
No big deal, it's only treason

I have been virtually disabled by a pinched nerve in my upper left shoulder, but the NYT "outing" of our efforts to follow the money makes me endure the pain. Most bloggers and writers have hashed it out pretty well; treason in an Armani suit and all the right connections destroyed our ability to ferret out Terror Cells; The Left reaction, now appearing, will try to make us think that 2,500 American dead soldiers are all just a game and that the NYT did us all a favor by encouraging terror orgs to raise funds in a new way; that the secret observation of money transfers had become useless because the Terrorists have newer and better ways of raising money; and that press freedom to report is the most important part of our country. As for the last point, you can bet that none of these people making this point have sons or daughters anywhere other than some Ivy League student union.

Face it guys, we have in our midst a ten million strong Fifth Column, defined as "A clandestine subversive organization working within a country to further an invading enemy's military and political aims." This Fifth column has virtually taken control of almost all media, movies, TV, and print. There are millions out there who think the NYT/LATimes "outing" of our effort to use all the tools at our command to fight terrorism is a wonderful thing.

John Murtha, the latest of the Cindy Sheehan patriots, sums it up for the Left in this country; "American presence in Iraq is more dangerous to world peace than nuclear threats from North Korea or Iran.

Make no mistake, these people all think that America is evil and must be stamped out. The traitors in the press do not think of themselves as citizens of the U.S., instead they pimp themselves and their ideology as "Citizens of the World" out to stop America once and for all.

Are they accessories to murder? Absolutely. Are they traitors? You bet. But these bastards dominate Hollywood, the news media, and our literature all of which will dutifully build a tower of pig refuse to honor themselves and deify these bastards.

Six months ago I stated I'd never vote for a Republican in '06 because I'm fed up. The stench of this of liberal fecal matter has changed my mind.


Anonymous said...

My friends and I who were also getting fed up with the Republicans are starting to think the same way. The Democrats and the left are doing more for the Republicans than anyone else.

Anonymous said...

It sucks to always have to choose between the lesser of two evils.

Howard, if the MD's cant help with your pinched nerve, perhaps you could try a good chiropractor. Feel better.

Anonymous said...

That's always been my problem with sitting out any elections: no matter how disgusted I get with the current crop of GOP on spending, immigration, et al, I look at the alternative and that gets my fat butt off the couch and into the voting booth.

The two words I most dread hearing are "Speaker Pelosi". Yuck...

Anonymous said...

Up against the wall with the lot of them, starting with Murtha and ending with entire editorial staff at the NYT. Otherwise, it will never end and the sum that continues to screw America (Democrats, academia, media, leftist clowns, etc,)will wreck this nation for good. But not if they can have the Muslims do it first.

Anonymous said...

it's like the 2000 election all over again: "THESE bozos are the best we have to choose from?"

like the others, i had given up on the GOP. the dems race toward the precipice at 100 mph, and tell us "there is no cliff! everything will be fine!" while the GOP races toward it at 80 mph, all the while assuring us that they're actually driving AWAY from the cliff.

not much of a choice. still, since the GOP will drive us over the cliff later than the dems will, and since they appear to hate the country a little less than the dems do, i guess i'll have to hold my nose and vote for them.

using the extra time to stockpile weapons, etc, for the upcoming civil war.

Anonymous said...

Now with the Hamdan ruling we have traitors on the US Supreme court. Marvelous.