See my post from a week or so ago. Brutality by other cultures isn't new and shouldn't be new to us. Nothing on the planet is more savage than the Japanese during WWII. Read about what they did. We have to do what we have to do. War makes the savage within all of us come to the surface or we cannot win. That is the plain brutal truth.
See my post on 3/12. Nothing has changed.
Posted by
3/31/2003 04:45:00 PM
MORE IDIOT MEDIA Qs AT PRESS CONFERENCE THIS AM How these generals and others keep from punching these morons is beyond me. Every one of these liberal idiots has to make a statement instead of just asking a question. And their statements are designed to provoke, antagonize, and SHOW THEIR FRIENDS ON THE LATTE CIRCUIT that they are baiting the Army, Administration, and the war. They are horrid people and it was a stroke of genius to "embed" reporters into the action so they could do nothing but actually report.
I switched from the "news conference" to music. Everything bad about the media is on display at these conferences.
Posted by
3/31/2003 04:22:00 AM
Running Pictures of Dead Soldiers Designed to build Anti-War Sentiment
Do they run pictures of the people Mugabe is starving? The Israeli victims of suicide bombers? The Iraqi victims of Saddam who have had their tongues ripped out or raped? Why ask? Communist News Network editors know exactly what they are doing with every picture or story they run. They are the Left and they will use "any means necessary" to turn the country against the war. Contrast with MSNBC's Wall of Honor.
BTW: FOX should bag that ridiculous Fox and Friends for the duration. What a stupid format for war news. MSNBC is doing the best job overall, but FOX still gets most news first. That horrid Ashleigh Banfield on MSNBC, Jesus what fucking bus did she arrive under? But will NBC ever recover from Peter Arnett?? I don't think so. They are oing to have to undo that interview, but I have no idea how. A terrible decision to run it and now FOX is running it for the purpose of "hanging" Arnett to MSNBC. The guy is a traitor and the fact that he was working for National Geographic TV, an invornutzie show with every Lefty on the planet employed there, was certainly a yellow flag.
FOX did an interesting mosaic of the reports of many of the embedded reporters. The overall picture is one of an advancing force suffering few casualties having some problems that are easy to solve. Hope they keep it up because the use of embedded reporters without the mosaic once in a while can be misleading. The Brits on the other hand are really doing a hell of a job with the toughest assignments. We should call them the Cajones Brigades. House to house is not the way I dream of earning medals, unless the houses are in Beverly Hills or Palm Beach.
Posted by
3/31/2003 03:13:00 AM
That's like Hitler in Exile in Poland or France
We've seen the Baath Party in action. Assad of Syria is a Baathist Dictator. Saddam would simply be running his terror network from a safe house. He has to be killed. The Baath Party has to be eliminated. Total victory or both Bush and Blair are toast, as is our influence in the world.
Posted by
3/30/2003 06:06:00 AM
If we lose this war it will be catastrophic for Democracy around the globe.
1. Four guys dead from a car bomb. Why? Suddenly the upper eschalons are SURPRISED. Jesus H. Christ, the terrorists have been car bombing for twenty years. How can anyone be surprised? Where's the training?
2. And Syria is SMUGGLING weapons into Iraq, and this is another fucking SURPRISE??? Assad is a member of the Baath Party, he's a dictator, they have a 1.000 mile border with Iraq. How can our planners be SURPRISED??? AGAIN????
3. As far as the equally stupid big surprise in Turkey see my post below, but the current regime is hard core Muslim and the leader has a long record of being anti-American. Anybody who reads should know this.
4. The "surrender ambush" was another example of shit training which I pointed out in the link.
5. Two separate cases of troops unable to read maps so they are now dead.
I think there is a serious lack of planning for the obvious: Syrian intervention, Iranian intervention, Turkish interference, and car bombs. Then there is the absolutely astounding "failure of intel" regarding the Baath Party strength inside Iraq; Tenet is a fool with an unmatched record of incompetence going back five years. House to house fighting in every town with (another big surprise) Al Qaeda terrorists; with Fedayeen terrorists. You think this is good? Iran stopped suicide boat bombers, but this didn't cause our elite corps to think about car bombs. Now four guys are dead, not officers of course.
If we lose this war it will be catastrophic for Democracy around the globe. It will mark the end of our civilization. We cannot afford to lose. We cannot afford Richard Pearles, George Tenents, and ego tripping civilians who think they know how to plan a war. We cannot afford not to know about Turkey, Syria, low flying missles from China, and all the rest.
Sure we've gone a long way in terms of miles. We control the desert. Saddam controls all the towns. Let's be realistic, at least. Comparing this with the WWII campaign in the Pacific is stupid. We never outran our supplies in WWII and we now have refugees feeding our starving Marines. And, if there had been a reporting press we might have had to sue for peace after Tarawa where our genius Admirals and Generals led our troops into a slaughter unmatched since the stupidity in WWI. Don't watch too many WWII movies. Tarawa was inexcuseably horrible, and it was entirely the fault of the brass. If you read about it you will wonder why there weren't at least 10 courts martials.
Don't confuse territory with victory. Hannibal conquered territory. Napoleon ditto.
Posted by
3/29/2003 12:39:00 PM
A Fifth Column of Wannabees, Burn Outs, and Has Beens Who will Support Criminals and Tyrants Willing Pay Them
A movie star is an actor so big that he/she can "open" a movie all by themselves. They don't need any help. The only stars in Hollywood are Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, Bruce Willis, perhaps Jim Carey, and a few other border liners. The stars, except for Bruce Willis who supports the Liberation of Iraq, have said nothing. These are actors who do not need to kiss other people's asses to get work.
Did you know that Susan Sarandon's latest movies grossed ZERO? That they went straight to DVD?. That two of her most glorious efforts, "Igby Goes Down" and "June Moon" died. "The Banger Sisters" didn't make back it's cost? She's only a star on HBO. Nobody had heard of her in years til she attacked her own country.
Woody Harrelson- ("I'm tired of American lies", etc.)-- a one trick pony of an actor (he is always the same boring hick) has had a nothing box office for years. A junker movie called Sunchaser only did $5,000 world wide. My God a $5 hooker could do that in three weeks on Eighth Avenue.. Harrelson's "HiLo Country" and "Welcome to Sarajevo" combined, did less than a half a million world wide. Those world wide grosses are less than a real star earns in a few hours. "Nobody will pay real money to see you in anything, Woody."
Jessica Lange: No one has even heard of her latest movies. Winners like "Titus" ($1.9 million world wide), "Cousin Bette" ($1.1 million world wide), and "Hush" ($13.1 mil). She is low rent. They'd pay her what she's worth but she can't live on it. She turns Fifth Column to kiss ass her way into the casting mill.
Barbra hasn't had a hit in almost a decade. She's living on her past. And her mouth.
Picking the Hollywood Left acting crowd at random you have to conclude that most of them shoot off their mouths because it gets them in good with the Hollywood Left producers who are shitting their pants over losing EU grosses. These "actors" aren't worth more than $100,000 at the box office. They are nobody. Here's a few:
Ever hear of "Wet Hot American Summer"? "The Bumblebee Flies Away"? A few of Janeane Garofalo's (forty two) hot movies, thirty nine of which you have never heard of. This SAG minimum B movie day player shoots her stupid mouth off on every TV Opinion show that will have her. She gets more attention supporting Saddam than she gets in any of her movies. She hopes being a part of the Traitor Network will get her work.
Other non-stars shooting off: Matt Damon had a modest hit in Bourne Identify ,but there is no way he is bankable; not a star. Ethan Hawke has had parts in stuff like "White Fang", "Floundering" and many other movies you've never heard of. A few almost hits. He ain't no star. Uma Thurman, another Saddam supporter, has done 22 movies, starred in none, and the only one you ever heard of is Pulp Fiction; she gets more attention for attacking the President. Herman the Wonder Ant is a bigger box office draw than she is. Lawrence Fishburn? A star??? Come on. Name three movies he's ever been in. He's another Hollywood Left wannabe. PC all the way.
The ultimate hypocrisy is Madonna. Her career has dropped into the abyss. Flop movies, flop concerts, flop HBO specials and she has followed up this run of tired nouveau porn with a video in which she tosses a live hand granade in President Bush's lap. She's a creative burn out hoping Hollywood might let her do one more movie if her thinking is "correct" on the War.
These are people NOBODY will pay to see. The only way they can get work is if the suits will hire them. You can bet they represent the views of the suits who see their huge EU grosses going down the tubes.
Which begs the question: what movie STARS have spoken out against the war? NONE. Just the gutless not very bright pussy suck ups, over the hill unemployed, and burn outs. Camp followers who'd kiss the ass of a full blown child rapist like Roman Polanski (click for transcript of his disgusting acts) hoping to get a bit part. They are morally empty narcissists who can always be depended on to support thugs if it means two days work in a Tidy Bowl commercial.
They're all pigs. This year go back to baseball.
Posted by
3/29/2003 07:14:00 AM
Pearle is Gone, thank goodness and Tenet should be Next.
Perle Takes a Baath
.The level of (Iraqi) resistance is a surprise to me, and I consider myself a very well-informed person. I'd venture to say that the level of resistance is another failure of intelligence (Tenet again); and the repudiation of everything Richard Perle led any of us to believe.
The Baath Party is like the Nazi Party or the Communist Party in that its members will fight to the death because that is all that awaits them if they lose. They will be fanatic and there are at least a quarter million of them: Nice job, Messrs. Perle and Tenet.
Mr. Perle is particularly wrong in that he thought 20,000 shock troops supporting the locals was all that would be needed. He resigned and good riddance. It's a good thing the generals stood up to Donald Rumsfeld, and I assume Colin Powell also weighed in.
Surprised? Yes. Disappointed? Very.
Additional Observation
Had the Pearle opinion prevailed, and it seems possible that Rumsfeld shared this view for a long time, this would have been a "Bay of Pigs" times 100. Ruinous consequences for our country from which we'd never have recovered. I am assuming the generals all stood up to Rumsfeld on this and prevailed. I also assumed that Powell, as a former general who knows strategy, stood up also. When you look at this think Hitler Youth-Waffen SS, Japanese Kamakazis, and the old Assassins of Arab lore. I'm not waffling on the war, but I think my surprise is shared by many. Oh, and Al Jazeera TV is a total surprise, right?
The "old style" generals were right. The troops not being prepared for the disguised enemy etc., is tragic.
Posted by
3/28/2003 12:24:00 PM
Instead of CNN spying on our troops. 1500 Lawyers traveling through Iraq with battle commanders to make sure the commander isn't prosecuted for war crimes down the road by those fucking EU assholes. What follows is a scene from a battle. "L" stands for LAWYER and "PS" stands for "Poor Schumck" battle commander.
Poor Schmuck: Is it OK to nail the tank?
L: Which way is the gun pointing?
PS: Right at us.
L: Can you actually see the hole in the gun barrel or is it pointing just "sort of toward us"?
PS: It's pointing at the infantry guys behind us.
L: You better not fire. The French shitheads will nail you.
PS: But what about my guys?
L: Look they weren't drafted. They joined up. They knew the risks. Fuck ‘em.
PS: No, no. I'm going to protect them.
L: Stop this tank, I'm getting out. You are no longer my client. Get another lawyer. You deserve whatever they do to you.......
Posted by
3/26/2003 03:10:00 AM
This totally sucks. Powell is back to the UN. The Iraq people should be able to ship as much oil as they choose. Period. France again? This guy Powell or whomever else is deciding this SUCKS.
Posted by
3/25/2003 02:13:00 PM
Anybody who watched those horrid Lefty so-called reporters try to wreck Rumsfeld at the "news conference" knows now why the guys who are imbedded are so good. They are too young to be anti-American. That "news conference" was the pigs report. Fire all of them.
Posted by
3/25/2003 02:04:00 PM
Suddenly FOX is better. Way ahead of news, broad strategic news and, as is always the case with FOX, way ahead of the human news on the ground. MSNBC ruled for a couple of days.
Posted by
3/25/2003 02:01:00 PM
To understand this you must talk to some of the old WWII guys who faced the fanatical Nazi SS battalions. There is nothing they won't do and they will be as tough as the Japanese or the Nazis. We are dealing with a fanatical group that knows its days are numbered and they will be killed. Everybody better take this more seriously than any of us has until now.
These guys are tough. Remember the Nazis executed American prisoners without hesitation during the Battle of the Bulge in 1944. Read my MUST READ below, it's by Michael Ladeen. It is a must read.
Posted by
3/25/2003 12:32:00 PM
If France Participates in any way Bush is Toast
In a huge surprise, the French have announced they are demanding that their country be allowed to "bid" on any and all rebuilding contracts inside Iraq. This is typical froggy duplicity and opportunism, but you can bet that George Bush and even the now high flying Tony Blair will be in deep doo doo if this happens.
Therefore I think it won't happen. He who has the gold makes the rules, and guess who has the gold.
Posted by
3/25/2003 08:43:00 AM
Writing on the Bathroom Wall
1. "Disaster coming in Basra"---prediction is by the same crooks who predicted same in Afghanistan. Just realize that they are all crooks, stealing money, food for resale, and everything else they can think of. They are populated by very well paid Left Wing slugs whose main goal in life is to keep money flowing toward their pockets. Remember where your Red Cross donations went. UN "charitable" contributions are even worse.
2. Wondering if Iraq really has chemical or bio weapons.
3. Kudos to Steven DenBeste at USS Clueless who was the first to mention that Russia, France, and China had big time business dealings with Iraq that they wanted to hide. Those countries are NOT our friends. Putin is a KGB thug, whomever is in Charge in China is a Communist, and we all know about France-----now.
4, The Geneva Conventions are a joke. Written by a bunch of eliteist EU chumps with prefixes like Baron, Earl, Viscount etc., and only guys like us pay attention. The Arabs play a game of chess where every piece moves anywhere they want. Forget the rules. My Trojan Horse post is below.
Posted by
3/25/2003 08:16:00 AM
Cajones for sure. Tony Balls to his friends. Something eloquent will be said one day about this guy by people who can write much better than I. All a punk like me can say is, you are one stand up mother fucker Tony Cajones. Thanks.
Posted by
3/25/2003 02:58:00 AM
Geneva Convention flouted by sneaky Athenians. World is shocked. Demonstrations break out in Babylonia, Persia, and Italy. Athenians take Troy.
Another way of saying that all's fair in love and war and has been since the beginning of time.
When I served, the main trick was these old "mama sans" who shuffled along the roads with infants in their arms and granades tucked under their arm pits and squeezed between the baby and their own bodies. They would approach us and when they got close enough they'd blow kid, mama san, and Americans into to red confetti. The first time I saw my sergeant shoot an old lady with a baby I screamed; I actually came close to shooting him. Then he took us to the body and showed us what would have happened. I learned.
Been there done that. Those marines who were "fooled" by the surrender got careless and didn't follow procedure. They paid. The other soldiers seemed to have flunked map reading 101 and made wrong turns. They paid too. The marines who got sucked into the fake surrender didn't follow procedure. They thought somehow war is "fair". That's because they are Americans. They had this sense of "fairness", like there is always a referee in our lives who will blow the whistle and call a 15 yard penalty whenever somebody does something "wrong"; a scumbag lawyer we can summon who will get us out of trouble. .
I think some of these younger people, in spite of their training, think they're bullet proof. That people ain't mean. Everybody is mean when their lives are at stake. Hope everybody has learned.
Posted by
3/24/2003 06:08:00 PM
Oscars have lowest ratings ever..
Maybe the country finally tired of these faint-hearted terrorist sympathizers and French Army draft dodgers. Maybe the public will stop going to their movies. Nothing in this world is less important than an "important movie". I watched "Pulp Fiction" on HBO. Hope you all did something similar, or maybe you even did something worthwhile.
Posted by
3/24/2003 12:11:00 PM
According to an article printed in a Brit tab and currently on line at World Net Daily, once again the Iraqis are turning to (surprise) the KGB thug in Moscow for help. His sons may also need help, again according to WND.
Posted by
3/24/2003 09:54:00 AM
MSNBC IS STILL SMOKING FOX AND CNN and it's no contest.....Except when that moron Ashleigh Banfield is interviewing. Other than that, this zero network is doing a great job.
Posted by
3/23/2003 04:36:00 AM
A Temper Tantrum by the Government Handout Addicts
The rage you see is that of an addict who is threatened with a permanent loss of drugs. Dependency can be that bad. When we were young and in college we were on handouts. Either our parents picked up the tab or the government paid us. Very few of us worked. Some of us used student loans and have been left with varying resentments about it. Another way of saying that young people in these marches will be on some sort of entitlement, usually from the government.
The older ones are also on the dole. Either Social Security (and Medicare, etc.), teachers working for the public schools, the entire academic establishment, government workers, various grant recipients, welfare recipients, and farmers. All require support from taxes. Any expenditure of tax money for something other than their personal dole threatens them. They all want more. They see money going to the military as their money. They want their chocolate. Or else they will urinate on the streets, deficate in your living room, or tear a town apart.
In short, the War lessens their entitlement money. They don't care about anybody but themselves. No proof of weapons, torture, 9/11 or anything else will mean one thing to them. How angry does a person get when "Daddy takes the T-Bird Away?" Look no further than that jerk who drove his tractor into Washington D.C. and blocked traffic for two days. He was in a tizzy fit because the government cut his tobacco subsidy. He felt ENTITLED to it. Without the handout he can't "earn" a living. He doesn't realize he's never EARNED a living.
So when you look at this mass tantrum know that they are on the needle of government handouts. Free money is a habit forming drug, every bit as necessary to the recipient as heroin is to an addict. These handout addicts will follow any terrorist, communist, foreign dictator, or charlatan who will tell them they will not only get their fix, but that they will get even more.
That's what you are seeing in NYC. The War has little to do with it.
Posted by
3/22/2003 03:07:00 PM
The only blunder of the war could be very serious indeed
The unreadiness of our military for this Turkish "betrayal" is inexcusable. The current leader of Turkey, Necmettin Erbakan, is well known as a Muslim firebrand. When he was last leading the country he did the following: signed agreements with terrorist Lybia and Iran, established a religious school system to turn out Islamic radicals, had plans to build mosques with public monies, infiltrated the government with hard line Muslim Fundamentalists, allowed the Iranian ambassador to Turkey to call on Turkish young people to take up arms against the United States; and other less odious practices.
He and his party are no friends of the United States and could well be moving Turkey from a secular state to an Islamic state. Turkey has been flexing its muscles throughout the middle east for years and was once the seat of The Ottoman Empire.
They fear the Kurds who have migrated in great numbers into many cities and are a majority in the Southern area. It can never be forgotten that the Kurds were the instruments of the Turks in the genocidal slaughter of one million Armenians in the early 20's. They don't like each other and if the Kurds ever "ratted the Turks out about the Armenian genocide" Turkey would be liable for billions in reparations.
This may go down as a major blunder in this otherwise well planned war. And it is inexcuseable.
Posted by
3/22/2003 10:35:00 AM
Notes on my restroom wall
1. Don't Think our Pals in NoKo didn't watch the near neuro-surgical bombing of Baghdad. The runt Kim Chon-il shit his pants when we went after the palaces. And everyone else had a sudden attack of the runs when they realized we hit whatever in Baghdad we wanted to hit---AND NOTHING ELSE!
Everybody will get the picture....
EXCEPT????? Except the stupid Democrats who will keep whining the question: "why aren't we paying any attention to Kim Runt-yuk"? The right question is "why is Kim Runt-yuk paying so much attention to Baghdad"?.
2. MSNBC is smoking FOX, CNN, and everybody else with war coverage. Fast, facts, and right on top of everything. Lean and mean---MSNBC???? Watch!
3. Everybody notice the chickenshit actors are afraid, AFRAID, of going to their narcissistic Awards Show? Pathetic Draft Doging Left Wing assholes
4. Most of the Congressional Black Caucus refused to support our troops. This is getting worse and worse as it looks like "Black America" has removed itself from the United States in every way other than receiving entitlements. Their stances are becoming increasingly separatist. They don't like their country.
Posted by
3/21/2003 07:33:00 PM
They're Cheering for the Bad Guys in the Blue States
It's dangerous to conclude from the stupidity of the war protestors that all they have to offer is "vomit ins," idiotic signs, and psychobabble. All we actually see on the tube are comedic frat parties for the geriatric set of tired old Viet Nam draft dodgers and their offspring. Those dopes are not their leadership. Not their financial backing. Don't be fooled. The ones in charge, the suits that don't show up at the demos, are going to do their best to sabotage the peace. They will destroy Iraq "by any means necessary." There is no way they can do anything else. A successful Iraq is their nightmare scenario, it would mean that Bush (the moron), Blair (the liar), and Howard (the hick from Kangarooville) were right. This would make them wrong, and there is no way anybody on the Left can ever be made wrong.
You can already see it in the writing. The "Real Left", the writers, academics, media whores, and internationalist businessmen who only see "the bottom line" of profits in various countries, will dominate media, the Democratic Party, and hence the subjects of public dialogue. Their next attempt will be to declare some sort of special rights for the Sunnis and Shias within Iraq who in their view will require separate countries. The Kurds will once again be left with their "special rights", which is to exist under the heel of the Turks. Nor will the Left ever support the Iranian students and young people in their fight against oppression within Iran. They will do all they can to see that we have no troops on the border between Iraq and Iran. They will label it "provacative". The current pressure from the Left is an attempt to keep us from helping in Iran, or anyone who lives under the boot of a dictator. Their aim is not just to stop the spread of democracy at the Iraqi border, they want to stop it period. Democracy means America. And they actually hate America.
One of the main tools the Left has been using for the last fifty years or so is to convince everyone that each of us has "minority status." Hence you are never an American. You are Italian, English, Black, Hispanic, and so on. They do this to stop a majority forming on their right. They will do this within Iraq. When Iraq is "free" look for them to immediately set up local media there.
It's time to label them for what they are. Traitors. Andrew Sullivan calls them a Fifth Column and he has been roundly criticized for using the term since it is usually used to identify agents of a "foreign power". The Left IS a foreign power. They hate America. It's time we all recognized it. If you cannot imagine a party of people watching the war on TV who cheer the death of Americans in the helicopter crash yesterday and who openly hope "we lose", then you haven't been in my apartment building in Hollywood. Or anywhere else in the "blue states".
Their short term dream is the death of 100,000 Americans in Iraq. Their longer term dream is the destruction of America "by any means necessary".
Posted by
3/21/2003 03:55:00 AM
Another Welfare Recipient Takes the Paper in an Entitlement Direction
Sullivan again attacks the New York Times for their slanted stories. Fisking the Times has become a staple on the web. Everyone blames editor Howell Raines. They are wrong. The blame lies with the Trust Fund Baby publisher, Arthur Sulzberger Jr.
Sulzberger is a man without a drop of sweat equity in the Institution it took others more than a century to build. He has no sense of what it took to create one of the great institutions in the world. To him it is just a toy. A cute little puppy mixed in with all the other privileges, money, and whatever else it is these Trust Fund Babies are given without going through the agony of work; without risking anything. "Here sonny, here's The New York Times. Play with it for a few years." Why should He end up with the Times? Because He is Arthur Sulzberger Jr., that's why. He was entitled to it, just because. Another welfare recipient, only this one is on a higher, more spiritual plane.
And like all recipients of welfare, he's on a personal Left Wing crusade. He's no different than lots of Trust Fund Babies before him as well as all the recipients of welfare in general who are actually angry about having everything without working; wishing they had a real job, but who wants to toil at the bottom like some bum, waiting all those years for success and never knowing if you're going to get there or not? So little Arthur finds The Times under his tree one 4th of July. You just know how guilty he felt. It's going to be tough trying to expiate all that guilt, but little Arthur is going to try.
He's not actually going to GIVE his money away. But he'll do the next best thing. He gives the paper to a liberal ideologue. One who will make the paper THE voice of the Left. THE champion the entitlement classes; teacher unions, class action attorneys, welfare recipients, and the academic Left. All the muscle put into the institution by people before him withers. The paper quakes under an Atkins Political Diet drained of carbohydrate so all that's left are the fats and oils of their slippery writers with just enough tasty meat once in a while to keep the paper going.
Circulation within the 20 million population of metro New York is barely 100,000, meaning this one dollar newspaper is read by just 1/200th of the city which is home for The Times. Nobody in New York is being fooled. The only readers are those chattering classes and elites in "the blue states" who subscribe. The New York street guys know crap when they see it. Rancid garbage when they smell it. They watch FOX News, read the Post or Daily News, and get the rest of their info from Maxim or on the Web.
The paper is all hat and no cattle. All cup and no latte'. Too bad. But that's the way the Trust Fund Babies crumble.
Posted by
3/20/2003 03:13:00 AM
NCAA--MARCH MADNESS--THE BIG DANCE---65 teams, roughly 650 players. Can they read?
Karl Marx observed more than a hundred years ago that "Religion is the opiate of the masses". Were he observing America today on behalf of blacks he'd observe that basketball is the opiate of the black underclass. A near hopeless dream, reduced further by the fact that more and more white players make the cut, a hopeless dream that keeps nearly a million kids permanently stupid.
NCAA DIVISION I---roughly 1,200 players
When I am watching these young men during "March Madness" I wonder how many players can read. How many have computational skills?; or any skills beyond the ability to handle a basketball not quite well enough to get into the NBA/CBA/Europe? I wonder further about the twelve hundred, and where they will be in ten years. Will they again be a part of the semi-literate underclass. With a college degree?
While you are watching,
Lifting a few brewskies
Taking a few hits
Wondering if the war has started
and if you got your bets down,
The U.S. in six or will it be eight,
Posted by
3/17/2003 05:11:00 AM
I have more than 20 years trading futures and options for clients. Used technical analysis as well as a couple of proprietary systems. Traded Index futuresd and options, interest rates, and stuff.
STOCK MARKET: Trading Range between 7400 and 8500. Period. There are still the hustlers and quick buck artists "playing" it between highs and lows for quick profits. Become an investor. Play for the long haul with good companies. Don't look for the war to bail you out. The big money will not buy over valuation. Period. All the tipsters still tout the quick play.
We are now in a market where you have to learn your stuff. There is a fundamental conflict between any broker or firm being paid commissions only when buying and selling stocks for their "clients" (read suckers). When a firm refers to their "Top Man" they mean the guy who ripped the most commissions from his customers, not the guy who made clients the most money.
You have to learn an investing system and it ain't easy. I favor Bill O'Niel at Investors Business Daily but his system is hard to learn and takes work every day. I don't know of any honest method that doesn't.
MAJOR PROBLEM: Mutual Funds. You don't think a billion shares per day is mom and pop trading, do you? These fund managers and firms MUST turn a profit for themselves and the only way to do that is trade. And trade. And trade. Every stock bought or sold generates a commission, usually hidden from the public. This huge action means you have to have sophisticated charting service like DailyGraphs (expensive) to spot what is going on. All people who lose use the free stuff. Doesn't work. You always have to calculate if you are investing enough to justify the costs of your investing "business". You can't afford to be in a stock the Mutuals are dumping. Makes it very rough on everyone. But that is the game.
REAL ESTATE WARNING: All the "smart guys" are now buying up real estate. They are forming all kinds of dirty partnerships so they can buy up government foreclosures without disclosing who actually finances the purchases. This will continue to push housing prices. Another bubble being caused by the usual suspects doing crooked things. Be very careful "investing" in real estate. These bums created the stock market bubble and they are in the process of creating this one. Same results. Be very careful.
Posted by
3/14/2003 02:00:00 PM
NAZIS, JEWS, AND DEBATEThe current fad to tag everyone with whom we disagree as either anti-semitic, Nazi, or a Jewish agent is stupid and destructive. I find myself skimming writers I used to read carefully. I've been reading Andrew Sullivan since he had only 200 readers, but now I find him labeling even an ad he doesn't like as Nazi. The attacks on Jews is based on the fact that many view any and all religion as evil. They attack Bush and Ashcroft on the grounds that they believe in God and practice their religion. This kind of shit gets everybody nowhere. And even worse, it stops thinking cold.
Posted by
3/14/2003 04:36:00 AM