

A radical feminist, and I do mean radical, is the new dean at Harvard. She replaces Larry Summers who dared ask a question. This is a turn to the HARD LEFT by what is supposed to be one of the nation's most prestigious universities. HEATHER MACDONALD, the pit bull of journalism has a long piece over here. Excerpt:

(The new prez) Faust runs one of the most powerful incubators of feminist complaint and nonsensical academic theory in the country. You can count on the Radcliffe Institute’s fellows and invited lecturers to proclaim the “constructed” nature of knowledge, gender, and race, and to decry endemic American sexism and racism. Typical guest speakers include left-wing journalists Susan Faludi and Barbara Ehrenreich. At Radcliffe, Faludi argued that 9/11 had triggered yet another “backlash against feminism,” while Ehrenreich lectured on “Weird Science: Challenging Sexist Ideology Since the 1970s.” It is received truth among Radcliffe Institute lecturers that obstacles throughout American society block women’s progress.
Presto Pundit has a short form of the sickening details, plus a quick rundown of why Bush may be the worst president in history. Took office with a 1.9 trillion budget and has just submitted one for $2.9 trillion. What? You say Bush is a classic conservative? The increase is only 52% in eight years? Folks, Bush has killed us as well as the Conservative movement. We Right Wing fanatics are as dead as last year's fish bait. Presto is very good at confronting an issue head on with no bullshit. After twenty years of work, we are nothing.

1 comment:

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