory, but right now it's just really cool for the new stuff. That is why swapping came into being. These assholes won't stock inventory and until they do people are going to steal. It's that simple.
Posted by
10/29/2003 08:00:00 AM
Go HERE for all you need to know about guns killing ravenous beasts and shooting down cans and bottles. Really good.
Posted by
10/29/2003 07:56:00 AM
An incredible SoCal Liberal Media remark I caught this AM. Some stupid bitch on the local CBS station bitching because the fire fighter emergency food center didn't have De-Caff coffee. Can you believe this bitch? While entire towns burn and firefighters are on the line for as long as 55 hours straight without any food other than a snack, this elite douche bag wants De-Caff coffee from THEIR food tent. Yes. That is who they are. Get ready for the law suit.
Posted by
10/29/2003 05:36:00 AM
Wal-Mart, NoCal, and McDonald's in the 60's as Contra Costa County near Frisco bans Wal-Mart from building a store. When I lived in Frisco in the mid-sixties the unions had successfully kept McDonald's completely out of the city, citing low wages and the usual Left Wing shit. It had everything to do with the unions. Keeping Wal-Mart out of Contra Costa is another union move prodded by the Retail Clerks Union. Not that they don't have a point, see my post on the low wage/low benefit problem (NYT reference may now require money), but banning a business is Communism or at least Socialism. How can you ban a business and not ban others doing the same business? The Left can do anything.
Posted by
10/29/2003 05:32:00 AM
Damage estimates are as bogus as an LA Times news story and exist only to get money to state bureaucrats from Federal Treasury (you). Let us suppose that 3,000 homes are destroyed. All covered for 100% replacement cost by insurance. Let us assume each house is 3,000 square feet, a rather large house by most standards. At $100 per square foot to rebuild it's $300,000; at $200 it's $600,000. So let's say $600,000 times 3,000 homes. That comes to a tidy one billion eight hundred million, But 3,000 three thousand square foot homes have not been lost. And it doesn't cost $200 per square foot to rebuild. The land is still there, it hasn't been lost. So these loony Left government aparatchiks are claiming damage to trees, bushes, and animals in an effort to get Uncle Sucker to cough up the bucks. Losses that have to be paid by the taxpayers would include all the time of the firefighters, the expenses of the equipment, and the reseeding expenses of the woods. There is some road damage too. BOTTOM LINE: Don't for a second accept the damage estimates that include the inflated raw land values in California or homes that are fully covered for replacement cost. Cost to taxpayers can't possibly be more than $30 to $40 mil.
Posted by
10/28/2003 04:03:00 PM
Some East Coast pricks are calling the fires in SoCal "Wag the Dog" fires meaning they are just more Hollywood fake stuff designed to get the Federal Government to give us a lot of money that we can then use to buy more medical marijuana to distribute to the wealthy in Bel Air. The question being asked to me is: have I actually seen a fire with my own eyes? I have to squirm and answer "no". The only fires I have seen is on the Left Wing TV Media and the only reporting is being done by the Left Wing Media elite reporters at the biased and lying LA Times. Have I actually smelled the smoke? I can't answer that because I was high on shit last night and don't know what I smelled. Have I seen smoke, or could it have been clouds? Absolutely could have been clouds with a sort of orange glow to them, a typically Left Wing type of statement.
In other words all the reporting on the so-called "fires" is being done by a bunch of Left Wing liars and hacks who haven't told the truth since Gore won the presidency. Should we believe them? Is this a bunch of movie special effects? Since I have not personally seen the fires I must caution all of you. What we need is a partially recovering Rush Limbaugh or a drug free Hannity actually seeing the fires and feeling the heat from same telling us before we believe these lying liberals. Why isn't G. Gordon Liddy reporting? Why has Ollie North been quiet? The National Review is strangely silent.
This is becoming very suspicious.
Posted by
10/28/2003 05:35:00 AM
Loony Left in LA has taken away our right to shit on the street; while the flames destroy homes the now homeless will be arrested for shitting on the street. Our city council is saving us. No lap dancing, no pictures of Arnold, and now the final despotic move. Think I'll move to Frisco where a guy can piss on a helpless old lady in peace. Next these fascists fucks will make it against the law to kill a cop or fuck a four year old. Vote Republican I say.
Posted by
10/28/2003 04:37:00 AM
The Baghdad attack: More and better intel is the cry from Bushies. Jesus Christ, our intel is terrible, has been terrible for years, and will be terrible for at least five more years. This inadequacy is caused by Congress. It was Congress that castrated the service. You cannot build an intelligence network in a few months. Add to that is the fear among Washington pros that Hillary will be elected in 08 and will rat out every spy we have everywhere. This is common talk from some people I know in D.C. and is gossip elsewhere. Our intel sucks because the Democratic Party is hostile to everything we are doing, hostile to the point of sabotaging us, sabotaging Israel, and supporting the Axis of Weasels. That is the truth.
Posted by
10/28/2003 04:04:00 AM
iTunes, a personal note: Their inventory of "old" music and specialty music like folk, country, Austin Progressive, etc., is very weak. If you are into Guy Clark, Townes van Zandt, Warren Zevon etc., you will find that Music Match has a far greater inventory, but Apple says they will have it solved by next year, far too late for Christmas. To sum it up: ease of use is super, inventory just OK. Like going into a beautiful grocery store with all the latest tech stuff but no butter and no fish.
Posted by
10/28/2003 03:45:00 AM
Markets and Economy
How do you make money off the California fires? At first thought you dump your insurance stocks. If you have a good one, hold it. This is because they have more than adequate reserves to cover the fire, no single company handles 100% of any risk, and in the scheme of things a few thousand homes burning up is no big deal insurance wise.
Building related companies; same thing. Building a few thousand extra homes is not going to fuel a big construction boom, a boom that is taking place anyway. This is a spectacular disaster, "groovy visuals" as they say in the business, slow moving unlike a hurricane, and long on human misery, but in terms of total damage it is minor compared to hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes. Big News today business spending is up. This is a major move.
I'd say there is no way to make money on the fires at all because in the grand scheme of things the damage being reported is to habitat (woods and endangered species) with actual home damage in the $50 million class. In fact it is safe to say that reported damage is completely bogus.
Posted by
10/28/2003 03:32:00 AM
Iraq's Tet Offensive took place over the weekend; a Ramadan offensive. In Viet Nam there was a huge Viet Cong attack over the Tet holiday there. In military terms it was a failure. In terms of U.S. media it was a triumph for the VC of VE Day proportions and the way it was presented here turned the entire country against the war in Viet Nam. This weekend's attack needs to be looked at in context of an attempt to cause the same U.S. revulsion that Tet did. We will see how our media "sell" our sell out of the Iraqis this time. Newsweek is already on the bandwagon.
Posted by
10/27/2003 04:21:00 AM
The SoCal grocery strike that is about to go national...IF....if it is successful here, and it looks more and more like the strikers will lose. I posted in detail what this strike is actually about but the bottom line for the clerks is that they are throwing away very good wages and benefits for a low skill job to make a stupid 1930s strike "statement". Most of us on the web live in middle class areas and don't realize what a grocery clerk in working class and lower class areas has to put up with. I once lived close to a Market serving that kind of area, and I want to tell you that the customers there are the most horrible people you can imagine. Every time I went in there a customer would assault a clerk either verbally of physically. There were FOUR guards inside the market to handle these semi-gangsters. All of the conflicts were over people trying to steal merchandise. So not all jobs are with polite and nice people. So give them combat pay to work in minority neighborhoods. The big chains are under assault by non-union discounters like Wal_Mart and management can't stay in business if some costs aren't cut. What happens here, or doesn't happen here, will be national.
Posted by
10/27/2003 04:11:00 AM
Drudge deserves some props for staying on the Ft. Lewis story. I doubt that anyone with less than a million hits per day could have caused Senators to bother. He stayed on it every day for at least ten days. That is what good newspapers used to do a long long time ago.
Posted by
10/27/2003 03:56:00 AM
The Return of THE KILLER AP
More on iTunes superiority here. Steven Jobs may have come up with the Holy Grail of programming, "The Killer Ap" if all the hype is true. Apple stock may soar on this one.
Posted by
10/27/2003 01:59:00 AM
More on the absentee president regarding the real disaster in SoCal. Can you imagine Clinton not being on TV and announcing FEMA assistance and what to do? This guy Bush is totally unplugged, just like his old man. Even Davis had the brains to do a "feel good" appearance signing papers that we all know had already been signed and sent to D.C. to our catatonic leader. That some bureaucrat will have to tell Bush to appear tomorrow or sometime before the end of the week says it all. BTW the fire has now spread to the San Fernando Valley, part of LA city. Maybe Condeleeza Rice will tell Bush he should say something.
Posted by
10/26/2003 10:08:00 PM
The trailer for the Reagan hit job on DNC/CBS has been released to some media and here is the way one of them sees it:
The video trailer shows clips drawn from the film and portrays President Reagan as an amiable dunce, manipulated by his scheming wife – a man who had little control over his presidency.Another view is in the Washinton Times
A controlling Mrs. Reagan making clear to White House aides: “You don’t call the president to tell him something, you call me.”
A forgetful Reagan who can’t even recognize his national security adviser, Robert McFarlane: “What’s you name?” Reagan asks McFarlane. McFarlane responds, “I’m your national security adviser; perhaps you don’t remember me.”
I thought about "the evidence" this week when I read CBS is about to broadcast a two-part "miniseries," "The Reagans." It depicts happenings and conversations in Ronald Reagan's life that never took place. The producers of "The Reagans" do not deny that. They present one of the great presidents of the 20th century as a dope and not always a very nice dope.It's worse, but I'm just getting to hate Hollywood and everything it stands for. Read it. Written, produced, directed, and starring haters.
Posted by
10/26/2003 09:28:00 PM
A disater directly affecting a quarter of a million people is blacked out in SoCal. Five raging fires and no TV coverage at all other than FOX cable which is not availble to millions right here in town. The only thing we know is that five fires are raging, 400 homes have been burned somewhere, electricity is down somewhere, the fires rage from Ventura to San Diego. We know nothing about specific location because the FOX guy is not from LA and doesn't know the area. This is disgraceful and you ought to consider the ramifications of any disaster in your town. A fire has broken out close to my daughter's house, a house that is unattended right now, and we have no way of knowing the situation. What would happen under other circumstances? A terror attack? A huge earthquake?
What we have is LABOR UNION TV. Triple time on Sunday for entire union crews is simply not in the cards for small local stations. What every community must consider is mandatory crews for at least one local station. This could be your city right now. WE ARE BLACKED OUT. We don't know what is going on other than 400 homes are gone as of an hour ago.Late addLocal TV started coverage at about 1PM, full 30 hours after three of the largest had been burning. It's even worse than I thought. 700 homes gone now.
Posted by
10/26/2003 11:33:00 AM
Want to see why Hollywood is shitting their pants??? Box Office Mojo has the grosses and they are really bad. A big movie like Mystic River is doing nothing is surprising. This is very early for the Thanksgiving slump. Maybe people really are pissed off at the Left Wing stars, and of course most movies are crap but they are always crap. It's just that we choose to be entertained. As I said, "Mystic River" is like a bad trip on LSD and you have to load up on anti-depressants before you go, but it is a BIG movie. It's hard to believe that we all got sick of these pretentious assholes at the same time.
Posted by
10/26/2003 08:50:00 AM
Here's a direct quote from Pelosi:
U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said on Friday police raids on dozens of U.S. Wal-Mart stores in the search for illegal immigrants this week amounted to "terrorizing" workers.So these illegals who take jobs from Americans are to be preferred over Americans who obey the law. This is Liberal Politics these days and I don't see how any union member can support these people. The Democratic Left is fucking us. Every day. In every way. Go here for just one of the disgusting stories, this one from Reuters..
Posted by
10/26/2003 08:21:00 AM
Confused about ITunes from Apple? I was because Apple, as usual, dosen't explain things very well and I thought I had to have IPod to use it. A very good total explanation in small words are here.
Posted by
10/26/2003 06:34:00 AM
Drudge Report has been down for more than 23 hours now up again at 8:15AM PST in what could be an organized attack. This is significant because Drudge, unlike most bloggers, has the latest tech complete with "mirror sites", and everything imaginable to block this stuff. This has implications beyond a "Right Wing" blogger being attacked. Drudge has more security than NASA.
Posted by
10/26/2003 05:07:00 AM
The gang rape phenomenon or more accurately the gang rape life style mentioned by my blog and Sullivan's last week is as pervasive as you can imagine. I did a pretty thorough search of stories, both through Google and other searches, plus a Nexus.
Gang rape is an exclusively young male activity. Here in the U.S. we have a four year rampage of it in New Mexico but it is entirely Mexican gang activity. There are only rare occurrences of whites engaging in it and mostly at a party and usually with a fully consenting female; a gang bang would cover it, not a gang rape. It seems that Black and Mexican gangs engage in gang rape all the time. However the problem around the world is 90% Muslim male activity, especially in Australia and Europe (Norway, Sweden, Germany, France especially). Wherever young Muslim males gather you can expect this activity, although there are no reports on any search engine of this activity going on in the U.S. The victims are always white females, always; except in France where attacks on Muslim young girls is common. In France, because the virginity of girls is so important, they rape Muslim girls anally and orally only; they rape white girls every way. That's it in a nutshell. But gang rape is a growing crime in this country having to do with Mexican and Black gangs. Girl gangs use it as an initiation rite as future gang members are beaten and raped in a ritual. This is going on because our always politically correct media will not report on "minority crime". Not worth writing more about, if you are curious about this subject there is plenty out there to read about.
Posted by
10/26/2003 04:58:00 AM
Notes on a Sunday For the first time in ten years I picked a sporting event correctly: Marlins in six. Pitching, speed, defense, and the best catcher in baseball. That's what I said, and if Wells hadn't got hurt I'd probably have been wrong. BUT I DIDN'T HAVE THE BALLS TO BET IT.
The fire in SoCal at 3:30AM it was 85 degrees one block east of Beverly Hills and winds blowing around 50mph off the desert. If you were watching any of the FOX replays of the reporter standing 100 feet from the flames and seeing all the brush explode around him you appreciate how bad it is here. Like an unending tornado. Nowhere near where I live but close to an ex-wife. The TV assholes reporting this are full of shit as usual. We have not had a drought. We have had big rainfall and all the brush has grown, in fact far more brush than normal meaning there is too much fire fuel. We never have rain here before November. The brush is green, but dry because it is native. Like any plant stem, brush has segmented stems or little branches that are segmented. What happens is that the small amounts of liquid, or explosively flammable sap, heats to the flash point inside each stem segment and expands as it vaporizes. The heat is so strong that brush as far away as 100 feet will just "boil inside" and explode as you saw on FOX. Every clump of brush becomes a bomb. Very scary.
Baghdad Hotel attack Nobody knows if this was a desperate act by a dying band or the show of real force by the still remaining and perhaps growing opposition. They wanted to kill Wolfowitz and that you can put in the bank. All opinions could be right on this one.
Posted by
10/26/2003 04:24:00 AM
Markets and Economy
Mutual Fund Corruption could be serious but Left Democrats don't care.
Remember, the Left Media wants BAD NEWS This week's decline based on poor profits for some companies is healthy as hell. I warned last week that the NASDAQ is once again the home for the nut cases and it got hit hard, but not hard enough. It needs to come down another hundred points or lag a big rally by a hundred. THIS WEEK IS HUGE. First, we are going to have the GDP and now the Left Media is chanting seven percent in order to throw up their hands in despair at five percent; five percent would be huge. Big numbers come out every day this week. JOBS, the real unemployment rate, comes out Friday, Nov 7th and that will be a major number. Meanwhile just look at your own numbers and pay no attention to the "noise".
ONE MAJOR PROBLEM and I think it is very big, is the corruption from top to middle in the mutual fund business. This is crucial because this is where mom and pop put their money and it looks like they have been robbed for years. How pervasive is this corruption? Let's hope it's just in five or six companies. If it is systemic a lot of people will bail and become socialists over night. Really watch the "noise" and news on this. I think this could wreck everything because it shows that presidents of Mutual Fund companies were stealing money from investors. Couldn't be worse. Watch it. Motley Fool has a nice piece.
What a total, complete disgrace. With this revelation, the mutual fund scandal has taken a step from being a crisis to being an absolute abomination. Where before we had the equivalent of a bank manager "accidentally" leaving the safe door unlocked, now the bank manager's loading up his own bag with your loot.There is more so go there. Forbes has been covering it well but they are next to impossible to access; I don't know why. MSNBC has a very good look; be sure to go there. I repeat, this is the very worst of bad news. If the Democrats had any brains at all or any integrity at all, and this is proof that they don't, they would be all over this as an example of what is wrong in this country. But then Bush might have to actually do something. Please, don't underestimate the seriousness of this situation.
Posted by
10/25/2003 06:55:00 AM
The Left comes out of the closet and will stage GET OUT OF IRAQ demonstrations in (where else?) San Francesspool and D.C.. They would have us abandon them to torture etc. and have America retreat into a Welfare State of government "care". That has always been their agenda and NoCal is the perfect launching pad. The always balanced Nation trumpets:
Iraq lies in ruin (that must mean the Welfare Offices are closed down), the US military occupation is generating a sustained guerrilla resistance (they mean the Baghdad zoo animals want more food), crime is rampant in Baghdad (U.S. soldiers arrested innocent terrorists) and an Iraqi civil war along ethnic and religious lines is a real possibility (like Berkeley anti-semites against the Jews). Against this background, the American peace movement--a diverse collection of dissenters that includes pragmatic conservatives (like David Duke, John Gotti, and the Nazi Party), concerned moderates (Louis Farrakahn, Seyed Mohammad Khatami, Momar Kadafi) , frustrated military families (Rommel's grandson, two former Gulag Guards, and Chairman Mao's third mistress) Arab-Americans (the Blind Sheik from Jersey, CAIR, and ANSWER), anarchists, peaceniks and more--is attempting to come up with demands and strategies that are both radical and realistic, that both challenge the Bush Administration and unite the opposition (a NAMBLA float at the new Pope's Vatican Parade and a Federal Holiday honoring the inventor of the Welfare Check), which plans to descend on Washington for a mass demonstration on October 25.Get ready for the Washington Post, New York and LA Times and the other usual suspects to "cover" this one.
Posted by
10/25/2003 06:26:00 AM
Weekly Standard is outing Arkin the oh so Left writer of the Boykin piece in the Temple of Evil. Hugh Hewitt writes:
Arkin cut his teeth with the lefty Institute for Policy Studies, and went from there to positions with Greenpeace, the Natural Resources Defense Council, and Human Rights Watch.Then FOX finally airs out the story they actually broke. It's buried inside Brit Hume's page.
ARKIN SET OUT to damage an administration he unquestionably loathes, and found an exposed target in Boykin. The usual suspects have gathered round to stone the general on the basis of edited reports compiled by an obvious ideologue....
The speech excerpts on NBC last week portraying Lt. Gen. William Boykin as an intolerant, religious zealot were furnished by William Arkin, a columnist for the L.A. Times and a consultant for NBC. In addition to the excerpts on tape, Arkin says he has transcripts of Boykin's full remarks. But despite promises to release those transcripts, Arkin has declined to do so.The Temple of Evil, noted far and wide for its bias (the phony picture of a U.S. soldier pointing a gun at Iraqi kids; the hit piece on Arnold, etc., etc., and on on) is still hiding the full transcript. This is just one more "hit piece" from the LA Times.
For the record, before the L.A. Times, Arkin worked for the Institute for Policy Studies -- a self-described "progressive think tank" run by, among others, outspoken war critic Harry Belafonte. And for Greenpeace -- the militant environmental group. And for Human Rights Watch -- the vehemently anti-war organization.
Posted by
10/25/2003 04:20:00 AM
The NYT agrees with me on the Rummy memo. It's nice to know they finally came around. I didn't even know it I guess there is a first time for everything. It's weird to note that so much of the blog automatically assumes the Times is wrong and goes into attack mode. My conclusion is the only one that makes sense if you think about it. Nobody sends a message to four guys. The leak to USA Today makes total sense; don't use the usual media, but the one with the largest circulation of any print daily in the USA. The usual suspects are pissed off, with the exception of the NYT. It was a master stroke from a master bureaucrat who knows his way around.
Posted by
10/25/2003 03:47:00 AM
After reading the remarkable VDH piece over at NRO ask yourself one more time why it is that Bush can't say this? Isn't that HIS FUCKING JOB? I submit that it isn't up to us, VDH, Sullivan, me, or anybody else to "interpret" our purpose. It is the president's job and only the president's. By this standard Bush is the worst president since Jerry Ford, who at least could articulate policy; yelling "fore" just after his golf ball nails an old lady is classic Ghengis Kahn and taking over for a disgraced predessor and then pardoning him is so totally Machiavelli many were calling him "Nico" Ford. Honestly, can you imagine FDR, Ike, JFK, Nixon, or any of them allowing this drift in Iraq without reminding us of what everything in the Middle East is about? Our policy is not VDH's policy, Hitch's, or anyone else's but Bush's. His refusal or inability to articulate clear policy and purpose is a disgrace. If there is somebody else to vote for in '04 you can bet I will take that route.
Posted by
10/25/2003 02:30:00 AM
Victor Davis Hanson over at NRO is always the best, but today he transcends himself with a really great piece. Read all of it. He nails it.
Posted by
10/24/2003 10:03:00 AM
Under the heading: even good reporters can get it wrong, my response to John Fund's piece on Schwarzenegger is posted on the Wall Street Journal response page .
Gridlock Would Be an ImprovementWe have a runaway legislature passing everything without debate. Arnold is going to have one hell of a time taming it.
Howard Veit - West Hollywood, Calif.
OK, Mr. Fund, but what gridlock? This has been a runaway Legislature, passing bill after bill for the last six months. Even in the face of the recall they have passed 100 bills, many of them big spending bills that have become law. The soon to be ex-governor has appointed over 100 ultraliberal judges guaranteed to void any legislation liberals don't like. Driver's licenses repeal is out of the question with Hispanics (Mexicans) vowing to die rather than repeal it and they have plenty of clout.
Without a viable Republican Party in this state, and it is pathetic, The Schwarz may have to govern by initiative and then take any resolution to the liberal judges on the courts who will find whatever resolutions are passed unconstitutional.
We have an über-left out here and unless the Republicans can create a real party, it will be like the song: "The Road Goes On Forever and the Party Never Ends."
Posted by
10/24/2003 06:31:00 AM
Rumsfeld's "memo" was treated fairly by the media BIG SURPRISE. Most said he was doing what any responsible and good manager would do. What gets me is this: either the leak was a traitorous act or it was a deliberate and pre-planned one. I lean to the latter opinion. When you send a memo to four guys, and four guys only, nobody is going to leak. Rummy wanted the memo out there, and you can take that to the bank.
Posted by
10/24/2003 06:09:00 AM
Sullivan today is commenting on the gang rapes in Paris and referencing the Muslim connection thereto implying that Paris is hell. Sullivan is an Oxford Brit living in a nice crib who doesn't get around except to go to Provincetown for the summer like all poor people do. Gang rapes as gang initiations into girl gangs has been going on for at least ten years that I know of here in SoCal. Gang rapes are common; blacks will gang rape white girls any time they get a chance but it is politically incorrect to say so. I am going to write further on this, but I think it is mostly a function of class, a revenge of the class against "them", "their" popular culture and mores, as well as the appearance in our culture of women who tell men what to do based on education and education only. More later. It ain't just a Muslim thing.
Posted by
10/24/2003 05:26:00 AM
Dislike for "Left" Hollywood and political stances of stars is responsible for the tanking of TV ratings and the collapse of movie going, at least opines O'Reilley on FOX. My opinion regarding TV is posted from early this week but I think the O Man may have a small point. I find myself not wanting to go or watch for precisely that reason. I know it's immature but I'm not missing something I actually want to see. I'm pissed off too. I don't know how many of you out there feel the same way, but there are probably a measurable minority of people who do. The total failure of the movie starring the gorgeous and hot Zeta Jones with the total loser and gutless George Clooney is a case in point. Another may be "Mystic River" starring all the usual suspects which is doing poorly; possibly because it may be the worst bad trip any of us have had since dropping out college to find God only to discover that God wanted us to stop doing drugs and support a family. It stars "Baghdad Sean Penn" and the Bush Hating Tim Robbins as two whacked out guys who have psychotic wives (who probably hate Bush too), and as the saying goes "none of them will laugh again til Rush Limbaug ODs", another way of saying this movie is not a fun night out. BTW, this "Oscar" film has actors in it that can't do a New England accent and sound stupid most of the time when they try, is too long by at least 20 minutes (it gets boring), and can only be recommended for the acting, which is terrific. BUT you won't leave the theatre with a smile on your face unless your date was giving you a blow job during the showing. Now, find THAT kind of a review in the New York Times, I dare you BTW for sheer entertainment always go to BadJocks dot com. Twelve year olds giving hummers to coaches etc., etc., etc.
Posted by
10/24/2003 02:59:00 AM
The Google IPO....DON'T TOUCH IT if it is going to be an on line IPO. People on line are notorious cheapskates and flakes, what is known in the investment world as "WEAK HANDS". What this means is that they will sell a stock at the first sign of uncertainty or, as in the Enron fiasco where a mob of market dummies ignored chart signals that were obvious, just stand around like a bunch of morons while their stock deteriorates and whine later. People like this distort a market. Don't touch this thing if the IPO is issued on line as is being rumored. BTW, this is a $15 stock but it is a "tech stock" so it could go to $50 right away. If you want to buy it wait for the fall. And BTW, Google News is a fucking joke. Mediocre to say the least. Example: this AM they are running WEDNESDAY'S news on the World Series as new. Also, if you attempted to find the "Boozing High School Cheerleading" story there you could not. Not exactly a winner for Google. And then there is Blogspot, which by the way they have finally straightened out, but for a while it was a disaster. Now it is very good. and the best bang for the blog-buck out there. I can now tell people to use it. You didn't see any sites hosted by them go down, and plenty of us would qualify as "Jew loving zionist drug dealing rock and roll satan loving American fucks".
Posted by
10/24/2003 02:25:00 AM
FOX NEWS WEBSITE IS PATHETIC as they "out" the LA Times (Temple of Evil) on the Times coverage of the religious remarks made by Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin. It seems the LA Times reporter has a long series of links with ultra Left and anti-war groups and causes. He also won't come up with the transcripts. FOX is third rate. Their website is not even ten percent of MSNBC.
Posted by
10/23/2003 03:44:00 PM
Coulter today is just the facts without the bile (well a little bile). Good read.
Posted by
10/23/2003 07:05:00 AM
Moral decay or just kids getting caught doing what we all did? Boozed up high school cheerleaders HERE but are we going overboard with this stuff? Kids are kids and these girls were not a danger to themselves or anyone else. No TV for a week covers it.
Posted by
10/23/2003 07:00:00 AM
Picket Line violence breaks out in SoCal grocery strike. You could see this coming a mile away. First day of strike the pickets lined the curbs smiling and laughing. The union picked Hooters waitresses or something as tightly dressed pickets I guess, because the picket lines were mostly babes. This changed within two days. By the end of the first week pickets were getting angry and standing and glaring at passing traffic. Now they attack replacement workers with baseball bats and stalk them. This is what happens when jobs are threatened. This strike is completely un-necessary as I posted a week ago. Management is threatened with bankruptcy. The Union workers are threatened with loss of jobs and medical care coverage. A formula for violence, while both avoid talking about the real issue: Wall-Mart and their non-union low paid and benefit poor work force stepping into the local market. Get ready in your town.
Posted by
10/23/2003 06:48:00 AM
AS BLOGS GET BOOOORRRRRINNNNG because the main media is getting better at reporting stories. I was reading Reynolds this AM and realized I already knew everything he was referencing. Same has been true for almost two weeks. Drudge breaks things because he is a real reporter. The rest of us, including me, better start to write. Blogs as we exist right now have fulfilled their function, which was to force Big Media to cover stories. They are doing it now. Every blog is just a rehash of news from some big media.
Posted by
10/23/2003 03:27:00 AM
LET THE DRUG OUTING BEGIN Matt Lauer is the latest drug hit. You will see a ton of these now because the entire Show Biz World is "drugs, sex, rock and roll". I don't know what drugs these "oh so thin" babes on MSNBC and some other outlets are using to stay skeletal but you can bet they are taking something; FOX has meaty babes. The steroid use by big name athletes is news too. What will go past our consciousness for a while is that most people with sufficient money to support their drug use can use them and still function perfectly; I personally know at least five who are stoned all day long and are very successful. There will be a brand new discussion of drug use. Get ready.
Posted by
10/23/2003 03:05:00 AM
More on the Mempham High sexual "hazing" of football players story, link courtesy of Bad This story reveals a student body, and by inference parents, that are morally equivalent (actually bankrupt) to a fault. Here are some of the excerpts from a story. Keep in mind the lead perp is a huge lineman with a rep of bullying:
1. "the victims were laughed at in the halls, called “faggot” and “broomstick boy.”Long story but read the whole thing. Might say something about where you live.
2. "Nor did he (principal) suspend the three alleged perpetrators, and as a result, they were allowed to walk the hallways of Mepham High for nearly two weeks "(terrorizing the victims further).. ...
3. “The kid that did it, I feel so bad for him,” the boy says. “I don?’t even care what they did.”
"What about the boys who were raped? I ask.
“Two of the kids are underclassmen, little kids,” he says. "He really couldn't do anything about it. But one kid who got it in the shitter, he’s just like a fag.”
“Yeah,?” he says. “I heard the kid liked it.”
4. "In July, when Reichstein’s son, an incoming freshman, showed up for football practice, a junior on the team—the lineman—started calling him and some of the other boys “pussy,” “faggot,” and “cocksucker.” Reichstein went to McElroy. He says the coach said, “Okay, I’ll handle it.” From that moment on, the junior stopped calling Reichstein’s son “faggot” and started calling him “tattletale boy.”
Posted by
10/22/2003 05:29:00 AM
At the heart of Right to Life is the current "dispute" over the brain dead woman in Florida being fed through a tube. Due entirely to the Media Blackout of all Right to Life discussions most of us are not aware of the "other end" of the Right to Life movement. Right to Life means when you are 80 as well as in the womb. The public expense of maintaining dead people has been kept from the public, mostly because the Left wants abortion and have shut down debate. Debate would include pictures of dead fetus. While you look at this story consider that it is happening within the context of the Right to Life movement, and that you are STILL being denied context.
Posted by
10/22/2003 04:53:00 AM
The so-called terror attack on bloggers. They are whining about terror attack without an ounce of proof. The paranoia and self importance of too many of us is on display. Hosting Matters, the server these people use is cheap cheap cheap. It has gone down before for various reasons, most of which have to do with the fact that they haven't put in the firewalls and other goodies that more expensive servers provide. There are things wrong with Blogspot, the service I use, but being a bunch of cheap assholes is not one of them. Google knows the business and has the right stuff. You get what you pay for.
Posted by
10/22/2003 04:29:00 AM
FINALLY, Ft. Stewart makes the New York Times..... the story that has been sitting around since last Thursday when Reynolds and then Drudge broke it makes the big time. Why oh why did it take so long? Where was the media? The NYT just gives it a fast once over but at least it is out there now.
Posted by
10/22/2003 02:55:00 AM
Men want to watch other men who won't get pushed around, ever. Men want to watch women who are accessible and desirable sexually, without dealing with some smart mouth bitch.
Where are the TV viewers?? That's the cry from the Ferrari set in LA this week. More accurately, where is the young male? TV ratings are in the toilet. I work in an office with lots of young males and I talk to lots more. For the last two weeks everybody was watching baseball, many for the first time in their lives. Second, a hell of a lot of the young guys are betting on games: NFL, college, anything that there is a line for. Third, and I think this may be a function of the availability of pornography, they hate the asshole women who are on TV. And their contempt for "the fucking wall to wall fags" is a constant.
This last subject is worth talking about. Here in SoCal we have at least four Mexican channels to choose from. The Mexican channels are loaded with total babes. I mean tits and ass for days; and hot hot hot looking. BUT they talk Spanish and nobody white speaks Spanish. A ton of guys (even me) just turn on the sets to the Mexican stations, turn down the sound, and just watch the babes while they are doing other stuff. I know this sounds weird but all the guys are doing it. I used to think I was the only one, but EVERY man is doing it.
Movies, and theatre before that, always featured gorgeous women that guys wanted to fuck. That was the function. No sex appeal, no female stars. Nobody wants to fuck the hard ass, sort of pretty hustlers that star in the current crop. That's the truth but the homosexual, liberal, Left Wing "everybody is the same" crowd hasn't understood; and don't want to understand. Men won't watch soft men get pushed around by women. Period. That is why the violence of the NFL and football in general sells. Men want to watch other men who won't get pushed around, ever. Men want to watch women who are accessible and desirable sexually, without dealing with some smart mouth bitch.
That's it TV execs. And as for Joe Millionaire? All of us, regardless of age, were embarrassed watching those chicks getting ripped off. It seemed mean. What did they do to anybody to be subjected to something like that? Skin? It looked arty and stupid during the playoffs. As for the sit-coms? I've always hated those stupid sit-coms and maybe the taste of young males is coming down to my level. Stories are fantasy, desireable fantasy, not this parade of bitches and fruits we are being subjected to.
Posted by
10/22/2003 02:35:00 AM
Both Bill Quick and Glenn Reynolds are down probably because they both use the same dirt cheap server that has gone down before. Then it could be a terrorist. Or a Sex Pervert trying to screw them.
Posted by
10/21/2003 01:13:00 PM
Ft. Stewart GI Neglect Story
Finally breaks in Washington Times, hat tip to emailer JK and God only knows why this story has gone unreported except for Drudge for five days. Somebody please tell me why NOBODY has covereda this. Without Drudge keeping on this story it would disappear. BUT THIS MAKES THE WASHINGTON POST RIGHT AWAY Thirty out of 1300 soldiers supposed to return to Iraq after a 30 day leave have not shown up. Many may have extenuating circumstances. But this kind of story is jumped on by the Left Media RIGHT AWAY.
Posted by
10/21/2003 07:52:00 AM
Braden has some great stuff today. Read this piece if you want to know what bravery is, and all he got was a medal. Braden is also seeking help for those interested in helping verify Goldbach's conjecture, one of those totally bs math things that will help nobody do anything ever in this world: "Every even number larger than 2 is the sum of two prime numbers". There may be a prize, but I doubt that it will anything useful like free pussy or designer drugs for two for a year. Braden has a really good site and one of my favorites and the link above is a real must must read.
Posted by
10/21/2003 04:34:00 AM
Did any of you believe that the Hollywood Left would do a movie about Reagan without smearing the shit out of him. They HATE him. This is their chance to rewrite history and they are going to take it. The script was "leaked" to the Left New York Times by the ever so left Leslie Moonves a huge Democrat supporter. Drudge has the stuff as does the New York Times in a relatively balanced, for them, piece today. I'm getting to the point of not wanting to go to the movies any more. Barbra's hubby plays Ronnie and and and.....
Posted by
10/21/2003 03:20:00 AM
One other outlet has gone after this mysteriously blacked out story broken last week by Reynolds and Drudge. But it is still only a UPI report and EVERYBODY is leaving it alone, including FOX. Curiouser and curiouser as Alice would say, and this does seem like Wonderland.
Posted by
10/20/2003 06:02:00 PM
Dems drift closer and closer to an anti-Semitic party Check out the New York Sun piece, and if you don't want to read it all just go to Opinion Journal and scroll down.
Posted by
10/20/2003 05:45:00 PM
I have met some real Bush Haters they work in my office and boy oh boy to they hate. They get daily emails from Democratic Web Sites; Bush is a fag, the father of an illegitimate child, a liar, someone who is a thief, and anything anybody can do (and I mean anything) to keep him from being re-elected has to be done. They ain't kidding and they smile when they say it. They also have verse by verse indictments of Bush I. Totally crazy and totally serious.
Posted by
10/20/2003 03:59:00 PM
Markets and Economy
This weeks jobless claims are actually important because all signs point to a red hot recovery underway. Many economists look at commodity prices as a guide and boy are they ever hot. National Center for Policy Analysis has a good breakdown.
Therefore, the upswing that we have seen in commodity prices is a strong sign of a turnaround -- but of course, with a lag.Soybeans at $7 is almost unheard of; cattle above eighty cents ditto. The Commodity Research Bureau Index (CRB) is near 250 (212 is considered average). All accross the board we have higher commodity prices. Metal prices have skyrocketed to a 30 percent rate from a 5 percent decline-rate over a year ago. Raw industrials have moved from 0 percent to 21 percent plus. JOBS is the most important statistic of all and this weeks usually "not that important data" will be significant. Check out Kudlows piece which is a rehash of some of his earlier stuff for more. Of course eventually this will be inflationary.
* As prices rise, profitability returns, leading to new investment and the rehiring of laid-off workers.
* As aggregate incomes rise, sales increase further, leading to economic expansion.
Posted by
10/20/2003 03:48:00 PM
I've been saying Bush is in trouble for months and you should read John Derbyshire in NRO if you doubt it. This guy is just not capable of expressing a coherent policy.
Posted by
10/20/2003 03:36:00 PM
The latest in media chutzpah (hutz-pa) is the attack on Bush for leaking the CIA agents when it is the media itself that is responsible for covering up the crime, if there was a crime.
Posted by
10/20/2003 07:27:00 AM
1. The DA will be defeated in the next election
2. The chief of police in Eagle county will be ousted along with most of the force.
3. Bryant will sue the county for his lost income; figure 100 million dollars.
You bet the DA should be looking for a deal. The problem is that you can only plea-bargain a criminal case. You can't make it "go away". How the hell the county can win a case where the cops didn't secure a crime scene, didn't run any tests of the crime scene, and ignored the hospital tests is the stuff TV trials are made of. And the feminists will be drooling and sobbing when the "poor" victim takes the stand claiming she shouldn't be cross examined at all. FOX wanted an exclusive but have decided not to press it.
Posted by
10/20/2003 05:36:00 AM
Anybody under the age of fifty should read the Michael Ledeen analysis of facism at NRO. It's important that all of us distinguish between the now cartoonish Hitler and what this movement actually meant during the 20s, how world wide this attraction was, and exactly what it really is. He is correct that we face fascism once again. What he leaves out is that the same people who were attracted to it during the twenties, the college crowd and women, are the fascist Left of today. Looking at pictures of the clownish Hitler we cannot imagine the appeal he had for women, but he did. If any of you have seen the Leni Riefenstahl bio pic you saw how in love with Hitler this dangerously talented old lady still was, even at the age of 90. Ledeen makes a hell of a point, but it takes some imagination to realize the appeal of this form of leadership and government.
Posted by
10/20/2003 05:10:00 AM
In case you aren't on this from yesterday the Washington Post is continuing the coverage of how easy it is for your kids to get drugs over the web. Forget your tolerance of recreational drugs. This is Oxycontin, Vicodin, and any other opiate anybody wants. Read up.
Posted by
10/20/2003 04:52:00 AM
MORE on story NOBODY will report on the lack of medical care for U.S. troops over at Drudge and nowhere else.
PENTAGON TO INVESTIGATE TREATMENT OF SICK, WOUNDED TROOPSWhy this story is not being reported anywhere else is a mystery to me.
Sun Oct 19 2003 19:32:21 ET
The Pentagon will dispatch a team to investigate claims that hundreds of sick and wounded soldiers, including many who served in the Iraq war, are languishing -- sometimes for months -- to see doctors, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.
Posted by
10/19/2003 07:23:00 PM
Might tug your heart, for sure you will think if you log on to this Military Family website. These people need us so give it a look. The creed for this particular battalion is:
Of every one-hundred men, ten shouldn't even be there,
eighty are nothing but targets, nine are real fighters...
We are lucky to have them, they make the battle...
AH but ONE, one of them is a Warrior... he will bring the others back
- Hericletus c. 500 B.C.
Posted by
10/19/2003 06:32:00 AM
First reported by UPI on Friday and picked up by Reynolds then picked up by Drudge, this story is only seeing the light of day in Military papers. No FOX, no talk radio, nothing. Is it true? Nobody is backing down, but nobody is reporting it either. This story could be a fake. I have tried to contact Ft. Stewart, the Ft. Stewart Wives club etc., but nada.
Sick U.S. Troops Held In SqualorI'm sure you've read it already. If not go to Military dot com and read it.
United Press International
October 18, 2003
FORT STEWART - Hundreds of sick and wounded U.S. soldiers including many who served in the Iraq war are languishing in hot cement barracks here while they wait, sometimes for months, to see doctors.
The National Guard and Army Reserve soldiers' living conditions are so substandard, and the medical care so poor, that many of them believe the Army is trying push them out with reduced benefits for their ailments. One document shown to UPI states that no more doctor appointments are available from Oct. 14 through Nov. 11 - Veterans Day.
Posted by
10/19/2003 05:31:00 AM
Markets and Economy
And that is what scares Marty Zweig, one of the best advisors out there. One of Zweig's biggest market indicators is the number of "experts" who are bullish or bearish and when 80% go either way he thinks it is time to put up the warning flags. That is why he is now very cautious, but fully invested.
If you watched William O'Neil on TV this last week you saw the best of the best tell you why he is bullish and what to watch for. My worry is that EVERYONE is now seeing a Dow 11,000 very soon. I'm with O'Neil and Zweig: keep on keeping on. Watch your numbers and your numbers only. The name of the game is still JOBS. Too many people now see a potential for seven percent growth in the fourth quarter when only dopes like me were saying this three months ago. Let's see. Things just can't get that good. Or can they.
Posted by
10/19/2003 03:51:00 AM
More to grocery strikes than meet the eye and you are going to have big time strikes in your neighborhood soon. The reasons are spelled out in today's New York Times and they are simple: Wal-Mart
Wal-Mart has already helped push more than two dozen national supermarket chains into bankruptcy over the past decade.They pay workers much lower wages and no medical coverage. Who's fault is this? I blame the stupid unions who as a part of their contracts with management owe those managements something in return; that something is that they organize the workers in the competitive stores so they can maintain wages and benefits, something not mentioned in the oh so Left Times piece.
A big savings for Wal-Mart comes in health care, where Wal-Mart pays 30 percent less for coverage for each insured worker than the industry average. An estimated 40 percent of employees are not covered by its health plan because many cannot afford the premiums or have not worked at Wal-Mart long enough to qualify.Meaning that Wal-Mart employees more than often are taken care of by public assistance when they get sick or injured. Unions are supposed to prevent this but they have become lazy as hell.
What to do? Here's what. The grocery clerks are faced with ruinous job losses caused by low cost non-union workers staffing big competition. They have consistently failed to effectively organize, mainly because they are too lazy and partly they are too stupid to follow every worker who gets sick and is forced onto Public Assistance and publicize it. But what they really need to do is get together with the stores who have had the decency to sign contracts with them, pay workers a decent wage, and provide for health care and go to war. I would drop wages in every Wal-Mart area to next to nothing if need be in order to cut grocery costs at union chains by fifty or sixty or even seventy percent while maintaining picket lines around Wal-Mart comparing prices. But this takes real balls and a commitment. Something lacking in this society.
Posted by
10/19/2003 03:22:00 AM
Especially if you have kids link HERE to WaPo expose of illegal prescription drugs. In case you don't know about it, anybody can get anything and the chances of the stuff being good are less than 50%. If you're sick you might still get stuck with bad stuff no matter where you buy it.
Posted by
10/19/2003 03:08:00 AM
The Left strikes in LA......AGAIN First they ban lap dancing and now they ban a movie ad featuring Arnold. They say there is no coincidence that they hate the new gov, opposed the recall, and are now taking vengence. Of course they sit on their asses over union corruption.
Posted by
10/18/2003 11:32:00 AM
A good idea from Kim du Toit on the Iraq 87 bil if you haven't been there today. Check it out. But the idea makes too much sense for the politcal class.
Posted by
10/18/2003 10:13:00 AM
IF THE PRESIDENT HAD BALLS RUMSFELD WOULD BE FIRED In a story so horrible it's hard to believe it is true, our guys are rotting in squalor at an army hospital, their benefits reduced, while receiving substandard care. While our glorious so-called leader is on a tour he can drink toasts with foreigners over losing a vote in the Senate and THIS. I'm sure Glenn Reynolds picking this up late yesterday (HE WAS THE FIRST ON THE WEB) is the reason Drudge got it, but Drudge has a million hits a day. I say it again, had Clark challenged Bush in the Republican primary Bush might well have lost. At 3AM PDT no papers have picked up this story. Let's hope it is false. The Temple of Evil (LA Times) is too busy digging up dirt on Arnold, pissing and moaning that the EVIL REPUBLICANS are going to use the initiative process to get rid of illegals having drivers licences, and covering up the MTA union's stealing of their health funds to bother. Hey, it's a free press at work.
Posted by
10/18/2003 05:00:00 AM
How anti-Semitic will the Democrats become for the Arab so-called American vote in Michigan and New Jersey? Top Dems are campaigning there now. We are about to find out. Watch for code word politics as they try to retain the UAW and the anti Semitic and anti-Israel "Arab so-called American" vote. Bottom line is that there have never been that many Jews in this country and they are very vulnerable to a "safe" anti-Semitic political party. Dangerous Times. Blacks are overtly anti-Semitic and have found a home in the Democratic Party, and in fact are called liberals; the entire college elite is now anti-Semitic and call themselves liberals and Democrats, so who is next? I'm really worried. I don't think that Easterbrook made that much of a "mistake" when he attacked the "Hollywood Jews"; I think he was finding his audience. See agenda below. Late add here Easterbrook was an employee of ESPN and has been fired for his piece that was written in the New Republic. Just another example that if you take their money you better do the PC things they want. Nobody is as PC as ESPN. I have freeedom of speech. I am broke.
Posted by
10/18/2003 04:52:00 AM
Guest lecturers will include men of the cloth (you know who they are), university presidents and professors, (some surprise guests here), and representatives from civil rights organizations like JOE (Jews Own Everything), BAD (Blacks Against the Devil), and HIRK (Hispanic Intellectuals Ready to Kill). Learn what the problem really is: JEWS.
1. "Jews Lend Money and Want to be Repaid"; this vicious practice exposed for the first time by MEChA biggie Jose deLa Cruz, Ph.D., hear how he was lured into borrowing millions by international Jewry, who then demanded he make payments. He is now destitute and will accept cash donations.
2, Jews Eat Shit; taught by the Reverend Kwaljaki Zebranolk Moore from the Christ is Risen Church of the Downtrodden Church and Mosque at Harvard University. Kosher isn't what you think. To Jewish women cooking is sex.
3. "The Truth about the So-Called Holocaust" taught by Hans and Abdul von Khalid. How a miracle weight loss program has been used to smear Germany and France.
4. "The Truth About Democracy and Israel" taught by Robert Mugabe, the grand old man of African Politics; if he gets killed or jailed the course will be taught through international TV hookup by the legendary Mr. Bin Ladin. Learn how this now discredited form of government has caused trouble wherever it has appeared. The U.S. and Britain led Israel to adopt this alien form of government in the middle of the desert. Millions of Arabs have died because some of them wanted this democracy. Wanted to kick out their leaders and replace them with scum from the streets. You can't count the number of people who have died trying to promote this sinister system within countries like China, Cambodia, Syria, and Iran, and many more millions will die. Israel is guilty of genocide by promoting this vicious, unholy, and criminal philosophy. Iraq, Syria, Iran, and a hundred other countries have rejected this evil Satan as espoused by Israel. Voting is a sin against God. Israel is a sin against God.
5. "Jews become Judges, Lawyers, Accountants, and Doctors so they can Control Everything"; learn how these people actually go to school instead of playing basketball, many starting to learn reading as young as five or six years old, how they secretly study and pass tests so they can take over. Taught by Homeless Advocate Tim Duncan. Tim who with only a seventh grade education, performed brain surgery on his mother, and then defended himself against charges of practicing medicine without a license AND murder in a court of law and WON. Degrees are unnecessary and a creation of the Jews designed to keep everyone else out.
Additionally there will be singing and dancing, group sex, unbridled drug use, a rare appearance by Allah, and hot dogs. Learn, Have Fun and vote Democratic.
Posted by
10/18/2003 04:50:00 AM
Lots of the bloggers are gun guys. Here's why I don't own one.
I grew up in rural CA and all the guys were duck and deer killers as soon as the lice ridden shits were in season. I went duck hunting ONE time and discovered that ducks live like a bunch of animals. I froze my ass off in a blind for hours, shivering in freezing water like a dip shit moron blowing threw a quacker so a stupid bird would think I was a duck and come close enough for me to blow away. Then a bunch of birds flew over and I blasted. Guys patted me on the back because I "nailed one of the cock suckers", a dog brought a duck back, I took it home, ripped its fucking head and feathers off, cleaned out its guts, cooked it, and when I started to eat it I was spitting buckshot during the whole meal. So I decided fuck shotguns and ducks. If I want to hunt a duck I'll just kill a chef in a warm kitchen.
Deer were also very big. All the guys came to school armed to the teeth on the day before deer season opened so they could leave school and head out; nobody went to football practice the first day of deer season. I had a 30.06 and I could hit targets at 100 yards. As everybody knows, deer are the biggest assholes in the animal kingdom. Most of my friends cried in the movie when Bambi lived. Deer know when deer season has started and they hide. You can't shoot the women deer (feminist assholes again); you can only shoot the men. I walked ten miles up mountains and shit and then my buds showed me how to sit in a fucking tree like a goddam squirrel and wait for a deer to come strolling by. I was dressed like a Marine, smeared with anti smell that stunk, and squatted for half a day with ants crawling up my asshole, sweat dripping into my eyes, and farting like a volcano which I knew the deer would smell and avoid me. Finally a woman deer comes by. I hated that bitch on sight but I held my fire. Soon a man shows up with those "shoot me shoot me antlers" and as I'm about to open up on the son of a bitch ten shots rang out, scared the shit out of me and I fell out of the tree and fractured my arm. The deer was dead and three guys come charging out of the brush and start to fight over it. I headed back to the car.
So I say fuck hunting. If God wanted me to hunt he'd have deer and ducks walking in front of my couch. But this is just to let you know that I'm not afraid of guns, I know how to use them, I was in the service where I was taught how to kill humans (well not humans exactly: anti-Capitalist gook mother fuckers). So I'm OK with guns.
So let's cut to the riots. The Blacks are burning LA and I have three hundred reels of my feature film sitting in a truck transfer company located in the middle of Watts. There is no way I'm going to let a bunch of Black assholes burn my movie and ruin me. I have three little kids so I have no guns in the house. I borrow a pistol from my father in law and head into the horde of hate filled rioting black assholes just spoiling to kill white people. I know this because they are all over the tube telling us exactly how they are going to blow all white people away, and that they are ENTITLED to blow us away. I drive down Vermont Ave into the jaws of hell. I don't see one black person for at least two miles, even they didn't want to fuck with the rioters. I stop at traffic light the corner of Vermont and Washington and three young black guys show up. I am headed south in the northwest traffic lane intending to turn east (left) and these black guys are standing on the northeast side of the street looking directly at me. They start yelling shit like white mother fucker and one takes a step toward me.
Now, I could have driven straight ahead, there was no traffic in the middle of the riot. I could have turned right. I could have even jammed my foot on the gas and turned left. But no. I had "the old equalizer" and nobody was going to push me around. I got it out of the glove compartment, rolled down the window and pointed it at the guys. I called them names and I told them I wanted to kill them. That I would love to kill them. Luckily for me they ran, had I shot one or two of them I'd have gone to jail.
When I got to the trucking company I started to shake. I was in shock at what I had wanted to do and had almost done. That is the last time I had a gun, either on me or in my house. I should not ever have a gun. I am a nut case.
I don't project my own shortcomings on others. I know tons of people who own them, go shooting, target practice, and so on. Sometimes they go months without killing someone. People who live in rural areas go hunting all the time. They even hit some of the animals they point their guns at. They have fun. It's recreation and they are entitled to have that fun. Some are probably a little weird and if they blank on the deer they might shoot a puppy or a kitty on the way home just to feel good about themselves, but no harm no foul. Plenty of people living in the cities realize that the police response time is thirty minutes at a minimum and they absolutely need something to combat the criminals the ACLU claims have rights to enter your home and do what they want as long as they don't smoke while they are doing it. I think people should have the choice to arm themselves. There is no record anywhere of a woman being raped by a guy with a bullet in his head.
Now the Constitution. The "right to bear arms" was passed because Congress knew our infant country could not put armies into the field and protect a frontier population stretched over a 1,500 mile front. The Brits and French had armed the Indians with the latest weaponry and the Indians knew how to use them, and did use them. Congress knew it was "every man for himself" out there and that the frontier population had to be ready to defend themselves because the United States could not do it. They not only gave people the right to bear arms but the duty to bear arms or get what was coming to them.
The argument is made by many that had the Indians been given AK-47s and tanks that the Congress would never have allowed the population to have them. A bogus argument on its face. What they did not envision was that a criminal class would grow up, own guns, and use them to rob and kill people whenever they wanted to. Lets face it. We have a population under siege by the modern "Savage"; the urban gangs. It is still "every man for himself" in our cities. Hundreds of thousands of square miles that our government cannot protect. Thank God we still have the right to defend ourselves. Liberals want to take that right away.
I have given up owning a gun, for now, and it is my free choice. I can always change my mind. I will have that right until the ACLU wins. I do worry sometimes that the guy in the apartment below me will get high on crack and open up on the ducks he thinks are flying on his ceiling, but that's life in the Big Orange. It beats the hell out of living in France.
Posted by
10/18/2003 02:30:00 AM
World Series Pick:-----Marlins. Team speed, outfield speed is huge and great arms; infield doesn't make any mistakes, best catcher in baseball keeps Yankees from stealing anything, and most of all: better pitching. Lost in all the Cub crying is that the Marlins should have won the series in six games but the two young pitchers of the Cubs kept them in it. The Yankees don't have two great pitchers. Marlins. And when have you heard so much interest in a World Series? It has been a long long time.
Posted by
10/17/2003 05:33:00 PM
Da Coise uv duh Bambino includes hiring a manager too stupid to go to the bullpen. So all of us have to listen to office yelling and whining from TWO sets of ex-pat losers for another year. As soon as we get them off suicide watches. And I still say that Cubs genius Baker also failed to use his bullpen. Like most of you I didn't stay up to see the end of the Yankee game, I just knew that the curse would work again.
Posted by
10/17/2003 04:46:00 AM
IF GOD WANTS BUSH IN CHARGE, WHAT DOES THIS SAY ABOUT GOD? The vote on the Iraq aid package is so important that Bush leaves the country before the "critical" Senate vote. The Senate votes against him. Once again: he is no leader. We are stuck with this clueless so-called politician who just drifts from situation to situation. Can you imagine Clinton on some tour while an important vote was going to take place? Reagan? I just shake my head. Bush just doesn't have the balls to hurt somebody's feelings. God, on the other hand, has hell and purgatory. Things that Bush ought to consider.
Posted by
10/17/2003 03:51:00 AM
I'm glad I didn't pile on Ed Asner only because I used to know him and I knew dam well he either didn't say it or was joking with somebody. Kevin McCullogh, the guy who fabricated the story, is a true piece of shit. Asner is a Liberal, something he has every right to be. He doesn't deserve to be libeled. I hope he sues.
Posted by
10/16/2003 08:11:00 PM
Unions are looting their own Health Benefits Fund and demanding more money for their insurance payments so they can steal more. So what else is new? Call it the West Coast Offense:
Well how about contributing money to the campaigns of elected officials so the officials have a "conflict of interest" and are prevented by law from engaging in the labor negotiations? That's what they've done and the local elected officials are prevented by law from negotiating. Crooked unions are normal and Los Angeles is now being held up by the union crooks who stole the money. The Health Care issue is a phony here. The union is stealing the money. The pols, all liberal to the core, just stand there. This is what government workers do best. From the local TV "not really news":
MTA officials say an independent audit shows the union has mismanaged the nearly bankrupt trust fund, making the transit agency unwilling to contribute more money without getting a greater role in managing how it is disbursed.The LA Times is too busy reading Jill Stewart to report on any union corruption; The Daily News reports:
At the same time it was disclosed that the union had sent contributions to most Metropolitan Transportation Authority board members in a half-hearted attempt to disqualify them from participating in contract talks just as Hahn, the councilmen and one other MTA board member have been sidelined.This is what the Democratic Party has done to the state of California and the city of Los Angeles. And there is no way the crooks in the unions will vote them out. LA Times says zilch because it's the Liberal Left doing the stealing.
Posted by
10/16/2003 04:24:00 PM
Glenn Reynolds is plugging Indian gambling claiming they should be able to do anything they want to including dealing drugs, and prostitution; in other words Indians should be encouraged to engage in criminal activity. This is the absurdity of racial politics; Reynolds says he is an Indian. The casinos dodge taxes by selling cigarettes at 1/4 the street price without taxes (forget your attitude on the tax, the tax was VOTED on), they employ almost no Indians (at least in the Casinos I have visited), some of the tribes have as few as twelve members, and they pay next to nothing in taxes. Add to that the slot payoffs are lower than anything ever envisioned by anybody anywhere (Vegas is 90% vs Indians 75%).
We in CA voted for this thing because we felt guilty, felt Indians needed an economic incentive to improve their lives, and would contribute to the general welfare. What we have is an industry that is corrupting the entire state with their tax free money; politicians are paid off, political parties are paid off; governors are paid off. All with money that is supposed to be going to help Indians get better educations and so on. The corporate big wigs are getting rich. The Indian tribes stay poor.
I hope Arnold shuts them down. Just remember that the same process that allowed "Indian Gaming" can stop it. Reynolds and the rest of the "I don't care if they deal drugs or allow prostitution" crowd are full of it as usual. Drugs are not a victimless crime. Prostitution destroys the lives of 99% of the girls who work at the trade; most are victims of incest and child abuse; and most are drug addicts.
Indian Gaming is an oxymoron. They ain't Indians and they ain't playing around. Don't allow it in your state unless it is controlled like any other business.
Posted by
10/16/2003 05:13:00 AM
The only really good show on CNBC is not listed Meaning that Kudlow and Cramer, the only show that actually tells the truth about markets isn't listed among the touts, tipsters, and hustlers that populate the rest of this "business channel". Could it be that the rest of the people at CNBC don't want anyone to watch? No. That can't be. Can it?
Posted by
10/16/2003 04:17:00 AM
Five MAJOR strikes now taking place in SoCal. Grocery Clerks, MTA mechanics and drivers, an illegal "Blue Flu" in which the cops are violating a court order by falsely calling in sick (they are criminals), and then there is the political establishment which is on strike as usual. How does this affect you? Because the issue of Health Care will be nationwide very soon. Unions can't negotiate at all except against monopoly management and there is no greater monopoly than government. There is NO money to pay the MTA people because Liberals went to court and reduced bus fares, increased the number of busses on routes by law, and made management impossible. 500,000 people can't get to work. In the grocery clerk strike against three huge food chains, teamsters have joined and cut off food delivery to markets, meaning that Los Angeles could run out of food.
As I posted yesterday, the real issue here is COSTS of medical care. They are driven by huge law suits, runaway technology that patients demand, and rampant medical/legal fraud. Three things that can be handled. But they won't be handled. Get ready for strikes where you live. Soon. We haven't experienced unions running wild for decades. We will see it now.
Posted by
10/16/2003 04:04:00 AM
What might be called "Black Lies and the Black Liars Who Tell Them" is at NRO on line. Just a warning sign to all of us not to believe anything coming from the Black Left without checking it out.
Posted by
10/16/2003 03:42:00 AM
Dat Coise on Da Kubs continues. But it is a management curse and it's called hire more PITCHING. If the Cubs had a closer like Gagne (58 straight saves) eight runs would not have scored in game six. If the Cubs had one more starter they'd have won, maybe. But the Marlins have much better team speed and two of them can steal a game on the base paths; a better defense by far; better arms and speed in the outfield, and the best catcher in baseball. The best TEAM won the series.
Da coise on Boston? Martinez is NOT the pitcher he was a year ago, so they have no consistent starting pitching. They have an offense, a decent defense. Yankees ditto; Clemens at best is good for only seven innings, and he is not the pitcher he used to be either. Neither has the TEAM that the Marlins have.
Face it. The Marlins are dam good. The big news? Baseball has put on a show that everyone watched. Huge ratings for FOX and bad ones for the NFL. Far fewer commercials make the game go faster. Baseball may have won back millions of fans with these series of playoff games. The play is the best any of us have ever seen because the players are the best ever. They are the best in Japan, Korea, Venezuela, Dominican Republic and so on and they came here to play; in other words the best players in the world. Trust me, an old fart, nobody played the game like this in the good old daze. You are seeing the very best play a very difficult game better than it has ever been played.
Posted by
10/16/2003 02:47:00 AM
WHY RICH GUYS ARE NECESSARY for all of us. There is no way a poor or middle class man accused of rape could afford to hire a good attorney and fund the investigation needed to defend against a rape charge. Any rape charge. Kobe has the bucks. Therefore the incompetent police of Eagle County are exposed. The DNA lab tests are exposed. The lack of physical damage to the vicious "rapist" is now exposed. The fact that the "victim" changed her story is now exposed. All this ONLY because Bryant has the money to mount an effective defense against the horde of man hating feminist dykes; to finally quiet the hysterical pre-menopausal wrinkle resistant botoxed thirty something screechers posing as news "women"; and to effectively challenge the PC rape shield "everybody has the right to face their accuser except an accused rapist" laws. Liberals who sold us this crap stand exposed as the fascist pigs they really are. EVERYBODY has the right to face their accuser, except for those that liberals decide don't have that right. So thank God for money.
This is a non-case. A dirty woman who doesn't even change panties after sex, in fact wears them for days at a time, is a slut. A dirty slut. A slut that should be arrested by the EPA as a potential threat to public health. The flies are following her hoping for some food.
"Take it out, I came already" is now rape to this PC crowd. What bullshit.
Posted by
10/16/2003 02:46:00 AM
Markets and Economy and these earnings. I said we could have a 200 point rise as early as this week. You better get ready for even more. When you look at all the puts being bought on the Indexes, the number of shorts held by hedgers who cannot stay short much longer, together with the low rates, you could have a move of monumental proportions. All the people who lost and got out, then watched and sat in money markets at 0% will combine with the shorts. Watch out above. BofA economists are talking a 1,000 point rally.
Many investors now realize that it wasn't them that made money in the bull was the market! Realizing they had confused a bull market with brains, they are now reacting too late for the really big move. Now they will jump in. Get ready and don't get scared about this. Watch your numbers and only your numbers. Many of us get scared of success. Don't think about money. Just numbers. The old high of 11,000 may be challenged. And very very soon.
The main risk? The political risk of raising taxes.
Posted by
10/15/2003 05:33:00 PM
Once again clueless bloggers think Krugman of the NYT is a seer He is a political agitator and he is using selective data to forecast doom and gloom. What he leaves out of his forecast of doom that can only be saved by the Democrats include:
1. Revenues from the just starting recovery are up 85 billion dollars more than forecast.
2. The weak dollar is a function of Fed Policy. Unlike the Third World we have a strong central bank.
3. Transparent markets
4. The "crony capitalism" has been restricted to 20 firms at most and they have been closed down. It is not a function of the economy.
4A. The "crony capitalism" in the Third World happens to be "cronies of the government". Suharto's family in Indonesia, ditto in Thailand, everywhere in Africa. Crony Capitalism means government putting their relatives in charge of companies. Iran is the most odius of the bunch right now. See here for details of the set up.
Krugman deliberately confuses crony capitalism with crooks. He knows better. The bloggers are economic morons who don't know a spread from a straddle, who can't figure out a bond yield with a super computer, and don't have a clue about market risks.
The absolute worst thing Krugman leaves out is "contract law", the enforcement of contracts that is the underpinning of almost our entire economy; contracts allow us to buy cars, homes, stock. He also leaves out the near sacredness of "private property" which allows almost every one of us to create capital with our homes. None of these things are dreamed about in Third World economies.
And Krugman conveniently leaves out our economy. Ours is as diverse as any that one can imagine. We lead the world in agriculture, tech and services. We don't subsidize our airlines as all Third World countries do. We don't have a one segment economy like oil, or gemstones, or sugar like these other countries do (include Sweden, Norway, Holland, Denmark, and Switzerland).
We have a huge budget deficit CAUSED BY SPENDING which may be much smaller come March of next year if our economy grows as it looks to. Interest rates will rise and the dollar will rise as it is rising right now because everyone is predicting higher rates come next year.
Our real problems are SPENDING, Medicare and Social Security, and SPENDING which can wreck us if we don't deal with them. Remember that Rome ran trade deficits for 200 years and fell for other reasons. There is no matrix for our economy because nothing like America has ever existed. For every Krugman you will find a Kudlow.
This Krugman piece that is being praised over the web by people who know jack shit about markets and the economy is just politics with selective data to give Democrats some fuel. It is our nature to take risks. We are taking them. That's who we are.
Posted by
10/15/2003 12:49:00 PM
NFL is boring us to death with endless commercials. The fact that baseball is now faster and has good meaningful games makes them entertaining to watch, as I commented yesterday. Now the ratings show that basball buried Monday Night Football for the first time ever. The NFL has either got to reduce commercials or die. When two games are on I switch to the "other game" the second a commerical comes on, only to find I've switched to another commercial. Boooorrrrinnnng.
Posted by
10/15/2003 06:16:00 AM
DA CUBS and history. I pulled family into the front room to watch "history" at the start of the 8th inning; "First time since 1908, 1945, etc." Get the feeling that God is NOT a Cubs fan? That they did something back in 1910 or something that God is still pissed off about? Jesus, 8 runs in one inning? Did Dusty once again mis-handle a pitcher? I thought he should have been lifted much earlier. But a fan grabs a sure out, an error on an easy play, and and and...... Marlins vs Yankees doesn't grab me at all.
Posted by
10/15/2003 05:48:00 AM
One week to the day after Schwarzenegger gets elected, blacks line up for a handout; more accurately DEMANDING a handout from Arnold (us the people). Threatening "something" unless there are "set asides" for their businesses (no competition for them) and $2 million for job training for "them" and them only. Davis gave. Lets see what Arnold does. I look at this as the first "quickie quiz" from the entitlement Left.
Q: The job should cost $200,000. You are a black contractor. What should you expect to bid in order to get the job:
1. $150,000
2. $ 175,000
3. $500,000
4. $200,000
The answer is #3, $500,000 of whitey's mo'fo money.
The sociological answer is: Three guys bid on a job in heaven to repair the Pearly Gates; a black guy, a WASP, and an East Coast street guy. St Peter collects the bids. The Black guy bids $100,000 including benefits for his workers. The WASP bids $110,000 because he thinks stone masonry would look better. The street guy bids $200,000. St. Peter, surprised at the high bid, asks the East Coast guy why the price is so high. The made guy pulls Peter aside and tells him; "Fifty for you, fifty for me, and a hundred to the nigger to do the work."
In real life this is the Blacks playing the role and stealing money from government in order not to riot, etc. Republicans win without any Black support so why should they give blacks anything at all? And they want reparations too.
Posted by
10/15/2003 05:15:00 AM
CYA HEALTH CARE Unions Strike around the country about health insurance premiums and for the first time in several decades we may have nationwide labor unrest. The supposed issue is health insurance. The real issue should be questions over the reasons health care costs gone through the roof; costs are the cause of sky hig health care premiums. Don't look for government to even think about that. Lawyers are cause one because all doctors practice "Cover Your Ass Medicine" known far and wide as CYA Health Care; I was just given expensive tests they "forgot" to give me two years ago because as a test giver told me, "White lawyers get rich, white doctors get rich, and people like me need the work." We laughed because we both knew there was no need for the tests at this late date but they had to be done. How much have costs gone up to avoid law suits? How much have costs gone up due to the advancing technology (MRI, Cat Scans, sophisticated lab tests)? These topics need to be discussed. The consumer pays for all "employer paid" health insurance. OK, but how much do we pay?
In LA right now we have a strike of MTA mechanics, at least half of whom make $100,000 per year and who START at 50K per. These pricks won't pay their own health costs; bus riders and tax payers pay them. Everything we buy or use has a built in cost of benefits in the price. How much is this price? How much of the transportation fares are benefit costs? I have read that $1,700 on each American car is worker benefits. Don't hold your breath looking for this discussion. Then there is fraud. MediCare fraud is 100 MILLION in California, one of the things Davis hasn't touched. How much medicine is fake workers comp, fake injuries and sicknesses that lawyers will sue over, and just plain rip offs of the system?
Let's talk.
Posted by
10/15/2003 04:34:00 AM