$176,364,679 That figure is the aggregate, not the acutal box office. My mistake. Actual estimate so far is $117 mil.
Gibson afraid he'd be booed at Oscar and won't go. They just hate guys who walk around with $200 mil in their pocket. Oh, and it's banned in FRANCE which means even more Americans will go. Let me explain that one: After years of Israel bashing, PLO supporting, and Terrorist approving in their press and TV it's GIBSON'S MOVIE that will cause anti-Semitism in France. You have to be there to understand.
Oh oh....This is getting weird An autographed (honest to God) poster of Passion of The Christ is available here and on ebay. Update Either the poster is sold out or the absurdity forced removal of the item. It ain't there no more. However I downloaded the ad from EBay and will see if anyone wants to post it. I can't run pictures on blogger. Disappointingly, the EBay ad makes it clear that Jesus did not sign the poster. Latest bids are $610 without the signature of Jesus. Go here for page after page of things like nails, crosses that glow in the dark, sandals, posters.
Posted by Howard at 2/29/2004 04:35:00 AM 0 comments
Mel Gibson to be sued for plagiarism..........Developing
Posted by Howard at 2/28/2004 10:49:00 AM 0 comments
The partnership release of "Passion of The Christ" at the same time as the Academy Awards presentation is its own commentary. While millions of people flock to see a deeply spiritual and religious movie, the preening narcissists of the Hollywood Left will pay homage to their own cultural confetti before millions more. Most Adademy members call "Passion of The Christ" pornography because, they say, there is graphic violence. They call their output "art".
In case you don't get the distinction, I'll explain it to you.
Pornography is when one guy gets murdered for his spiritual and political beliefs and art is when a million or so computerized people are slaughtered in "Return of the King" or a couple of hundred or so are maimed, blown up, cut to pieces with swords, or drown as in "Master and Commander". The reason that "Mystic River", a movie about child abuse and murder, is "art" is because it was financed by the right people and starred all the Hollywood Left Hate Bush people. "Passion of The Christ" is butchery, an incitement to sado-masochism (Hitchens), and as a last resort anti- Semitic (every other Jew in Hollywood) mostly because of the "C" word.
The "C" word is Catholic. .
Oh, and let's not forget the "M" word. Gibson is making (gag, vomit, faint) money, ($117+ million domestic gross thru 2/28) money that should be going to Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn, and the rest of the self sacrificing Lefties. That pig Gibson is C&M (Catholic and Money). Of course all of this could have been avoided had Gibson's Christ endorsed gay marriage while being beaten or screamed his support for abortion while the nails were being driven into his hands.
On Sunday evening these "artists" will gather to reward each other for pretending to be somebody else, for telling other people to do better at pretending to be somebody else, and to bestow their dishonor upon the best achievement in ensemble lying. All will be done to thunderous applause from the morally superior. Best Picture will be a movie about a horse, computerized armies, absolutely nothing (Master etc.), a fifty year old bore romancing a 20 year old, or Child Molesting and Murder. The "C" word will never be mentioned. There is a good chance these malignantly narcissistic self proclaimed "artists" will let us all know that they hate George Bush and that Hollywood is our moral compass and not Gibson or his vision of Christ.
The show will be presented by the people who call "Passion of The Christ" pornography, sado- masochism, fascist, a paranoid view of history; and whisper out loud that Catholic Mel Gibson is a member of cults called Opus Dei and the Jesuits, and is anti-Semitic.
We'll see a show featuring so called women grinding to stupid music, the men shaking their asses like women, sodomites, lesbians, and Bush haters gathering to honor themselves for further debasing our culture. There is no truth to the rumor that Howard Stern will get a special Oscar from Mel Karmazin. Have fun. Had I not already seen The Passion I might pick that night to go.
Posted by Howard at 2/28/2004 08:01:00 AM 0 comments
Everybody says they are for free speech. What they really mean is they are for ineffective free speech. A Christian movie that is leaving grown men crying just can't be done. According to the liberal/secular crowd crucifixions are to be portrayed as beautiful things that were not violent. Kirk Douglas on the cross talking to his girl friend is what they want. Beatings and floggings are not to draw blood. Mel Gibson is now declared a pornographer for showing the crucifixion of Jesus as anything but beautiful. What shit. People like Sullivan (Jesus must have approved of gay marriage), the New York Times (anybody who believes in God is stupid), and the media that loads itself up with Jews who insist that the picture is anti-Semitic are just plain pissed that an effective Christian slanted movie has been made. Far too often we see the violence in a movie and then take our eyes off the victim; that is what Hollywood has been doing for nearly a century. Focus on the victim and all the liberal ACLU type trash mongers get upset. How many standard movies could be made if the violence was actually realistic? If a punch knocked your teeth out or broke a jaw? Fuck these arty farty media "critics". Oh, and they're pissed that the Romans are depicted as savages. Where is the Roman anti-defamation league?
Well folks, the Romans were savages. The Christians vs the lions, the murder of thousands in gladitorial "games", the total annihilation of anyone who stood in their way were not exactly acts of a gentle people. The actual crucifixtions also featured the breaking of the victim's legs so the poor bastards couldn't support themselves by gripping crosses with the soles of their feet. The sadistic Romans were sadistic and vicious. That's how they stayed in power.
God makes all of us uncomfortable. That's his job.
And go here for a more elegantly worded view. Read both essays, the guy is the best on the web, bar nobody. I'm a joke compared to him. Go HERE too.
Posted by Howard at 2/27/2004 08:54:00 AM 0 comments
A very long grocery strike ends in SoCal but what has really ended is union strength. The refusal of unions to do balls out organizing of COSTCO and WalMart means that eventually all market jobs will be low wage dead end or entry level jobs. The unions have only themselves to blame because they refused to organize. They also failed to put on a real strike and close down every market so the public would instantly become involved, another sign of the pathetic weakness of organized labor. When large corporations really have their backs against the wall they have to fight, and when they do fight nothing less than complete labor solidarity will work. Life in the Big City.
Posted by Howard at 2/27/2004 06:36:00 AM 0 comments
The absolute last link to the old time blues and dirty blues is here. Everybody you have never heard of is here and the recordings are good. A priceless site. Everything from Django Reinhardt with Grappley to Earl Hines with Louis Armstrong to the whorehouse blues of Lucille Bogan. You may stay there for weeks. BTW if you listen to the Reinhardt cuts try to imagine that he plays that incredible guitar with his first and second fingers fused together from a terrible burn in a fire. Notes from eamilers Deborah M and Frank When looking up this type of old music use the term "Hokum Blues" on search engines, including Amazon.
Posted by Howard at 2/27/2004 01:32:00 AM 0 comments
I was raised by a Jewish father and a Catholic mother I know how bigoted both religions can sometimes be. I grew up hearing things like goy, chiksa, schwartza, from the Jewish end and things like wops, dagos, slants and so on from the other. But never, ever did I hear my mother or any Catholics say the Jews killed Jesus The article in today's New York Times that clearly says that the Jews in Hollywood will blacklist Mel Gibson doesn't surprise me at all. Far too many Jews don't like Christians and fear them. They will do whatever it takes to "teach Gibson a lesson" and let anyone else who does a serious Christian movie that they won't work either. When I was a very young actor I met a Persian (Iranian) actor at a party who said he was changing his name to a Spanish name so he could get work, that the Jews wouldn't hire him. He changed it and worked for twenty years. I'm fairly well versed in not only scripture but the Dead Sea Scrolls as well and I'll only comment here that the powerful Jews (Pharisees, Sadducees) turned Jesus over to the Romans because he was a threat to their power. Jesus was a political figure who wanted to join Jews and Gentiles into a movement to overthrow Rome by force. The Romans wanted him dead and the other powerful Jews wanted him dead too. That was two thousand years ago for Christ sakes. What kind of idiot would blame Murray the butcher for the death of Jesus 2,000 years ago? The problem is that lots of Jews don't like Christians in any form other than docile and under the rug and Christians have been in hiding for at least twenty years. This movie may bring Christians out of the closet. One of the really good things that might happen is that a truthful story of Mary Magdalene might be told. She was a really powerful person. She is currently portrayed as a feminist, another liberal, possibly a lesbian, the bride of Jesus, and so on. In fact she was the most powerful of the followers of Jesus and was a potent force. A sanitized feminist version is surely in the works partly inspired by the scholarly inept DiVinci Code and the current fad super-feminst "expert",
Barbara Thiering. Try The Cult of the Black Virgin, The Gnositc Gosples, and a few other pre-feminist pre lesbian "scholars" looks. Another view of the Gibson movie with an interesting take is HERE.
Posted by Howard at 2/26/2004 05:30:00 PM 0 comments
Report: Only half of Hispanics, blacks finishing school headlines the Washington Post by way of the Palm Beach Post as they compare blacks, "Native Americans", and hispanics to whites. Of course they can't compare them to Koreans, Japanese, Chinese, Pakistanis, Indians, Muslims, Russians, and the rest. Could it just be that the WaPo's designated minorities just aren't smart enough? Or play basketball instead of attending classes? Or do they gang bang around our cities instead of studying? Beats me.
Posted by Howard at 2/26/2004 12:05:00 PM 0 comments
Hit the Belmont Club this AM
What George Tenet asserted in his testimony before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence is that extremist groups like Al Qaeda are about to turn the toxic products of postwar decolonization into a battering ram against the West.There's lots and lots more
In the long history of confrontation between civilization and barbarism, civilization has rarely proved the stronger. The Goths, Huns and Hordes of Central Asia swept all before them. Not the stones of Caesar's Rome nor the cities of the last Caliphs nor even the Forbidden Cities of the Chinese emperors, but the ashes of barbarism's fire are the foundations from which we are sprung. If we are to avoid this fate we must not await the inevitable onslaught or believe it can be resolved through "law enforcement".Go there. And be sure to read Wednesday's post too.
Posted by Howard at 2/26/2004 07:20:00 AM 0 comments
Andrew Sullivan rails against The Passion perhaps because he didn't like Jesus's stand on gay marriage.
Posted by Howard at 2/26/2004 04:05:00 AM 0 comments
In response to many queries asking in effect how did people hear about those "dirty records" like the ones listed below. Well, in those days the record stores would just have a supply and sell them under the counter. It was probably ten per cent of their business. Nobody knows how many were sold. If you do research, you'll find some of the lyrics were vile. Just like now.
Posted by Howard at 2/26/2004 04:04:00 AM 0 comments
The homosexual community is one of continuing masquerade. Men pretend they are women, women pretend they are men and the entire deviant society pretends they are "normal" and just like you and me. So now they want to further the pretense and get married so they can continue to pretend they are normal. The marriages "uniting" two men or two women in "holy matrimony" is just one more stunt by this minority to get onto the entitlement bandwagon; welfare, food stamps, home loans, spousal rights and so on. "Look at us, we're normal" is like the draft dodgers claiming bravery, the pimp claiming a concern for his employees, and the sleazy among us clothing themselves in religion or charitable enterprises to cover their real persona. The question before us is: do we debase ourselves further by honoring sodomizers, child molesters, sado-masochists, and other deviants by "blessing" their activity in public, or do we demand that they keep their habits in the closet?
Posted by Howard at 2/25/2004 05:15:00 AM 0 comments
Updated to include the 227 (up to now, BUT PLEASE STOP) email suggestions. Thanx everybody.
Check these out and maybe we can all lighten up about the "sinful" rap music. And yes Virginia, Dinah Washington sang some pretty raunchy stuff. Here's some titles:
Baby Let Me Bang Your Box-----The Toppers
My Man Stands Out------ Julia Lee & Her Boy Friends (a truly raunchy group)
Long John Blues --------- Dinah Washington
Keep on Churnin' (Till the Butter Comes)------ Wynonie Harris
Work With Me Annie ------ Royals (They were original artists; Shirley and Lee, and Hank Ballard & The Midnighters versions were later)
It Ain't the Meat ----- The Swallows
Sixty Minute Man------- The Dominoes (still played)
Lemon Sqeezing Daddy------- Sultans
Big Ten Inch Record ------- Tiny Bradshaw
Big Long Slidin' Thing------ Dinah Washington
Take You Hands Off My Mojo-----Coot Grant
Press My Button, Ring My Bell-------Black Bob
If I Can't Sell It, I'll Keep Sittin' on It (Before I Give It Away)-----Georgia White
Please Warm My Weiner------Bo Carter (a great recoding)
Get Off With Me--------Coot Grant and Kid Wesley Wilson
Get Off The Table Mabel (The Two Dollar's For The Beer)------Bull Moose Jackson
Late Add Chinga Chavin "Country Porn" (Fruit of the Tune, 1976)
"Sit, Sit, Sit On My Face,"
"Dry Humping In The Back Of A Fifty-Five Ford...
" Well, you really have to hear it to believe it." (Thanx to Ray R)
And you want drug songs? Check these out. We used to call it "reefer music"
Reefer Man-----Don Redman And His Orchestra
Here Comes The Man With The Jive--------Stuff Smith And His Onyx Club Boys
If You're A Viper-------Bob Howard And His Boys
Sweet Marijuana Brown------Barney Bigard Sextet (this was a name band)
Viper Mad------Sidney Bechet With Noble Sissie's Swingers (another name band)
The Weed Smoker's Dream (Why Don't You Do Right) - Harlem Hamfats
The G Man Got The T Man - Cee Pee Johnson And His Band
All The Jive Is Gone - Andy Kirk And His Twelve Clouds Of Joy
Who Put The Benzedrine In Mrs Murphy Ovaltine-----Harry 'The Hipster' Gibson (Everybody had this record)
Jerry The Junker-------Clarence Williams And His Washboard band
Reefer Song-------Fats Waller (Yes. That Fats Waller)
Save The Roach For Me-----Buck Washington
COCAINE BILL AND MORPHINE SUE----(were strolling down the avenue. Honey have a sniff have a sniff on me.......) many many artists, originally from the very early part of the last century, or possibly the 19th century when the first cocaine wave hit this country.
I found a few of these busted records at my sister's house, which really pissed me off. I think a lot of them are available on CD's. Late add Emailer T Jackson says most are available at Amazon. Warning: most of them are just awful. You have to be a hard core blues fan to like most of them, and the sort of famous "Harry the Hipster" was a no talent. I left out Slim Galliard (Cement Mixer), Lord BlearsBuckley, the really great Louis Jordan, and lots of others including the dopester of all time: Roselle Gayle (sic), the first Cheech and Chong. Another late add More emails than I've ever received complete with links to Amazon. Here's a start that will link you like crazy. There's copulating blues, "viper" blues, and just plain early low down stuff. The rap of the early part of the 20th century. Another email link from John T. If you have Real Audio updated you can hear some of this stuff.
Posted by Howard at 2/25/2004 05:05:00 AM 0 comments
Maybe letters DO work at least when the recipients don't have an agenda. I wrote Google the letter below in response to the classification "Conservative" to the Iranian thugs running for office. Today their headline calls them "Religious Hardliners", Way to go Google. Letter I sent"
What is conservative about a bunch of mullah Mafia thugs? Are they for free markets? Lower taxes? First and Second Amendment Rights? A free press? Lower taxes? Are they readers of Locke, Hayek, and Adam Smith? Are they Jeffersonian scholars? Followers of Milton Friedman and Laffler? Why are thugs that use secret police, rigged courts, torture chambers, total repression of all rights, complete control of all business, etc., called "conservative"?Of course the NYT, LAT, and other media haven't changed at all. Keep mailing everybody, maybe some others will change.
Your choice of the term "conservative" to describe Communists, theocracies, kleptocracies, thugocracies, and dictatorships of various kinds is just you liberals trying to smear the real conservatives in this country. I have a blog that gets 7,000 hits per day and I am posting, but one would think that "legit" media would have some kind of integrity of language.
Posted by Howard at 2/22/2004 07:57:00 AM 0 comments
Lucianne links to a POV about what we have accomplished in the Mid-East. I still say the same thing: Why isn't this stuff coming from the White House? Another horrid example of the mute who is President. Very depressing. These things:
This war has an ambitious aim: the transformation of the most dysfunctional region of the world. You can't do it overnight. But, 10 months after the liberation, it should be possible to discern a trend, and right now all the Middle Eastern dominoes are beginning to teeter in the same direction.Note that Bush says nothing so how do we know? There's more:
What's happening is that most countries in the region are moving toward the American position; the only variable is the speed.Not coming from the White House. Do they even know?
the ''coalition of the willing'' has effected more positive change in the last 10 months than the multilateral establishment has in the last 10 years. If Bush loses in November because he can't provide sufficient witnesses to prove where he was on certain weekends in 1972, he'll still have an impressive legacy: He's toppled two dictatorships, neutered a third, and put the squeeze on several moreHard to believe the sleepwalking White House had anything to do with it, does it?
Posted by Howard at 2/22/2004 07:02:00 AM 0 comments
As March Madness draws near and Stanford (???) is ranked #1 in the country. Saw them play yesterday. The best this team will do is the "elite 8" and I don't think they will get that far. This is a team that cannot kill. They get ahead and fold. They are barely beating some of the worst teams in the country; USC, UCLA, Arizona State and so on. Nobody can press them, and even a bunch of slugs like UCLA out rebound them. They may not even get out of the West. 1550 SATs don't win basketball championships.
Posted by Howard at 2/22/2004 06:38:00 AM 0 comments
The Left is issuing insults at Conservative Babes calling them ugly. Well let's start HERE and then go HERE for an assortment of about twenty five you can click on. I can't post pix on blogger so you'll have to go there. They are enough to turn Larry Flint to the Right.
Posted by Howard at 2/21/2004 03:08:00 PM 0 comments
This week back in 1850 California became a state.
We had no electricity.
The state had no money.
Almost everyone spoke Spanish.
There were gun fights in the streets.
The good old days are back.
Hat Tip to emailer Carol H who raises llamas and reads my blog.
Posted by Howard at 2/21/2004 02:22:00 PM 0 comments
Posted by Howard at 2/21/2004 10:29:00 AM 0 comments
Suggest you make Lucianne dot com a regular stop. Has all the latest from various media linked. Very good.
Posted by Howard at 2/21/2004 08:41:00 AM 0 comments
Economy in General
The Left stand against Free Trade misses something much deeper. Free Trade, NAFTA and the other ones, are simply surrogates for the much hated "foreign aid". If the Democrats win and junk these agreements an immediate revolution will happen in Mexico that will spill into our country. Ditto with every other agreement. You want a real war? See what happens when the Chinese dump every U.S. T-Bond they have bought over the past two or three years. Same with Japan. This is a suicide pact. End free trade agreements and we will really be toast. The stock market is very nervous about this election, and investors should be. These markets could easily dive during the summer if "Silent Cal" Bush stays deaf and dumb about policy. I don't comment directly on markets anymore, but.....if you still have a buy stop on gold at $393 + that I suggested three weeks ago, cancel it. Don't buy gold unless it hits $380. This will be my absolutely last remark on actual trades in markets. Futures trading involves a high degree of risk and should not be undertaken by anyone without sufficient capital to absorb heavy losses. Past performance is never an indicator of futurer results.)
Posted by Howard at 2/21/2004 07:49:00 AM 0 comments
THE NAKED WOMEN'S WRESTLING LEAGUE IS NOW A REALITY Go to their hot hot hot site and get schedules. You just know that the babe with the cigar and huge bazooms is already dating "You Know Who". Link courtesy of good old Bad Jocks dot come...er com. Beat me, hurt me, make me write bad checks....... Carmen Electra is the commissioner. Wrestlers like Twin Peeks, Harriet Bush, Layla Hussein and a ton of others. Mel Karmazin will produce. Does anybody but me smell Super Bowl Halftime here?
Posted by Howard at 2/21/2004 07:29:00 AM 0 comments
One of the biggest financial companies in the world made a presentation in our office today for Foreign Currency Trading that is the client rape of all time. Hidden commissions of 300% per year. They will use a "back tested" system that has never been used in real time, will charge $100 per month for a customer to use and will charge a "round turn" commission of $5 per trade; the system trades 200+ times per month; account size will be $5,000. The brokers in the firm are so outraged that the owner assumed they were all gangsters that there will be an exodus of 75% of the firm by March 1st. Those remaining will engage in the fraud. Be very careful about "investing" in FOREX, Foreign Exchange, because the gangster element is in charge. Nobody needs a license to sell it. The very biggest of the big financial firms are involved. Watch your asses everybody because good old George has no regulators willing to stand up for the public.
Posted by Howard at 2/21/2004 07:16:00 AM 0 comments
Is Edwards the Reagan of the Left?? The nomination will not fall to him this time around but I think he has derailed the Clinton train in a big way. He will be around for the next four years building an organization in the open; he will speak; he will be on news shows; and he will be effective. I cannot see Hillary Clinton, a woman who will not even talk to reporters, handling him. She has no personality, no sense of humor, and is Clinton baggage. Were Conan to have a Hillary puppet, he'd name it "Stonewall the Sex Joke dog". Kerry is not crazy enough to debate a hard nosed trial lawyer so a debate with Edwards won't happen. Edwards is the front runner for '08 right now. Do I concede the election to Bush? The big reason he will win is the "Investor Class" of 50 million people. Kerry directly threatens every stock holder in the country. Many people I know think the Dow would already be at 12,000 and the NASDAQ at 2,500 were people not afraid the Democrats might win. JOBS is everything. Stay tuned. Next JOBS report is Friday, March 5th at 8:30 AM Eastern
Posted by Howard at 2/21/2004 05:42:00 AM 0 comments
She's 40 something and is accusing a Yale prof of sexual harassment twenty years ago. The latest in feminine nut cases. Go HERE for a rather boring but enlightening piece about how far an asshole can go to ruin a man's reputation and there is nothing he can do about it. And in the same pub there is an interview with Drudge. Me thinks the Kerry stink is far from concluded. Oh, and if you have the time be sure to read the Joe Conason oh so outraged attack on the Ann Coulter piece about Max Cleland. THEN read Coulter's eviscerating response. Max Cleland was NOT wounded in combat, did NOT get a Purple Heart because you don't get one for being stupid on the way to buy booze with your buds, and how the Dems have managed to lie about his record. She is a tough cookie who doesn't write about what she doesn't know about. Makes all of us wish she had a wider platform. (error corrections courtesy of C Joyce. Thanks))
Posted by Howard at 2/21/2004 04:43:00 AM 0 comments
Media smear and how it works Check the web and newspapers right now. The gangster mullahs in Iran are referred to as CONSERVATIVES. There is nothing conservative about gangsters, robbers, thugs, motorcycle gangs, secret police and those things. We are not that. We want limited government (in spite of W), limited taxation, most of us want to "conserve" what we believe is good about the past (like our Constitution). This media slander and libel has got to be addressed. Write a quick note to every local schmokel and network goon who uses it. It deliberately smears the things we really stand for. Today I sent emails to Washington Post, PBS Evening News, and Google News
Posted by Howard at 2/20/2004 01:40:00 PM 0 comments
Jim C from the Bay Area emailed me Jane Fonda pic and text that I can't publish on Blogger. It's HERE. The text is flawed and you can fact check it HERE.
Posted by Howard at 2/20/2004 01:02:00 PM 0 comments
CU football "scandal" is smearing a really good man. I refer to Gary Barnett, their coach. These rape charges are criminal in nature and the local District Attorney has prosecuted none. This almost always means that there are no real cases out there. The "woman" kicker was terrible; Barnett says so and is basically fired. Another woman steps up who was so drunk she can't remember anything, other than she thinks she was raped. I played football (not Division IA) and guys who just can't cut it are blown out, physically and verbally. It's a tough game. I cannot imagine fondling in a huddle. Jesus you're tired, sweating, bleeding and thinking; the coaches are yelling at everybody; the last thing all the guys are going to do is fondle. I'm listening to the players. Barnett had a long and successful stint at Northwestern, his reputation til now has been exemplary, and he is basically fired for saying a girl was a shit player. Barnett is guilty of the most Politically Incorrect statement one can make these days: saying a girl is anything other than great at everything. You do it and you land in trouble. I'm glad the players are rallying in support of a truly fine man. I know some guys who played at Northwestern who are getting together to help if wanted also.
All of you should wonder why a bunch of rapes were not prosecuted in a state where the "violence against women" laws are so tough they may be unconstitutional. DA's don't like a string of losses is the most likely answer. And the recruiting "trips", as I commented upon in a prior post, cannot be supervised every minute of every day by a coach. Hundreds of kids are coming in and a man cannot supervise everyone. Late add The post referred to was not published but remained in the file. Here it is: Come on! I'm old. 1955 I'm at several schools for football. Girls all over. Parties like crazy. I was thrilled. When I get back home a guy who was an All American back in 1931 asked me if there were girls and "hooch" at the school. When I told him yes, he responded "Nothing's changed". We're talking 1930s.
Posted by Howard at 2/20/2004 04:56:00 AM 0 comments
Read terpsboy today and be sure you catch the kisses. I think you have to have a lot of ram and fast connection or don't bother. This guy is too clever by half.
Posted by Howard at 2/19/2004 08:02:00 AM 0 comments
Whenever the Left wants to smear they simply trap interview our senile parents. The "Gotcha" interview with Gibson's clearly demented old man has nothing to do with Gibson other than to smear the movie. Remember the hit piece on the mother of Newt Gingrich? The Lefty news people go so low for their stories they have to scrape the whale shit off their shoes before entering.
Posted by Howard at 2/19/2004 06:26:00 AM 0 comments
This shocking revelation is not on Drudge, YET but be ready. Bush tried this rich man's stunt while AWOL in Alabama in an attempt to feed his bastard babies. Developing......
Posted by Howard at 2/19/2004 05:13:00 AM 0 comments
Michael Ledeen hits a bases empty home run, bases empty referring to the DOA Bush Administration. Two smugglers were arrested in Iraq, near Mosul, with what an Iraqi general described as a barrel of uranium. This is a must read article about what is going on in IRAN. GO HERE The essay is loaded with bombshells like
I told CIA that I had been informed of a supply of enriched uranium in Iraq, some of which had been carried to Iran a few years ago. I had offered to put CIA in touch with the original couriers, who said they would take American inspectors to the site, but CIA could not be bothered to go look.And not to worry, it won't be on FOX either. Read the essay and then tell me that Bush isn't one of the worst presidents we have ever had. He is awful.
Posted by Howard at 2/18/2004 05:23:00 PM 0 comments
Neither Drudge nor the Brits are backing off the Kerry story. There is a real possibility that somebody paid somebody big bucks to shut up. At any rate OUR great press won't find out the truth because they are too busy proving Bush was AWOL, that he fathered bastard children, and that he once tried to withdraw more than the limit at an ATM machine.
Posted by Howard at 2/18/2004 04:35:00 AM 0 comments
I commented long ago on this site that I thought Edwards was the only Democrat who could beat "Calvin Coolidge" Bush. He can destroy the most inarticulate president in my lifetime in debate and presentation. We are in a serious war that Bush cannot articulate. People like Victor Davis Hanson, Michael Ledeen, George Will, and other outstanding writers are NOT the policy people. I'm fed up with the death per day and a silent president. Can you imagine FDR, Ike, Kennedy, or Ronnie hiding out? We should face the fact that this guy is pathetic. We continue to imagine that he is what we hope he will be in spite of the evidence to the contrary. BTW if these jobs numbers don't get super it will make no difference, the entire sonambulent Republican (????) Party will be toast. Here's an idea for the sleep-walking Republican dopes. The cost per hire for large companies is near $18,000 PER HIRE. The tax cut should come right there. Allow them to write off 75% of the cost. You'll never see that one coming from the White House. Jobs would soar immediately especially if the break ended within a time certain.
Posted by Howard at 2/18/2004 04:24:00 AM 0 comments
Wails over the lack of diversity in academia continue. A tenured prof at a major SW University writes in a letter to University Professor Quarterly that "there are no Nazis, one Felangist, two Black Panthers, only three Communists, and four or five Taliban on our faculty; I have never heard of anyone who even knows a Republican. In short we have failed our students if we allow Republicans to contaminate debate and research."
Posted by Howard at 2/18/2004 04:05:00 AM 0 comments
Beginning to look like the Kerry story is false. This will be a huge black eye for Drudge, as it should be. Kerry will benefit for a while and the Democrats will continue to falsly blame the Republicans for the story. You can bet Drudge will never retract the story. He has never retracted his errors. BTW, Andrew Sullivan has gone so far down the gay road that it is a waste of time to read him. Probably why he's never been able to get a regular job. Too bad, it's a waste of a good mind.
Posted by Howard at 2/17/2004 04:02:00 AM 0 comments
On the off chance you haven't linked to the exposure of the Oil for Food program in Iraq from either Reynolds or Simon, go HERE for a pretty big picture.
Posted by Howard at 2/16/2004 12:12:00 PM 0 comments
Late add to this post. As the stories change, particularly that of the father, keep in mind that Mrs. Heinz has more money than Saddam and she has used this money to fund many far far left causes. She is not above bribing news organizations, reporters, and participants. Saddam showed us all what a million dollars can do, and Teresa etc. Kerry has a thousand million dollar bills to throw around. It looks like the foreign press is going to crack the Kerry case wide open while our corporate elite controlled TV and News Media (The Times Co., AOL/TIMEWARNER, Rupert Murdock's sonambulent FOX Empire, GE/CBS etc., the publishing elites; all of the bastards) attempt to kill the story. Not reporting what all of them know, hoping their Ivy League pal will handle things, deny and deny and be acquitted by public opinion. The ever vigilant press posse broke Dean and got Nixon, so they may be excused if they are all worn out. But looks like the woman wants to talk. But nobody wants to listen except the Brits. AND DRUDGE. Realize that Drudge gets more hits per day (15 million) than watch FOX, MSNBC, and CNN combined; more read Drudge than read the 10 major daily newspapers combined. It's not like NOBODY knows this story. Nobody knows it except the main media. WND is reporting a link to the Australian that contains a former classmate's assertion that the affair never happened and couldn't have happened. WND is also reporting on the tons of money being donated to the Kerry campaign by the media elites, including FOX.
Posted by Howard at 2/16/2004 11:38:00 AM 0 comments
Buy that for me Daddy.... Anybody but me notice the 17 page letter from super terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi to al Qaeda operatives, parts of which are posted on various sites, is more literate than anything I write. This missive from a guy with a sixth grade education is suspicious because of its erudition. If I was writing it I'd use a code for the simple statement: "We're fucked unless we get some help". The real problem in Iraq is the hopelessly inarticulate White House. If the choice is between Bush and Kerry I guess I'll hold my nose (again) and vote for Bush, but his communication skills are limited to "buy that for me daddy" and nothing else. To allow the Democrats to just attack him day after day, and in so doing attack the country, Iraq, and our troops there, is inexcusable.
Posted by Howard at 2/16/2004 04:27:00 AM 0 comments
Reader John F. of Redondo Beach emails this one
How do you tell the difference between liberals, conservatives, and southerners?
Answer: Pose the following question:
You're walking down a deserted street with your wife and two small children. Suddenly, a dangerous looking man with a huge knife comes around the corner, locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, raises the knife, and charges. You are carrying a Glock .40, and you are an expert shot. You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your family. What do you do?
Liberal Answer:
Well, that's not enough information to answer the question! Does the man look poor or oppressed? Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire him to attack? Could we run away? What does my wife think? What about the kids? Could I possibly swing the gun like a club and knock the knife out of his hand? What does the law say about this situation? Does the Glock have appropriate safety built into it?
Why am I carrying a loaded gun anyway, and what kind of message does this send to society and to my children? Is it possible he'd be happy with just killing me?
Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he be content just to wound me? If I were to grab his knees and hold on, could my family get away while he was stabbing me? Should I call 9-1-1?
Why is this street so deserted? We need to raise taxes, have a paint and weed day and make this a happier, healthier street that would discourage such behavior.
This is all so confusing! I need to debate this with some friends for a few days and try to come to a consensus.
Conservative Answer:
Southerner's Answer:
BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! click....(sounds of reloading).
Daughter: "Nice grouping, Daddy! Were those the Winchester Silver Tips?"
I swear I did NOT steal this piece from Kim duToit!
Posted by Howard at 2/15/2004 04:23:00 PM 0 comments
Never watched This Week, the Stephanopolis Sunday News show on ABC, til this AM. Not just good, but very good. They really aired out the jobs, trade, and economy very well. I'll be watching it again. Give it a look. Better than Russert? Yes, more investigating of POVs and no "hard cross examinations" of people who are always prepared.
Posted by Howard at 2/15/2004 08:48:00 AM 0 comments
And the hits just keep on coming. Fleet Street seems to be the only "free press" in the free world concerning the Kerry sex story. Our press still has heads in sand, not naming names (ALEXANDRA POLIER), not mentioning anything other than smearing Drudge as a Right Wing website. Now the Telegraph is stating the story is very "nasty". The picture they run of the "girl", Alexandra ("Alex") Polier, shows a much less attractive person than the hot babe picture run by The Sun. The continuing accusation from the Dems that Rove and the GOP are behind the story is another lie. You can find the original net report of several weeks ago HERE. This was a Clark operatives website; a guy who posted the following on his own "non plitical" site:
I'm still on hiatus (at least my blog is) and still working 16-hour days at Clark For President in Little Rock, AR. It's the wildest, craziest, most intense, most political and chaotic experience I've ever had in my life --.... His non political site (actually he formed the new site because his politics were in the way) is HERE. His intention to form the "new blog" was published;
I am pleased to announce the launch of a site I've been working on for a few weeks now. The site came about because I was tired of posting about politics on my own personal blog so I realized that I needed a place unrelated to CamWorld to serve as an outlet. This led to the idea of building a multiple-editor blog that allowed others to do the same thing. That is how WatchBlog was bornEntire comment was published HERE. The story has been "out there" for almost a year and actually covered up by our Media Elite. Again. This post should clear up any doubt in your mind regarding the politics of the rumor starter. Remember, as of right now this is a story about a story; no sources, no witnesses, no docs.
Posted by Howard at 2/15/2004 05:38:00 AM 0 comments
More on the Bush AWOL crap. Last night MSNBC stated that they had talked with 17 guys who were on base in 72-73 and they never saw Bush. I was stationed on five bases and I didn't know more that twenty guys on any of them. Bush and his old man were not celebrity figures at that time so who would care? MSNBC stays clear of the Kerry "rumor"; no interviews with people who knew the "girl". Who knew her when she worked at various places, and went to school. What shit.
Posted by Howard at 2/14/2004 06:38:00 AM 0 comments
Before you rail about regulators the rules are clear, I know them, and I can see the point that a person must disclose all positions of clients and himself when commenting. I didn't do that. So my licenses are valuable and I will cease. However, all my comments were exactly right. So there.
Posted by Howard at 2/14/2004 06:30:00 AM 0 comments
The way things spin: If the Kerry rumor proves false it will give him a huge boost, particularly witth the sympathy crowd; and the Dems will accuse the Republicans of smearing. Nothing will help Bush with the AWOL smear because the press is after him like they were after Dean and Nixon. They will find more lies. BTW, any accusation that FOX is a Right Wing network just fall apart these days. They are "centerist", meaning they are just like everybody else but not quite as good. No accident that CNN out drew them on election night. Even the New York Post is reporting the Kerry "rumor". If you want the data just cruise the Brit papers, at least they ain't afraid. And that babe is really a babe/
Posted by Howard at 2/14/2004 06:23:00 AM 0 comments
THE FAKE BUSH WAS AWOL story is exposed best HERE in Mens News Daily. A fake from the beginning and carried by Left Media (which means all of the slime balls). Read it, and he has a link to George Mag in 2000 that exposed the fake too. The best story is HERE, a main media piece. Link courtesy of Rush. Get this straight, the story was a complete fabrication and the truth was available to anyone who cared to look it up.
Posted by Howard at 2/13/2004 02:46:00 PM 0 comments
HERE WE GO AGAIN Kerry was on Imus this AM. Basically denied entire story. He is dead meat if story is true and his denial will fuel every reporter on the planet. We will find out soon. Drudge will be ruined if he spread false gossip. High stakes. What do I think? I agree with Roger Simon in that if a guy who is running for president can't keep it in his pants does he really want to be president? IF STORY IS TRUE. But it gets "truer" every second. GO HERE and keep in mind that Fleet Street reporters are second to none in getting sex, sleaze, and scandal.
Posted by Howard at 2/13/2004 05:28:00 AM 0 comments
More Kerry National Enquirer is also blowing the lid off of his afairs, drug use, etc. tomorrow. Still no main media coverage.
Posted by Howard at 2/12/2004 12:23:00 PM 0 comments
I'm not allowed to comment on markets any more but my hog call (puts) paid off. You guys doubled your money already and should get out when option premium doubles. As far as the dollar goes, Jake Bernstein who is very very good at cycles, thinks the dollar fall is just about over too....... Cancel the gold order if you put it in.
Posted by Howard at 2/12/2004 11:37:00 AM 0 comments
The average penis size when erect is 6.15 inches
The average vaginal canal is 7.25 inches deep.
This means that there are about two million one hundred thousand miles of unused vaginal space in the world.
Kerry was just trying to close the unused vagina space gap. He's our guy. BTW his girl friend was NOT an heiress. Means he's slipping.
Posted by Howard at 2/12/2004 09:02:00 AM 0 comments
I can blog if I say nothing about economics, markets, or opinions on economy??? PETA is behind the smear on Atkins. Go HERE to Google and just link up to a ton of stories, none of which are reported on FOX or any of the rest. FOX a conservative network??? PETA formed a fake medical group and started emailing. Sucks. Again.
Posted by Howard at 2/11/2004 06:32:00 AM 0 comments
HAVE TO STOP BLOGGING FOR A WHILE I have a license in the financial field and have a problem with postiing any of my market opinions because I may or may not have clients in those positions; my opinions can be construed as an attempt to move markets. As you who have been following me know, I have called all the markets right, in some cases exactly right, and there are some people in the regulatory agencies who think I should have all clients in all positions I recommend. They don't think clients should have their own opinions "(fuck you I think gold is going to $520" after I tell them to get out doesn't cover it). Until I can get my licensing straightened out I have to stop. Last recommendation: go long April gold if it hits $393.20 (out of the money calls will do it) and by put options on Live Hogs this morning with out of the money puts, no more than $350 per option. Bye, bye.
Posted by Howard at 2/03/2004 06:32:00 AM 0 comments
Response to ten or so emails concerning the term "Jump(ing) the Shark". It seems to have come from the TV Show "Happy Days". When the show started to sag; Ron Howard had left, Potsie was looking stupid, and the show was at the point of plunge. So they did a bit where Fonzi (Henry Winkler, then looking 35 and still playing 17) did a stunt where he did a water ski jump over a shark. Totally out of character and proof that the show was flailing. So whenever a show or performer who has run out of hits, ideas, scripts, etc., tries a desperation move it is called "jumping the shark". Janet Jackson jumped the shark. Now CBS Viacom may be faced with some interesting choices too.
Posted by Howard at 2/02/2004 07:33:00 PM 0 comments
And even the New York Times is pissed off at the Super Bowl. It seems that this may be a more important event than first met my eyes. Liberals and Conservatives are pissed. All of us who have kids are very angry. Good. I'd only point out that Viacom is a cess pool. All their programming is of the scum variety. They are a contemptable lot and what the hell did CBS and the NFL think Viacom would provide? Gregorian Chants by the Morman Tabernacle Chior? Let's face it, all parents of kids below the age of ten had their privacy violated by these sleasy corporate scum merchants. No word yet from National Review, Nation, New Repulblic, or The Daily Worker.
Posted by Howard at 2/02/2004 07:16:00 PM 0 comments
Late Super Bowl commentary 1. Google News is losing it. They link to the BBC story. What the fuck do a bunch of slime balls at the BBC know about football? That Carolina won? Also the talk at work, especially among the women there, was how offensive they thought the commercials were, particularly the farting mule. I guess everyone should know that FAMILIES watch the dam thing and that Budweiser and CBS don't get it. Look to hear a lot more about this during the week. Women also thought Janet Jackson has fake tits, but they think Arnold has fake muscles. And the black women were more pissed off than the white women. I don't know what that's all about. Later add the LIBERAL Washington Post is slamming the shit out of it too. HERE at MSNBC
Posted by Howard at 2/02/2004 11:26:00 AM 0 comments
The Shit Fest from Houston
Too bad the game turned on a bad kickoff at the end of the game. That and the fact that New England coach Belichick had a play all ready for a two point conversion and Fox did not. But the whole game as TV was a corporate show of indifference to anything other than making money. I was watching the game with a housefull of young kids, some as young as six and seven. That fucking Janet Jackson tit thing just blew the place apart. The men preening and stroking their pants covered private parts, simulating intercourse, and butt grabbing the women were just great for kids. Parents were totally pissed. The teens in the room wanted more. I think it's called "jumping the shark" when an over the hill not had a hit in years star does something outrageous in order to get attention. Janet Jackson "jumped the shark". I hope it eats her AND the hypocrites at CBS and the NFL who knew goddam well what was going to happen. It was posted all over the web since Friday. I'm a right wing guy who is getting fed up with corporate America and dam near everything they stand for, which seems to be "Who gives a fuck? Let's make a buck" because they just can. The commercials were so crude as to be rated at least PG, unsuitable for young children. What a shitfest.
Posted by Howard at 2/02/2004 06:01:00 AM 0 comments
Add to Hospital post below after spending a day with a couple of doctors. The King Hospital is staffed by "C" students who couldn't get into medical school without pledging to spend at least two years in a "minority" community. The doctors finished at or near the bottom of their classes, were generally tutored daily like stupid jocks, and given every possible assistance. There is no way that medical schools like UC Berkeley or UCLA (where the two white doctors graduated) will allow people who are Hispanic or Black to flunk out. The result is Martin Luther King Hospital.
Posted by Howard at 2/02/2004 05:24:00 AM 0 comments
The best way to read this is to go to Google News and link up if you don't want to fill out the inquisitional LAT "registration" form. Keep in mind that when the hopelessly left LAT points a finger at a Black anything the situation must be awful. This hospital is staffed by blacks, blacks who are where they are because they have been "given" medical degrees, nursing degrees and so on. This is what will happen to you when the low end of the intellectual class becomes doctors. It is a horror story and it will continue BECAUSE THEY ARE BLACK.
Nurses at a public hospital serving the poor in south Los Angeles left critically ill patients alone for hours and were ordered to lie about patients' conditionsLet's hear it for affirmative action in Medical Schools. No rich liberals EVER go to places like Martin Luther King Hospital.
nurses failed in providing basic patient care, doctors allowed problems to fester and Los Angeles County was guilty of poor oversight at Martin Luther King Jr.-Drew Medical Center.
Five patients died at the hospital last year after what were determined to have been grave errors by staff members, according to the unreleased Medicare and Medicaid Services report.
The others include Oluchi McDonald, 20, who was found on the floor in a pool of his own vomit, suffering intestinal gangrene.
Posted by Howard at 2/01/2004 06:32:00 AM 0 comments