
What American Health Association? You know, that group that is supposedly sponsoring the psychiatric help to Kerry voters in Florida. A Google search yields no group by that name, no group by AHA or anything close. Ask Jeeves shows an AHA in Pennsylvania but it is one of those discount medical plans.

What my experience has taught me is that these phony psychologists will move heaven and Hell to get some “disease” registered some way so that they can collect big insurance money for treating people. The problem with the Left voters in Florida is an invented disorder somebody (the guy who is treating them) has labeled Post Election Selection Trauma. According to a post on the web:

The insurance companies dare not deny claims lest they find themselves besieged by trial lawyers, who have an amazing ability to transmute trauma into treasure and had paydays cut short by a few votes more than a load in Ohio.
The "disease" has no record of existance before Election Day. The hustler who has started treating patients is still planning on how to treat this brand new disease. Ask Jeeves does direct people to the AHA website that peculiarly has a name: American Health Foundation (AHF) which has a mission statement having to do with the treatment of aging
The American Health Foundation is a unique non-profit organization designed to help you approach aging in a new and better way. We encourage you to take charge of your health protocol by taking proactive, preventative steps, combining the best of East/West therapies in a healthier model. We aim to improve the quality and longevity of life.
So methinks that this entire PEST thing is an insurance hustle which we all pay for through higher health insurance premiums.

What else did you expect from Liberals? That they'd pay for their own fake disease? Hillary Care squared. Even when we Righties win we lose SOMEWHERE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And here I thought that was just a parody that Rush had been promoting....