

Re: UN speech of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad:

When he delievers a radical address that --in soft tones, yes, but urgent ones-- declares the U.N. to be illegitimate, the war against Israel by Hezbollah to be a creation of the U.S., goes out of his way to alert Christians that Jesus was just a prophet, and then closes with an apocalypse-welcoming appeal to God, that's not just news, it is very crucial news, news that underscores many important facts for the West and the U.S., chief among them that "diplomacy" leading to a "better deal" isn't on this radical's mind. He wants his nukes. He wants the apocalypse.
And the appeasement press does not convey this; doesn't even bother to report the closing appeal to the Almighty. Those of you who are regular visitors to this site know that I'm not much of a Hugh Hewitt fan. I find him cautious to an extreme and never willing to take much of a stand on things that might not be popular among "conservatives." Today is an exception to that rule. He has an outstanding piece up at Townhall that does what most pieces should do, teach us something. He presents terrific examples of what he calls "the appeasement press" and links to great sites. Go there today and be prepared to spend twenty minutes or so, the piece is that good.

Also, visit DuToi
t today, he has an outststanding piece about the TSA employees quitting en masse......

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