
Romney's Bullshit Speech

Romney made a speech about religion the other day that only Peggy Noonan and the Republican boot licking ass kissing Hugh Hewitt, (satirical spoof) posting over at Iowa Hawk, could love. Neither addressed anyone's concern about the Mormon religion. At most of you will think that Hugh Hewitt's slavish adoration of Romny's ordinary speech on Iowa Hawk must be satire. Ain't it? Iowa Hawk is a satirical site. Nobody could possibly lick floors like Hewitt is doing in real life, could he? Naw, he nails it pretty well in the best satirical sense.,

So let's pay attention to what Romney didn't cover, things that are sure to come back to haunt him if he doesn't address them. Nobody not a Mormon really knows anything about the secretive religion of LDS (Latter Day Saints) other than rumor and some very awful acts by LDS members. I'll start with the Mountain Meadows Massacre in which a Mormon militia slaughtered 121 men women and children who were in a wagon train bound for California. The "incident" was laid at the feet of a single man who was tried and executed. But sleeping dogs like this don't just lie there. Family members of the slain innocents have been writing about the massacre for years and now September Dawn, a movie starring John Voight, will be released this summer. What makes this significant is that the movie is apparently very bad and has very little Left Wing critical support. Another and far better movie a documentary called: Burying the Past: A Legacy of the Mountain Meadows Massacre received massive Reviewer Left support and, as almost any movie trashing Jesus or any religion other than Muslim, it's won eleven awards. But zero distribution. That will probably change if Romney gets close to the nomination or actually runs for president. It's already "won" at Berkeley in the past so.....well you know the rest.

Now let's get real. All sensible people will agree that no Morman man or woman living today has anything remotely to do with that murderous act, but the Left will not sleep on it. You can bet they will use the usual surrogates (Daily Kos, Democratic Underground, Salon) to bring it up again and again and will attempt to link every living Mormon to it. The LDS has published a detailed view of the incident that seems very accurate to me. What is left out is that governor Boggs of Missouri actually issued an order to wipe out (murder) all Mormons inside the state (the notorious "Extermination Order") and that when the fleeing Mormons found a new home in Illinois they were routed from Illinois too through murder and the destruction of property. Everyone in America knew of Mountain Meadows at the time and no other than Mark Twain raged over the slaughter. The Mormons in Missouri originally gained ill will because they opposed slavery and things went downhill from there. The ensuing violence is called "The Missouri Mormon War," in order to differentiate it from the later "Utah Mormon War." Good overview in the not always reliable Wikipedia.

But all that aside, what is going on right now is very bad. These days we have the very modern problem of child rape (resulting from polygamy) that is rampant in isolated enclaves in Utah and portions of adjoining states. LDS has been saying for years that "it's not us," blaming all on "offshoots" that are not part of LDS. But the areas now practicing polygamy are in places where the LDS holds total political power and the fact is that LDS has done nothing for decades to wipe out these "offshoots." The Elizabeth Smart kidnapping and rape was done by a member of one of these sects who believed he had the "divine right" to take whatever girl he wanted for his (additional) wife. Not only does polygamy raise the specter of child rape, but many "families" containing up to fifty kids who cannot be supported by the "husband," are sacking the State and Federal welfare money as well as overrunning local hospitals demanding and getting "free" care. This happens only where the LDS holds sway.

Romney better get with it very very fast or he will be wrecked by the Clinton slime machine that will cause to be released little nuggets that will be picked up by the usual suspects and parroted far and wide. Secret Societies do not do well in this country (Communist Party and KKK). LDS is about as secretive as you can get.

I love Noonan most times but I have zero respect for Hewitt who I consider to be a 24 carat fake. There are things nobody can gloss over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A couple of years back Hewitt referred to the episode near the end of "Saving Private Ryan" where the translator captures several German soldiers and then realizes one of them is the soldier who they had captured earlier and then let go. He then shoots the soldier (maybe he had seen that soldier fire the shot that killed the captain, Tom Hanks' character, that was not clear to me). Hewitt called the translator's shooting of the solder "heroic". What an incredibly shallow thing to say.
I listen to Hewitt occasionally, but mainly for his excellent guests like Mark Steyn and John Eastman.