
Next election in blogland: it will be all streaming video examples of what is going on, particularly Democratic vote fraud that is never reported by MSM. We will see pictumentary evidence of the Democrats stealing votes and intimidating voters. Right now FOX just reports in print. Think of us pajama types with mini-video cams nailing these people. Watch for the Democrats to lawyer up and sue all of us, and the Dem hackers knocking us off the web. It is clear that the Democrats choose to operate in the dark. Streaming Video will be the next thing. Technology will speak the truth. For a time. I look for a hundred or so of us simply picking up the videos and webbing them so that the Democrats will have to shut down the entire web. Get ready. Then we will have "streaming video fraud." The Left is at home with movies and they are filled with Michael Moores ready and willing to construct pictorial lies like the NAACP has done with their TV commercials. The truth will be hard to find.

Polls are tightening again. Vote.


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