Media coverage of the Prison Scandal got 200 stories on the networks and forty days of continuous front page coverage in our "free press". heroes like this got none.
Newspaper circulation declines around world but before you wax philosophic about lies and lazy reporting, allow me to point out something. Newspapers do NOT want blue collar readership. They do not want people who earn less than $75K per year reading their papers. They want to deliver a high income audience to their advertisers. Period. Check the ads in your local fish wrap. High end stores, high end products, and high end writing. The New York Times sells for $3 a pop and $5 on Sunday; check their Magazine section; trips to Europe, high high end hotels. Think the longshoremen are reading it? I once wrote a piece on falling newspaper circulation and did the research so if you doubt me do a Google, starting with the Tribune Companies. All are very up front about what they want, having blue collars even seen reading their do-rags isn't good. I did a consulting job for a company several months ago. They had over 100 people in one office and the only ones reading the LA Times were women. Men went around the office bumming the Fry's ads (a discount computer store in LA). What do they read? A few Journals and a few IBDs, and nothing else. Like in nada.
So the loss in circulation is a plus, not a minus.
Posted by
5/31/2004 12:43:00 PM
Holy Spielberg Shrek does 236 MIL in two weeks. Eisner really hates Katzenberg now. The Dreamworks dream seems to be on track.
Posted by
5/31/2004 10:29:00 AM
Chalabi Watch----it gets curiouser as reports now surface that U.S. contractors toting guns were on the raid too. This flies in the face of the "White House" version that this was strictly an Iraq deal. The "White House" better get their act together by tomorrow AM or the Left will be (rightly) all over this. It's clear that the U.S. is involved.
eight armed American contractors paid by a US State Department program went on the raid, directing and encouraging the Iraqi policemen who, witnesses say, ripped out computers, turned over furniture and smashed photographs.The prior quote is from the Baltimore Sun (requires that stupid registration) but reprinted in the Australian The Age.
Some of the Americans helped themselves to baklava, apples and diet soda from Mr Chalabi's refrigerator, sitting in a garden outside to enjoy their looted snacks, according to members of Mr Chalabi's staff.
Posted by
5/31/2004 10:18:00 AM
Where real Arab Men Find Paradise
12230 Old Tigress Silk Road
North Baghdad, Iraq
May Allah be Praised
Dear Friend;
We share your grief at the loss of manhood, land, and Muslim pride resulting from the American sneak attack on Iraq last April. The Good News is WE DID NOT LOSE. It has now been proven that Saddam Hussein was not an Arab. He was French.
Your manhood is still in tact. Take this brief manhood test.
You are insulted on the street by a camel who evacuates his bowels on your shoes. You
A. Immediately kill it
B. Immediately kill the owner
C. You beg an American soldier to help you.
See? You are still burning with manhood. One more question to test your mettle.
Your wife dares to question your purchase of a new Rolex watch from a street vendor instead of buying food for your hungry family. You
A. Graciously punch her in the face til she quiets down.
B. Magnanimously set her burka on fire
C. Beg an American soldier for food.
There. That is proof. Now friend of Allah most Holy, defender of the Faith, Holy Warrior of Islam you are invited to the movie premier of "The Americans Suck" a film by Jacques LeCroque re-cut from the original German masterpiece "Der Friken Juden Banken Haben" ("The Fu**** Jews Own All the Banks") by Lili Riefenstahl. Lili is the cousin of the late Nazi genius film maker, Leni Riefenstahl (Triumph of the Will). Lili was kicked out of the Gestapo for being mean to the Jews but created this masterpiece. The movie is free. All Allah asks you to do is listen to a short presentation of real estate opportunities available near the Tigress River north of Baghdad. This is a great opportunity to join with other men of faith in a time-share program you will enjoy. Do not bring your wife. She is too stupid to understand masculine things and will only object. There is no sense beating her into submission in public.
Praise be to Allah
Murray bin Kalid il Abraham
Tigress Homes and Gardens
Posted by
5/31/2004 06:28:00 AM
In Saudi Arabia there are two choices: dreadful and horrifying. Daniel Pipes gives us a history lesson here and an analysis of what is real right now. It is just a question of time before the monarchy is gone, and everyone has known this for years; I have been writing about it since I started trading energy back in 1990. The Royal Family is hated. It will fall. And the guys taking over don't like money. Get ready for $10 per gallon gas or an invasion of Arabia.
Posted by
5/31/2004 05:39:00 AM
Polls in Iraq show nothing. Polls show what people say they "want". They do not show what the people interviewed are willing to do to get what "they want". There is no such thing as "want". I "want" a Rolls Royce, a Trophy Girl Friend, and a million dollars. If you poll 100 18 year old young men and ask them if they want to get laid in the next two days 95 of them will say "yes". Survey shows 95% of 18 year old males .......... But if they really want to get laid there are whores, places where young ladies of easy virtue "hang out", and all kinds of stores, restaurants, and so on where great looking women hang out; how many of the 95 will actually take the steps to walk up to strange women and "connect"? Almost zero. What have I done to get the stuff I say "I want"?
Which brings me to the widely touted phony poll of Iraqis. Every blog, website, and newspaper claims that polls show Iraqis "want" democracy. Horse shit. What are they willing to do in order to "get" democracy? Ask the 1,500 Iraqis: What do you "want" so badly that you will risk something for it? Are you willing to die for it? Ask Iraqis what democracy is. Ask them what freedom is. They don't have a clue.
They are Muslims. Islam means "submission". Muslims are used to Shiria Law. Submitting is their heritage. Democracy means we submit to almost nothing.
Are Iraqis willing to fight to have a separation of church and state? No way. They submit.
The poll is a phony and anybody who touts the poll as "evidence" that our presence in Iraq is a good thing is lying. The touts have an agenda. The "poll" shows nothing because it didn't ask the real questions.
People looking for justification for our war in Iraq better come up with more. Afghanistan is also rejecting democracy in favor of their old warlord type of existance. "Polls show" there too.
Posted by
5/31/2004 05:16:00 AM
If you visit no other site this weekend please visit Mudville Gazette. He has a terrific piece up about lots of heroes but his long piece on Rick Rescorla needs to be read by all of us. When we talk about heroes, reference Rick Rescorla. An incredible story. And of course it will never appear in the media. Don't cheat yourself out of his story.
Posted by
5/30/2004 10:38:00 AM
When you look at movie grosses today take a look at everything below the top two, which are "sucking up all the oxygen in the room". Keep in mind that movies like "Mean Girls" are probably profitable because they were shot for reasonable money. Troy will never turn a profit til video rentals and all foreign grosses are in that "might" allow it to make $100 or so; Van Helsing is a loser as are Soul Plane and Raising Helen; Man on Fire must gross $200 mil to break even so you can forget about it; Van Helsing cost $210 million including marketing costs and will never see a dime in profits. Again, if these jerk offs had to work on straight commission, would some of these movies ever be made?
Posted by
5/30/2004 09:38:00 AM
My support for Blackfive is mitigated by the impossibly long download time required to read a blog. I have fast fast broadband and I cannot imagine anyone with a 56k being patient enough. People who use "moveable type" have a tendency to load up with ads and useless graphics that make access a pain in the ass. Nothing is worse than blackfive, but moveable type sites are usually not worth going to because of the time. Everyone should take a lesson from porn sites; all have detailed graphics and you can log on like lightning; none use moveable type.
Posted by
5/30/2004 08:18:00 AM
The heat has busted him again, this time in Ramadi. They have ordered the building evacuated. "No reason" has been given for the order. Bush strikes again, but why???
The alliance with Chalabi is now in ruins. U.S. Intelligence officials have accused his security chief (see Nouri, below) of passing highly classified American secrets to Iran. Iraqi police, backed by U.S. personnel, raided Chalabi's home and his offices May 19, seeking to arrest associates on charges of financial corruption. The FBI has opened an investigation into who gave the compromised data -- so sensitive that it put U.S. soldiers' lives at risk and was known to only a handful of government officials -- to the INC.OK, but "The White House" better produce the evidence. Do you think this unplugged bunch of White House morons, who probably don't think we are smart enough to "understand the complexities", will let us know?. There is a lot of speculation that the targets of this "investigation" are in the Pentagon; why did they get cozy with Chalabi?. CIA warnings that Chalabi had become too close to Iran's regime fell on deaf ears in Washington, say intel people. "They ignored all warnings......" etc. etc. etc. say former CIA people. It is also clear that Chalabi got a ton of dollars while CIA, State, and lots of military had serious doubts about both his "stories" (most have proven false) and his contacts.
Meanwhile the Left, which can be counted on to call anyone in Iraq not calling for "death to all Americans" a puppet (a running dog of capitalism in their commie days) is launching an all out attack on Chalabi. HOWEVER this case has a much longer "tail" than is being reported by us Right Wing Types. We have to remember that this thing started in April when a guy named Nouri, a leading INC member and Chalabi appointee as the finance ministry's chief anti-corruption official, was arrested on charges including extortion, fraud, embezzlement, theft of government property and abuse of authority.
More charges, including theft of government property, extortion, bribery and kidnapping have also been laid against at least a dozen of Chalabi associates, including Aras Karim Habib, the head of the INC's intelligence service.
This will play out, eventually. The Left is claiming that Iran controlled all the intel Chalabi delivered. That claim is effectively challenged by Michael Ledeen. Stay tuned. It's a cinch Bush will tell us nothing til his poll numbers drop again.
Posted by
5/30/2004 06:49:00 AM
1.Seventeen uses for dead cicadas (with photo of girl wearing cicada exoskeleton necklace)All these and many more links at one of my favorites, FARK.COM
2.After 17 years of dimming, Earth now reflecting more light in recent years. In other news, Al Gore hysterically screams warnings about the horrors of "global brightening"
3. Minnesota gas stations fined by state for selling gas too cheap
4. Chicago alderman insists she accepted help from gang members because she thought they were legitimate businessmen
5. Cable movie network advertising Gigli as a movie so bad, "you know you want to see it"
Posted by
5/29/2004 02:33:00 PM
Kobe Bryant rape charges are about to formally blow up on Tuesday or Wednesday. Reason? The DNA test run by the prosecution showed she had sex with another man AFTER she claimed to have been raped by Bryant BUTTT...... the fucking prosecution covered it up. Of course it is relevant because the so-called injuries could have been caused by the second man. Or a man before Bryant.
The big question here is how could anyone but a fabulously rich man have beaten this charge? I hope his attorney will sit down with someone and go over the expenses. I'll bet you anything that hundreds of men are in jail right now on supposedly "slam dunk" evidence that is fraudulent. These stinking women's "Rights" groups are really man hating lynch mobs. Shield law? Why? You make the charge bitch, and your sexual/psychological history is open.
Posted by
5/29/2004 02:12:00 PM
I don't know what the box office on Day After Tomorrow is going to be ($24 mil opening day beating Shrek2 by 4 mil), but it is being roasted and toasted as a total Left Wing Environut propaganda piece by almost everybody "inside" the buisiness, and that is saying plenty. Had the Left shut up this movie might have made its quiet $150 million ($450 mil domestic gross) as a pretty good disaster movie. Now it being called things like "Ecozilla", "Finding Nemo" with special effects, and worse. The Left, with the willing cooperation of equally Left Hollywood elites, has wrecked the financial prospects of this movie in the U.S. Were I a stock holder in these idiotically capital intensive enterprises I'd bail in a hurry. Every movie is Left (except Shrek) and the rest are plain awful. Why are people paid millions up front for this shit? They should all be like you and me: work for straight commission. Let's see how fast they'd turn out their shit then
Posted by
5/29/2004 07:46:00 AM
MUCH BIGGER STORY than is being played The murder and takeover of a compound at an oil drilling compound in Saudiville is a major signal of things to come.
....a second deadly assault this month targeting the oil industry in Saudi Arabia, the world's biggest oil exporter. Previous terror attacks in Saudi Arabia have been blamed on al-Qaida, which has vowed to undermine the Saudi kingdom for its close ties to the United States.This is an attack on the "filthy oil money" being earned by the Saudis. The Islamofascists don't care about money. In fact thye hate it and regard it as the root of all evil. Their goal is to take over the entire oil empire in the Kingdom and shut it down.
Fears of whether Saudi Arabia, the world's largest oil producer, can protect its oil industry from terrorists were partly blamed for recent oil price spikes to new highs.Make no mistake, this is a really big deal and they have announced their intentions. You think gasoline prices are high right now? Wait til there isn't any.
Posted by
5/29/2004 07:29:00 AM
Michael Ledeen gets on board the Chalabi is a fall guy for somebody train; he thinks the Intel Community needs to get him.
By now everybody knows that the IC failed to appreciate the significance of al Qaeda, failed to see 9/11 coming, failed to develop reliable information about Iraq, whether it be about internal political realities (those failed coups, remember?), or the WMD facts, from their existence to their location, and so forth. The spooks must be wondering if some political or budgetary axe is hovering over them, and so they need a scapegoat.I think the Bush White House has decided to cover up the entire oil for food scandal in order to get some traction in the UN. Suddenly Powell, Bremer, and "The White House" are all in favor of the UN SKUNK Lakhdar Brahimi setting up a government in Iraq without the consent of the Iraqis. Does anybody this side of the looney ward think Iraqis want the robber baron UN anywhere near their country?
The odors on this deal now approach the stench category. Democrats are too ideological to take an honest campaign issue out of this, as the Ledeen "fisking" of the assholes on the left demonstrates. The Oil for Food UN scheme is the biggest financial scandal ever, and our sudden love affair with the totally corrupt UN permeates this thing.
Suddenly Powell, Bremer, and presumably the White House (Bush) are in bed with the corrupt bastards. I don't see a free Iraq going along with these crooked pricks for one second. As more and more "conservative" leaning types start sniffing this thing we may find the truth. My suspicions are that The Administration, all of it, has decided to do what they can to kiss the UN ass and anybody who doesn't like it will get a visit from the FBI. Ledeen, far smarter than me, thinks this is U.S. intelligence covering their own sorry asses.
Hold your nose while you read Ledeen.
Posted by
5/29/2004 06:01:00 AM
Every time I think I might be so pissed at Bush that I might vote for Kerry, I read something like this from NRO. The super Left is trying to ban Rush Limbaugh from Armed Forces Radio. You can bet that if the Democrats were in power he would be banned instantly. And I assume college Republicans would also be "handled".
Posted by
5/29/2004 05:56:00 AM
Weekly Movies picture shows Films Cinema
A Guide to Political Orthodoxy regarding the Correct Interpretation of Cinematic Entertainment aimed at Progressive Thinkers
A. "Day After Tomorrow" or "Cheney is Dumb but Bush is Dumber"
PARTY MEMBERS ATTENTION: This is REQUIRED viewing for all progressive thinkers. See it at least two times. Try to trick unsuspecting minors into seeing it with you so they will come to the correct conclusions about the evils of capitalism and Republicans, especially the stupidity of Bush. Tell all youth that these special effects disasters WILL happen unless HillaryCare becomes law, Birth Prevention "clinics" are put into all grammar schools, and evil SUVs aren't burned in the parking garage by the theater. Do not tell the little fucks about your stock holdings. You might make a comment like, "Wouldn't all those SUVs look better with broken windshields?" while you point the punk toward the parking lot.
This movie has been so politicized by the Hollywood Left that the grosses may be seriously damaged (see this link to Brokaw shilling for the movie and the Democrats HERE). This movie won't be seen by anyone other than kids and Lefty adults. The campaign has been deliberate so we must now assume that this movie is so bad that only controversy can get them a box office. It was supposed to be released LAST summer but was held back to "fix" it. The director, Roland Emmerich, has a super track record as a "big" movie director but the super Left has hijacked this movie.
It was intended to be an over the top special effects spectacular about the destruction of the entire world by volcanic eruptions, tidal waves, snow storms, and fires. It is now an occasionally special effects disaster movie featuring greedy business interests and the stupidity of George W. Bush (featured) for ignoring warnings of Global Warming from Al Gore, Barbra Streisand, and Ted Kennedy. The only "surprise" is the start of an ice age. The suits decided to do "ice" because the gradual formation of a desert is a lousy visual. "Who the fuck wants to see a bunch of starving Republicans and dying snakes for Chriss sakes?"
Premise: Republican Big Business, willing to do anything for evil money, ignore The New York Times, NBC, and CNN warnings about Global Warming and pollute the world. Their lust for profits drives them to violate EPA regulations so their putrid emissions destroy the ozone layer. This mindless lust gets to the point that Hollywood Left special effects destroy the world, except for certain minority groups. This movie is supposed to be so effective that we will all vote for Democrats. In fact nobody will be affected because they already have drawn conclusions before they see it. Kids will be swayed but kids grow up and will learn the truth.
Even as a disaster movie, the casting of botoxed up old ladies (the still good decent looking 45 year old Sela Ward ) and not very attractive young women (Emmy Rossum ) is a mystery. There is no sex appeal in this movie and one wonders if a bunch of lesbians and fruits cast this thing after they did Troy. Dennis Quaid is the man in the movie who has all the box office appeal of Paula Zahn with her back turned. Movie is totally boring after the first thirty minutes of disasters to everyone but Lefties. All the good parts are special effects destruction scenes. You may enjoy it by imagining that everybody you hate gets killed in the special effects. I visualized one of my ex-wives being driven into the Empire State building by the hundred foot tidal wave and slammed to a bloody pulp while I stood by in a helicopter and didn't help; her last words to me was "I want more alimony" and then she was smote into a million soggy pieces. I came in my pants with that one. BTW the movie is pretty good. Sort of a by-the-numbers 70's disaster movie that the Left hype has made into agit-prop. Nothing great, nothing awful, just a disaster movie.
Rated: PG-13 for genocide, mild sex (if you call fucking the world mild), and just plain no babes.
Posted by
5/28/2004 07:55:00 AM
Military brass fed up with Rumsfeld? O'Reilley said the FOX reporters in Iraq are ALL saying so. He was interviewing a flustered Ann Coulter last night and he pinned her with it. Remember, the Military did not want to go to war in Iraq in the first place. FOX is not reporting this because they ain't going to rat out their sources.
Posted by
5/28/2004 07:19:00 AM
"Justice" in Lefty Massachusetts is shown here in one of the greatest frauds perpetrated by judges and prosecution in history. If AmiraultS had been Black there would have been riots in the streets, and this case screams for riots. Whites don't have the stomach for justice any more. It's part of the anti-Iraq War Left in that Kennedy loving shit hole. Risk nothing. Nothing is worth losing ten cents over, especially freedom. Read the piece. And puke.
Posted by
5/28/2004 06:05:00 AM
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Posted by
5/28/2004 05:26:00 AM
Hitchens now joins the chorus increasingly suspicious of the Chalabli "arrest". This is real and could come back to burn Bush IF we had a real Democratic Party and not a bunch of Left Wing UN butt licking assholes.
Posted by
5/28/2004 04:56:00 AM
The pit bull of all pit bulls Claudia Rosett is now writing for the National Review. She really lays Oil for Food out there and increasingly I draw inferences from what she says that Bush is actively trying to cover it up and that the Chilabi arrest MAY have been part of the coverup. READ IT if you haven't already. The Democrats support the corrupt bastards and only Rosett of all the press is reporting this story. Depresses the shit out of me.
Posted by
5/27/2004 05:21:00 PM
Terrorists on wanted list have the usual MIT type of education. We are dealing with people who are smarter than most of us. Catching up on reading: Daniel Pipes had an old post that spelled out the "types" of terrorists we face within this country HERE which contains such goodies that anybody can enter this country on a waiver for 90 days, which means Shiek Iwanna Keelya can still just walk in. Thanks liberals. Want to get pissed off at another no ammo delivered story? GO HERE. A more positive but still angering piece
Chiarelli, the U.S. officer responsible for greater Baghdad, is among a number of commanders in Iraq who blame the U.S. civilian authority for many of the missteps that have plagued the occupation and turned many Iraqis against U.S. forces.will be found HERE. Then hit Terpsboy for details of a Lefty calling for the assassination of the president on his radio show. Nobody says anything because he's a Liberal. And Gore, Al Gore??, a flip flopper? GO HERE Last: if you have some time, check out the pathetic comparisons of the foul excuse for a "newspaper" we have in LA with other dailies. Compare front pages of the New York Times (warts and all) and the Washington Post (the best in the countty) with the LA Times. Those of us in LA, the second largest metro area in the U.S., who get our info from the Times know almost nothing about what is going on. Might excuse the stupidity of movie stars, but I doubt it.
Posted by
5/27/2004 01:43:00 AM
McCain Feingold has created the biggest election scam in history as millions of dollars in completely anonymous donations pour into the "527" loophole. You can donate $100,000,000 and remain anonymous. McCain is the biggest jerk off in a Republican party filled with them (as opposed to the Democrats who are full up with assholes). Go HERE for all the gory details. Most of us forget the S&L scandal that McCain was "innocently involved" in. The guy is either a crook or a financial nit wit. Here's just a "taste" of "Honest McCain"
A handful of the crooks—including Ivan Boesky, Michael Milken, and Charles Keating—were imprisoned for their roles in the looting scheme. Briefly, a few members of Congress were spotlighted and slapped on the wrists for their own profiteering and coverup efforts. But the full extent of this criminal looting of America was barely known, and today is largely forgotten. The biggest political beneficiary of the public's amnesia is John McCain. With the exception of Sen. Joseph Lieberman's (D-Conn.) own ties to hedge fund bandit Michael Steinhardt, no American politician is as beholden to organized crime as the senior Senator from Arizona and would-be 2004 "Bull Moose" spoiler candidate for the Presidency.Go HERE for the whole piece and just do a Google search for the rest. It's about time his free pass from the Hanoi Hilton got cancelled.
Posted by
5/26/2004 04:28:00 PM
10,000 Terrorists ready to strike???
you are scared, sitting in America and Canada. You are scared of a man sitting in the cave. We are not scared of you."From an old Pipes piece I never finished. Later add Now the number is 14,000. Now where could they have come from? France? No. Russia? No. Not Mexico, gee we have an open border with them that we haven't guarded so (we) can get the illegal alien and "Hispanic" vote. And Canada? 5,000 miles of unguarded border with a country that doesn't like us at all; a country that has harbored Nazi War Criminals and denied it; a country that lets everyone and anyone into the country without any checking? That Canada?
Bush didn't have the guts to deal with it and the Democrats would have destroyed him had he tried. If they are really here, this country committed suicide.
Posted by
5/26/2004 09:18:00 AM
Much much more on Chilabi in today's Journal, a must read. Register and then read it, they do not spam. I have linked here to other people suspicious of this "arrest" and pointed out that Chalabi was sitting on a ton of info about Oil for Food. I don't know. This type of stuff is not worn well by Bush who has sold himself to me as a very open guy. The whole think stinks, go read it.
Posted by
5/26/2004 07:16:00 AM
PROOF of media lies are here This is simply a string of deliberate lies put out by all the LEFT media. But no real surprise, the Washington Post, the best newspaper in the country, did not lie. So if they get it right how come the entire stinking press got it wrong??? Belmont basically does the same thing today but focus is on NY Times, worth the read because even their retractions are not truthful. He does however, blame institutional laziness rather than Left Bias pointing out that the Times ran pieces that contradicted prior articles and didn't seem to know it. I start to get bored with the constant re-knowing that this paper is just DNC propaganda a $3 per pop and $5 on Sunday if you are dumb enough to buy the thing. The Mattis misquote is simply lazy journalists refusing to go to the published source and instead quoting each other. The Mattis misquote is a true horror (see firtst link in post to Iraq Now).
Posted by
5/26/2004 03:03:00 AM
Prison abuse ain't going away any time soon as this tomorrow's NYT piece shows (requires registration). Looks like violent physical and sexual abuse was widespread. The overall command structure so weak that many thought they could do whatever they wanted to do. Most are reserve and National Guard, but at least some regular Army involved too. I think this gets worse, because the Bush hating media want to focus on Bush and not the corrupt UN, our successes in Iraq, or high gas prices caused by no refining capacity. You can depend that they will focus a 100 reporter team on our "war for oil". NYT is also beginning to interview private contractors, no blood yet but the emphasis is on "yet". Late add: you can now link directly from Drudge without registration. I don't know how he does that.
Posted by
5/25/2004 07:20:00 PM
BUSH FINALLY gets it, sort of. He is now personalizing our successes (getting together with those people who lost their hands). Powell is on board doing the same thing. But what the hell took all of them so long?
Posted by
5/25/2004 04:33:00 PM
Belmont emailer account of the "Wedding Party" is a real thought provoker. He and I and everybody who blogs get some email that is really interesting. He could be being used, or this could be the absolute truth. Either way, I hope you read it.
Posted by
5/25/2004 02:43:00 PM
The Long Beach Dirt Bags is the name the girls softball team at Long Beach State college has taken for their own team. The school calls themselves the 49ers; a really original nickname which might explain the girls motivation. Gotta love them Dirt Bags, but they are out of the NCAA tourney, losing to Alabama. I predict lots of ink for this nickname.
Posted by
5/25/2004 08:59:00 AM
Daniel Pipes explains the sex component within the Muslim/Abu Ghraib situation. A lot of you already THINK you know it but this goes a lot deeper.
Revealingly, a traditional Muslim wedding took place between two men – the groom and the bride's guardian.Interesting. Wow too.
Posted by
5/25/2004 08:57:00 AM
Psssst you who followed my old gold recommendation are now ahead close to $800 per position. I'd be very careful on this one because futures prices are below the cash, meaning that there is a "squeeze" (now changed futures are higher accross the board). Have reasonable stops. I can't comment further. As you know I have been ordered to stop recommending anything, I only comment on the gold because I made the call several months ago BEFORE I was ordered to stop.
Posted by
5/25/2004 08:19:00 AM
The "spin" on Zinni and his accusations of incompetence in the civilian Pentagon is that he is an anti-Semite. Racism is the first refuge of the scoundrel in our society, no matter the race or religion. I don't think it takes a genius to figure that the occupation is a botch job and that our intel from long before 9/11 to now is plain rotten. So that means I hate Jews.
Posted by
5/25/2004 06:47:00 AM
I think all of us are surprised that General Sanchez will take the fall for Abu Ghraib. He is being relieved of command and it looks like he is going to pay. I am honestly surprised because I suspected (without any facts to back it up, but I don't need no stinking facts)that the Army would hang the lowly. Sanchez should have known what was going on. This is going to stay alive until the entire scandal is revealed. I think in the end we will be proud of our Army on this one.
Posted by
5/25/2004 06:25:00 AM
Every time I think Bush fucked up France and Russia step up to prove they are the biggest criminals in the world. We forget that they were making billions off the criminal regime in Iraq. The CIA (or whoever) grabbing the Chalabi files that contained all the info on all the bad guys now means that Bush himself can sit on the oil for food scam for the sole purpose of applying pressure on France, Germany, and Russia, while covering up any involvement by U.S. interests. I think it should be released anyway and our system demands it. I get the feeling that the administration is operating outside the lines. I guess we have to hope that our babe Claudia will let us know because nobody else in media will do it. Just think about that for a second, the entire media is covering up the biggest financial robbery in history. The entire media. Except for the Wall Street Journal, which is not really a newspaper at all. The darling of the Left is the UN and when one of their guys fucks up the Media will be sure that nobody will know if they have anything to do with it. HOWEVER Acepilot links to a (shock, awe) commie NPR archived piece that indicates NPR might be on it at last.
Posted by
5/25/2004 05:53:00 AM
Acepilots dot com has been on top of the oil for food program from the start. Be sure he is one of your stops each week. This is a scary Chilabi moment.
Posted by
5/25/2004 05:08:00 AM
The speech: I thought it was cold. No humanity in it. No enthusiasm for betterment. All he did was mention hospitals and schools and stuff but never got inside them and related to doctors, kids and patients; the real people and how their lives have been improved. The soccer teams, the Olympic soccer team individuals. He could have talked about individual women who have been given opportunites, but he didn't. You can bet your ass that Clinton would have. I wish he had Noonan writing his speeches instead of that dead assed cold bitch Karen Hughes; but bottom line this is the speech he wanted to give. I think we all get that terrorists are, well terrorists. I felt that he was dreaming if he thinks a free Iraq will survive Iranian and Syrian incursions "without more troops on the ground". And I still don't get why we are really there. Just not an inspiring speech when we needed one. And new ideas? This was just a news recap. Maybe middle America liked it. We'll find out, but not from Media or bloggers like me.
Posted by
5/24/2004 07:02:00 PM
One more addendum to my piece on gasoline prices and Saudi supply is that the days of Saudi Light are over. Their oil is so sour that most of the very old U.S. refineries cannot easily refine it. According to data I have, any extra crude put into tankers now will not reach the U.S. ports til August, much to late to affect anything. The problem is refineries and the enviros won't allow them to be built.
Modern tankers are huge, so huge that the crew has to use bicycles to travel from point to point on the deck. Most are roughly four football fields long by 70 yards wide. And they are 25 yards deep and weigh over 500,000 tons. Capacity is about 600,000 barrels of oil weighing another 200,000 tons. These monsters take 14 minutes to emergency stop. Their speed is roughly 12 mph. The roughly 8,000 mile trip from middle east ports to Louisiana ports is around 30 days. It takes several days to unload and several more to arrive at a refinery, and then it will be a couple of more weeks before the refined gasoline is in a gas station. Figure a 60 day best case (no storms at sea or port, no rough seas)Middle East dock to your tank. August 1st from today.
A side purpose of the wildly Left Wing nuts is the destruction of capitalism, and forcing the poor from their cars through higher and higher gasoline prices. There is no way they want more refineries built. They want to cause pain.
Posted by
5/24/2004 05:32:00 PM
Chalabi is going to blamed for all the mistakes of the Iraq Post War whether he is responsible or not. We are going to be asked to believe that this long time crook and liar gave us inside information that we totally believed (both CIA and Joint Chiefs did NOT believe him) then acted upon, and HIS info caused all the trouble. Riiiigghhht, and nobody is responsible for the actions at Abu Ghraib but seven soldiers who had been on duty for only two weeks. "The Road Goes on Forever and the Party Never Ends", great song but not great administration.
Posted by
5/24/2004 08:31:00 AM
While Reynolds of instapundit continues to steal nearly entire columns from writers in newspapers, he really does have a good take of his own up today. I think he got the "word" from the WSJ about his constant stealing of Claudia Rosett and Peggy Noonan columns because he has stopped. Of course this is the same guy who thinks stealing music from the internet so the creators never get paid is a RIGHT. Every time any of us "lift" the major portion of a column from a writer we hurt or wreck that writer's book opportunities based on his/her columns. I guess Steyn or the Chicago Sun Times is too weak to fight. I think a lot of us steal far too much from columnists in order to have something to "blog" about. Reynolds, among other "bloggers", has almost no original thoughts or writing. I find I read him less and less.
Posted by
5/24/2004 07:13:00 AM
Saudis going it alone in pumping more crude. The problem is that most people who do the actual counting of oil barrels say that OPEC has been pumping 1.5 mbd over the quota for the last two months. Be sure you read my post: Futures Prices Effects on Cash Prices. I could have named it "It's Refining Capacity, Stupid" because we haven't built a refinery in this country for thirty years, current refineries are old, and new ones cannot be built while the enviro-nuts are running things. Oil could drop to $27 and I don't think you'll see gasoline drop more than $.25. Lowering prices only fills the warehouse with product, but if you have no trucks to deliver the goods to market nothing will happen. This is really a "demand" driven problem, not a supply problem. We have only as much refinery capacity as a country of 2/3 the population we have today. Thanks again enviro-nuts. Another source for oil pumping over quota is USA Today:
OPEC nations are already producing in excess of 2 million barrels above their quota. Would the Saudi's call amount to a production cut? And even if the call were to raise output, was that possible given the little amount of surplus capacity available?This ain't no "magic pill".
Posted by
5/24/2004 05:15:00 AM
Black writers cover Cosby with "faint praise". Check out this from the WaPo today. After praising Cosby this jerk goes off on "Gay Marriage" as if somehow the two subjects are linked. Blacks won't face the reality of their immorality ammorality and at this late date may not be able to. 70% of black kids born out of wedlock is more than can be faced by any group. The lack of a father in the home is one of the most serious problems in our society, but nobody in any race wants to deal with it. "Single Moms" are lionized in Media, fathers are cast out of homes by courts and made to pay through a nose they don't have so they vanish, and if you can find a "real" man on a sit com email me and let me know. The only "real" men we see are the dysfunctional males on NYPD Blue and stuff like that, so buried in their work that they never come up for air. Cosby has addressed an issue that is long past a willingness to solve.
Posted by
5/24/2004 04:41:00 AM
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Posted by
5/24/2004 04:27:00 AM
WaPo has Washington hooker pic you can blow up to full screen size. (Now "moved" to extreme lower left) All I can say is some old fart must have really been desperate to shell our $400 for a "date" with this one. In LA this babe would be close to SKANK status. For sure a SLUT. "Baywatch" she ain't. But there are guys who need to fuck only whores, and they will create them if none are available. But if this woman can make money with her goods there must be a ton more making a real killing in D.C.
Posted by
5/24/2004 04:25:00 AM
More Cosby: Rosenblog has almost all the speech HERE. Really much more than Jacobs. Take a look, this is a major speech so "embarassing" that nobody prints the entire thing.
Posted by
5/23/2004 02:13:00 PM
Late add re; Chalabi appearances on the morning ghetto news shows both FOX and Russert. So he makes blanket accusations against the CIA, Bush, and the USA and NOBODY, LIKE IN NO-BODEE, in the Bush administration says anything. So all the lefy media spouts nothing but anti-Bush stuff (anti American) all day long while quoting Chalabi. Bush is out to lunch and the country is paying for it. How long do we put up with this incompetence? Another four fucking years? BTW the Iraq war is actually going very well, not that you'd know it from the White House either. In fact we may be in total control for the first time. Can you believe it? I guess the Bushies are too busy to inform the country.
Posted by
5/23/2004 12:36:00 PM
If you want to know why you just have to hate Jews or flunk, just read my post The Cool Communism of the 21st Century. Then read this one about the Muslim infiltration of our university system. These people have infiltrated every campus in the U.S. and they actually teach their hatred of Jews and America inside their clases. You have to come out disliking and mistrusting Jews and answering questions on "tests" that confirm you have learned to hate the fucking kikes. This is the Left in America today. This is Liberals. Nobody has any principals other than winning over "groups" that will put them in power. Jew hating has a long history, as does Catholic hating which is now in vogue too. In fact it looks like hating anyone who believes in God is "the enemy" to the Left. Unless you believe in Allah.
Posted by
5/23/2004 10:37:00 AM
As I said, Brad Pitt is a box office zero and his movies bomb. Latest figures: Saturday It's Shrek $44 mil to Troy's $9 mil (Sunday estimate is 31-6 Shrek) and Shrek has done more in four days than Troy has done in two weeks. Troy's word of mouth about the total "gayness" of the movie is killing it. The supposed "appeal" of the movie was clearly heterosexual; ballsy muscular guys and huge battles, matched with total babes getting fucked to death. As they say fuhgedaboudit. This is a near total fag fest; weakest men you ever saw and near ugly women, and it ain't selling tix in LA or Nebraska. I don't think Petersen will ever get another big movie deal. I guess the total gayness of the studio politics let this thing pass since it was the stockholders money at stake, not theirs; they all take big money in front. BTW Shrek is another "familiy" movie that parents can take our kids to and jointly enjoy the experience, something all parents treasure more than anything else in our lives. We live to make our kids happy more than anything else. So Troy swishes off into BlockBusterville and Shrek will play til July 4th.
Posted by
5/23/2004 09:19:00 AM
Oh m'Gawwdd, Hillary and Chalabi on TV at the same time... and trust me, if you can figure out what either of them really said or didn't say you have to be a mind reader. Two total snakes hissing and sniffing to say the right thing. Hillary is a total patriot only interested in the welfare of our "brave men and women in uniform", Chalabi a patriot who has only had the best interests of the U.S. at heart. He was very careful to say he had passed no "classified" information to Iran; he is not accused of passing "classified" info. He is accused of passing phone numbers, names and addresses, and personal data of Iraqi citizens to Iran. He is accused of passing false info to us regarding WMDs in Iraq. With Hillary you have to compare what she said six months ago to what she said now. I leave that to others more qualified who have access to Nexus. One thing she and her Republican co-hort are agreed upon is that Reserves and National Guard receive Military medical benefits. What neither said is that the VA is like a death sentence in many VA hospitals around the country.
Posted by
5/23/2004 08:32:00 AM
After you have read Belmont account of the Wedding Party attack, ask yourself this: How stupid is Bush? How stupid do you have to be after a year of conflict in which the world press lies and lies and lies and still not have a total PR unit in place to televise our POV? When the full story of this war is writ, the failure to plan from top to bottom will be obvious. Like I've been saying, if there was somebody else to vote for........
How come a Right Wing guy says this? Any "winged guy" who wants to tell the truth will say this. BTW go to Simon today for a very good email from one of his readers. Part of it
60 percent of Iraqis have never met an American G.I. and so have largely formed their opinions about us from Al-Jazeera; that soldiers universally report expressions of goodwill and thanks from the Iraqi people; that a poison gas attack plot involving material sourced in Syria that could have killed 80,000 people was foiled in Jordan. Etc.The entire administration is responsible for this shit.
Posted by
5/23/2004 07:50:00 AM
Got a ton of emails regarding my remarks about Alexandra Kerry not being my SLUT OF THE MONTH. So let us define our terms regarding the sexual appeal of certain women, or lack thereof:
Prick teaser----a total babe who gets you hot and then leaves you with your dick hard. They all put out after the second black eye...So Alexandra Kerry is obviously my SKANK OF THE MONTH.
Slut---will put out to almost anybody who buys her a Big Mac with fries and a diet coke.
Punchboard---uglier than a slut and you may have to put a bag over her face before you fuck her...but you don't have to feed her. A cheap "date".
Skank---a woman so sexless and unattractive only an Arab would want to fuck her
pig---a fat skank not even an Arab would fuck
cunt---a slut or punchboard who tells your wife or girl friend on you
Posted by
5/23/2004 07:24:00 AM
WaPo is detailing a "chain of command" approval of the actions at Abu Grahib (may require registration). Just as a guy who has been around, I cannot imagine this stuff happening by itself. The post names names and has interviews with lawyers in the case as well as a tape rercording of other statements. Karpinski offers this:
"I didn't know then what [Sanchez] probably knew, which was that this was something clearly in the MI, maybe that he endorsed, and he was already starting a campaign to stay out of the fray and blame the 800th," Karpinski said. "I think the MI people were in this all the way. I think they were up to their ears in it. . . . I don't believe that the MPs, two weeks onto the job, would have been such willing participants, even with instructions, unless someone had told them it was all okay."Makes sense. There is another female involved now, a Captain Woods; I still say the sexual content (It's all about sex..and violence) of this thing is too obvious to be ignored. Two weeks on the job? I hadn't realized that. They also implicate Sanchez who was visiting the prison constantly. Take a look.
Posted by
5/23/2004 05:11:00 AM
Moore "crockumentary" wins at Cans I'm sure this is a great movie.
Posted by
5/23/2004 04:49:00 AM
People are saying that the only way we will know what is going on in Iraq is to read the emails from the troops. CPT Patty has a good one.
Posted by
5/22/2004 03:39:00 PM
Markets and Economy
The role of speculation in the prices of commodities: We focus on the obvious high prices of oil and gasoline right now. I've traded commodities for roughly twenty years. I was there for the Hunt attempted cornering of both the soybean and silver markets, saw gold explode to $850 an ounce, coffee to $2 and so on.
The gold explosion was caused mostly by speculator inexperience with markets; they had been denied gold for almost fifty years and didn't have a clue. The Hunts were fucked by the futures exchanges. One day the exchanges refused to accept any orders other than sell orders and the market collapsed. Lesson: you try to fuck with the guys who have real money in the futures markets who are members of the exchanges they will destroy you. There was no real imbalance in supply demand for either metal and that is why it was so crazy.
So what can speculators "do" to a market. When supply and demand are roughly in balance speculation can cause a move of as much as 15% for a very short period of time. Major futures losses for those holding "long" positions occur when an extra shipment of oil shows up that can't be unloaded at $40 unloads at $39. Longs will bail like crazy. Prices initially fall because tankers full of oil can't just sit around costing money; crews, insurance, failure to generate income by lying in harbor so the tanker owners order sales. Other ships backed up have to similarly lower prices until such time as there are no tankers backed up at the ports. Futures speculators suddenly go "short" (sell futures contracts)and the market starts lower.
Minor speculators move markets up or down on weather fears, communist fears, and so on but you won't see a market move AND STAY at either extremes of high and low prices for very long on pure speculation.
Speculators have been able to force oil and gas futures markets to current highs based on real lack of supply. There is not enough oil to meet demand. There is not sufficient refinery capacity in the U.S. to do much with expanded supply (thanx enviro-nuts) even if we got it. Oil prices will actually fall once it is determined that supply has actually caught up with demand. BUT GASOLINE PRICES WILL NOT COME DOWN This is complicated by the fifty or so different "blends" required by our enviro-nazi pressure groups and supplicant legislators. It is possible that oil companies may just tell California to fuck off while they supply the rest of the country; it is possible that states with fewer environmental restrictions will get unlimited supplies of gasoline til the refiners can find room to fill other demand. Don't look for falling crude prices to immediately relieve gasoline prices at the pump. WE DON'T HAVE THE REFINING CAPACITY. What will happen, and started happening this week, is that the long speculators in the futures market will "unwind" positions.
Here's something most people not in the business don't know. Producers of product; corn, wheat, oil, are almost always "short" the futures; they sell their product before they actually have it harvested or produced; farmers may actually sell a crop before it is planted. That is the function of futures markets; they reduce risk. This means that the "high futures price" is already locked in for the producers. They sold oil back in February at the May "futures price" for $38 a barrel and even if the cash goes to $30 they will still get the $38 because they already have the money from the futures sale in their cash registers. So even if cash drops to $30 they still make money because they already pocketed the $38 from their futures sale. The specs who "unwound" their long positions "switch" and go short (sell in the futures) and drive prices lower very very fast. The "bounce" off the low is caused by too much selling.
So I'd say that specs have no long term affect on markets and next to none in oil prices now. I think you are about to see a quick collapse to the low $30 range begin as soon as next week. This will be real because there is no way that small economies can stay afloat with $40 oil. See my post on the effects of quick price moves on the American economy and imagine what this does to a country in Asia like Thailand or a country like Brazil or Chile. A move of sixty eight cents per gallon of gas on an economy where people earn $50 per week is death. Nobody in the Arab states is that stupid. One OPEC country, Venezuela, would like to destroy every capitalist economy but they won't count for much with the Arabs.
Pssst: gold is at $386, you are up $300 per contract
Posted by
5/22/2004 09:07:00 AM
Chilabi, crook or saint? We won't know for a while but for sure he was sitting on a keg of dynamite in the oil for food program, and a lot of us think Bush is moving heaven and earth to cover it up. The Media is certainly trying to cover it up. I look for the main diarist for the scandal, Claudia Rosett of the Wall Street Journal, to be gang raped by the CIA posing as Democrats and her near naked body to be tossed into a garbage fill in New Jersey.
Chilabi was also sitting on a literal ton of personal info on everybody, which considering his background could have been used to pressure or blackmail people. Be sure you read WND link.
It could also be that he is a good guy being railroaded. All we can do is try to become informed. Belmont has a take that is interesting. This is one of those times that anything and everything we read or see on TV is tainted by agenda driven anonymous leaks. If Kerry only had balls he'd be all over this one and destroying Bush, but the UN is the most sacred of the Left's sacred cows. "Total crooks, but they are our crooks" covers it.
Posted by
5/22/2004 07:14:00 AM
Why didn't they just say "no"? I was an enlisted man. When you say "no" in the service you can be shipped to Alaska in your underwear in 12 hours; find yourself the only human on an island outpost; or be sent to a hell hole like Panama, which may not be hell but you can see it very clearly from there. An enlisted man can face phony charges(Link to what happened to a sergeant who "ratted" this week), be dishonorably discharged (death to employment future), be confined to base or quarters for months, fined pay AND allowances, and end your promotional future. Unless you are told you can disobey what you consider to be an unlawful order, and those unlawful orders are spelled out to you, saying "no" is not something any enlisted man is likely to do. Particularly immature and untrained enlisted men.
Some of the guys are older, not teens, and many of them saw the "wrong" in what was going on and took their complaints to command level. But it takes a level of maturity and time in service to know what you can safely do. The Abu Grahib T-1 situation was clearly a command failure because nobody felt they could come forward. The charges will examine if butt fucking prisoners with dicks and night sticks weren't obviously illegal orders. Similarly if beating hooded prisoners with fists was a lawful order. I think this will be what the case ultimately comes down to. Were you actually ordered to butt fuck or beat prisoners? What do you think would have happened to you had you refused?
A courts martial is a set up for a trip to a bad place. You really need to know your way around on that one. Since a couple of sergeants have already plead guilty we can figure these long time enlistees knew all their rights and were "flipped" by the Army. You always need a good lawyer, and one who has the balls to stand up to generals and admirals sitting as jury. I was stationed at an overseas location where a Navy hating Marine captain we all called "Captain Blood" took every Navy courts martial case he could and beat most of them. The Navy hated him and he hated the Navy but since the people sitting in judgement there were also Navy you know that the guy could bring facts and testimony into a case like nobody else.
I was once stationed in a "forward" area. Nobody could pull overnight passes without a special signed card by our commanding officer. I forged our commanding officer's signature every afternoon on passes; signatures that were absolutely perfect. The guy knew what was happening but couldn't stop it. To make a long story short I was brought up on charges of black marketing laundry stolen from a laundry (something so dumb I can't tell you; like I'm carrying ten pounds of laundry out the main gate every night). The mere mention of Captain Blood's name ended everything. When they tried to bring me up to commanding officer discipline I demanded a courts martial again and everything vanished. However, since the actions against me were obviously aimed at my expertise at forging the commanding officer's signature, I did reduce my forgery volume in order to stay out of the stockade. So one could say "mission accomplished" so far as brass was concerned.
The UCMJ is not a civilian court. The Military knows everything about everybody from personnel records before the "trial" begins. Any outside "expert testimony" or civilian witnesses are completely vetted by the court before anybody can testify. This makes the proceeding very brief compared to civilian courts. "Captain Blood" was very good at disproving the accuracy of personnel files. The disproving always meant that the other officers who allowed the inaccurate reports to enter a personnel file would become involved to the detriment of their own fitness reports and future promotion prospects. The UCMJ has now been the law for more than fifty years and the kinks have been removed, it is highly unlikely that inaccurate personnel folders can be brought in or that someone will commit perjury. Lawyer "tricks" cannot happen. You won't see an OJ case in the Military. You have to fight a case on the facts, not temporary insanity or some such shit. It is now very very tough to beat a courts martial. Will these proceedings allow the "following orders" defense? We will see. When everybody says that the enlisted ranks were untrained, these lawyers will bring up the facts that none of them were told the differences between lawful and unlawful orders and what they could do when given an unlawful order. Might or might not work.
Add here: article 134 is a blanket charge of things that make the army/navy look bad. It is an almost impossible charge to beat. It's going to boil down to orders and following same.
Posted by
5/22/2004 06:12:00 AM
I'm not much of a World Net Daily fan because I disagree with their up front Christian politics, but they do a great job on some news stories. They had the prison scandal long before anyone else, and did a much better job. You can go there now and see their posting history. Lots of stuff about the backgound and history of the "abuse". Better than the WaPo sensationalism. They also have a completely different take on Chalabi WITH SOURCES NAMED (have they gone journalistically mad?). Read it today.
Posted by
5/22/2004 02:49:00 AM
Quick point about OPEC pumping 2 million barrels per day "more". They have been pumping 1.5 million per day OVER the announced quota for 2 months and it hasn't helped.
Posted by
5/21/2004 09:02:00 AM
With the exceptions of World Net Daily and FOX, Bill Cosby's speech to the NAACP has received no media coverage at all. Speaking there he told them the truth about the lower class blacks and their refusal to care for their kids. His speech has been met with the rationalization that has caused Black poverty. I've had two occasions of contact with him. I'll tell you this: he has risked his own show for Black employment in the entertainment "business" and has contibuted millions to help Blacks.
When I was a young writer I had an interview with Cosby's head writer Ed Weinberger. I approached the barracks where the Cosby Show was located and I noted at least 15 hostile looking black males lounging on the grass in front of the entrance. When I went inside to Weinberger's office I found him in a bare space with a cot and a desk for writing. Ed apologized to me and explained that "Bill" was trying to give inner city Blacks a chance to write for his show and he was rewriting the worst shit he ever saw so that it could get on the air. Cosby kept his word to these young guys but as these "scripts" began to air his ratings dropped and dropped and dropped. He nearly lost his show trying to help a bunch of no talent assholes. But he risked his future for them. He put it on the line.
Later on when I was doing a part time job selling ad space the companion paper in our office was a fake Black paper that had zero distribution but solicited ads from Blacks who had money, and guilty whites. One of the Black guys "had that asshole Cosby" on his list any time he needed a paycheck. Needing one he called Cosby and "sold" him a $5,000 ad. I was so pissed that I called his office later in the day and his secretary told me that Bill knew what was going on but would always help a Black business.
So when he makes a major speech he means it and he risked plenty to make it. Bill Cosby stood up. No main media reported it. Most of it appears on Joanne Jacobs blog. To think the speech is controversial among Blacks says it all. But as they say "if a Black kid misses school and nobody pays attention, did he miss school at all?"
Posted by
5/21/2004 07:16:00 AM
Alexandra Kerry is NOT my "Slut of the Month" because she is far too ugly. She is only a Slut of the Month wannabe. Angelina Jolie will be the winner every month til she runs out of gas. You can bet that the picture at Cannes will be on every Republican ad. Jesus, what a fucking dope.
Posted by
5/21/2004 05:02:00 AM
The LA Times and their superior journalistic integrity doesn't have a word on the front page about the story below. Scooped by the NYT and WaPo. What interests them seems to be an environmental "scandal", raiding Chalabi's home (isn't that yesterday's story?), and cheating teachers. I guess they're waiting til a Dunesbury cartoon confirms. Oil for Food? Fuhgedaboudit. Not only is Bush covering it up, the press is helping them. This is THE BIGGEST financial scandal of modern times, and nobody, except FOX, is reporting it. BTW the Chalabi arrest has nothing to do with Oil for Food. He was a spy for Iran. Gee who wudda thunk it? Not Bush. Not Powell. Not Cheney.
Posted by
5/21/2004 02:16:00 AM
Go to Mr. duToit after reading this and you'll feel a lot better, or maybe even worse.Read this from the WaPo (Link via Drudge) and tell me we have any chance in either Iraq or the Middle East. This is worse than any of us ever imagined. Homosexual rape, masturbation, beatings, and
"They forced us to walk like dogs on our hands and knees," said Hiadar Sabar Abed Miktub al-Aboodi, detainee No. 13077. "We had to bark like a dog, and if we didn't do that they started hitting us hard on our face and chest with no mercy. After that, they took us to our cells, took the mattresses out and dropped water on the floor and they made us sleep on our stomachs on the floor with the bags on our head and they took pictures of everything."What Rush is calling "hazing". I don't see how we can "overcome" this
One day, the detainee said, American soldiers held him down and spread his legs as another soldier prepared to pull down his zipper. "I started screaming," he said. A soldier stepped on his head, he said, and someone broke a phosphoric light and spilled the chemicals on him.Remember this will be ALL OVER the Arab World. When we leave they will burn down the schools we built, burn the books we donated to their schools, and purify themselves from us. I'll close with this, but the entire story is worse if you choose to go there. A prisoner describes being tied to a bed. Then a soldier asked him:
"I was glowing and they were laughing" he said.
The detainee said the soldiers eventually brought him to a room and sodomized him with a nightstick. "They were taking pictures of me during all these instances," he told the investigators.
"Do you believe in anything?" he said the soldier asked. "I said to him, 'I believe in Allah.' So he said, "But I believe in torture and I will torture you.' "What the fuck would YOU think if Iraq was your country? The NY Times adds a smear story that doesn't hold up because nothing really happened. ANOTHER article does hold up and it reveals memoranda on how to handle prisoners to avoid the problem of war crimes which says in part
The confidential memorandums, several of which were written or co-written by John C. Yoo, a University of California law professor who was serving in the department, provided arguments to keep United States officials from being charged with war crimes for the way prisoners were detained and interrogated. They were endorsed by top lawyers in the White House, the Pentagon and the vice president's office but drew dissents from the State Department.The NY Times is a PG-13 version of the WaPo but has an added implication that the guys getting court martialed are just the ones in the pictures; the real pople are still to be had. This is very sad reading for me. Very depressing. So many of our guys have died. And for this? It ain't hazing folks.
Posted by
5/21/2004 01:45:00 AM
More on Gas prices I had an exchange of views with Kim duToit which got me to thinking. My background always leads me to track longer term trends. However, when we are dealing with the sudden rise in the price of gasoline, a longer term trend is bullshit. The effect is short term. This price spike has taken place over a few months. Inflation, CPI adjustments, and the costs of taxes or additives mean nothing. Gasoline cost about $1.65 four months ago (CA). Today it is $2.33. This $.68 price rise (41%) means every one of us has been nailed with a huge hit. 20 gallons is costing us $13.60 out of pocket in real dollars. Most of you use close to 30 gallons per week. That's $20 worth of something that you cannot buy. What is $20 times 60 million cars? $1.2 billion a week of purchasing power is down the tubes. Fuck inflation. This is a serious economic blow.
Posted by
5/20/2004 06:23:00 PM
Chalabi: more proof of the incompetence of the Bush "team" This guy was a major international criminal and a known double dealer who should have been turned over to Jordan. Instead, the genius types in D.C. made him head of Iraq. He is and was slime. (Read about him here) More and more we see the appointments Bush has made as part of the same cloth: Minetta, Tennet, etc. How can we vote for this guy? How can you possibly appoint a crook from MIT and the University of Chicago to anything? Bush can, and did (never mind saying that "the neo-cons did it"). The CIA and the Joint Chiefs fought him tooth and nail. Bush is also covering up the Oil for Food. He is covering up the Marc Rich pardon investigation. He is no good. Face it! Would what's his name be better? That is the only question facing us.
Posted by
5/20/2004 03:46:00 PM
If you want to see how the "Honest Journalism" of the LATimes works on the Wedding Story go HERE. If registration is required, do not do it. A condition of registering is to accept their fucking spamming.
Posted by
5/20/2004 02:37:00 PM
Almost everybody has "outed" the (boo hoo) wedding party slaughter by our awful troops except the media. Go HERE for one of them. And while you're there, read this too. Our White House is pathetically bad at telling our story. They have to tell it because nobody in the press will. As usual, Belmont not only has the best coverage, he explains the whys.
On May 20, 2004 at 09:30 Zulu, after the last entry in the table above, the International Committee of the Red Cross "condemned Thursday an 'excessive' use of force by the US military." The story went on to say that "US troops faced further embarrassment amid claims they killed dozens of people at a wedding celebration in a remote western Iraqi town, at a time when the occupation forces are already reeling from a prison abuse scandal." A reaction based on old news had taken twelve hours to work its way through the Red Cross and emerged to spawn further accusations on its own power.Be sure to go there if nowhere else. Just a great job.
Posted by
5/20/2004 06:47:00 AM
Noonan has a piece about a "swing voter" who lives in a $250,000 apartment in New York. I had my hair cut yesterday and the guys in my "salon" had plenty to say too.
Fuck those Iraqis, they should have killed the cocksuckers in the prison, they put our soldiers jail and leave the fucking cocksuckers go.
I have no idea if these are "swing voters" or not. But at this particular place and time the guys said exactly that. I live in a Left Left Left area so I doubt if my co-clipperees represent the area, but there you are. Kim duToit has a piece about a neighborhood building a monument to a slain mountain lion that disgustingly represents California. BTW he has quite a few good things up today.
Posted by
5/20/2004 06:32:00 AM
Can Bush survive the all out media assault? Books, movies, TV, the "News Media" are all on board and throwing bombs. We've never seen a media attack like this, I think you have to go back to Lincoln to see the equal. Lincoln, unlike Bush, was a political infighter of no equal. Lincoln could brawl with anyone (and frequently did take on challengers while campaigning), bribe the newspapers, and get down and do what it takes. I don't think Bush has the stomach for it. We will see. Disney/Miramax/DNC/Soros is launching an assault in all media. They know how.
Posted by
5/20/2004 03:35:00 AM
To the "victims" families of the 9/11 terror attack let me be perfectly clear:
FUCK YOU. SHUT THE FUCK UPYOU HAVE BEEN PAID MILLIONS FROM MY POCKETS AND ALL YOU DO IS YELL FOR MORE. Gimme gimme gimme, blame blame blame, you owe me you owe me you owe me.
Yelling at Giuliani yesterday made me want to puke. Firemen get killed sometimes. That is their fucking job. The terror attack is revealing the "blame somebody welfare state" mentality that is gripping this country.
Posted by
5/20/2004 03:23:00 AM
I published a post on May 5 titled Gasoline prices vs inflation that you might want to re-read as the current bullshit comes down. As I've mentioned many times, I get proprietary information due to my professional status. There is a private study now available from the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank (OIL country)that says if we adjust for inflation, crude prices would have to rise to $75-$80 per barrel (twice the current price)to get where we were in 1981, and gasoline prices to $3.50 per gallon. So oil and gasoline prices are not devastatingly high by historical standards. The flaw in this statement is that they are using the highest prices ever as a reference point, so this is clearly bullshit.
This "study" also points out that half our oil comes from domestic production. These are all old fields. All costs for this oil are in. So the lifting price per barrel is around $5? $10? Whatever, the oil companies are selling the domestic oil at the world price of $40. Wonder how they report record profits?
Further, the study then concludes from 1. a false premise and 2. From a report of profiteering by U.S. companies; that it's no biggie, it will only affect the economy by .5%. Keep in mind they are using 1981 record high prices to draw this "conclusion".
I can't tell you how glad I am to get all this "inside" information and studies by professionals. I always keep in mind that one of the worst market losses ever was engineered by a company called Long Term Capital Management that had two Nobel Prize winners on its board; Myron Scholes and Robert Merton, who had been awarded the Nobel prize for economics in 1997 for their work on derivatives, and a dazzling array of professors of finance, young doctors of mathematics and physics and other "rocket scientists" capable of inventing extremely complex, daring and profitable financial schemes. The company collapsed in a maze of mis-management, crazy schemes, and outright fraud.
Never trust intellectuals with anything more important than a grocery list; at least you can take their mistakes back to the store and get your money back.
Posted by
5/19/2004 05:45:00 AM
IT'S ALL ABOUT SEX......... AND VIOLENCE (ammended)
They opened the door marked "Good" and stepped in. The Devil always lies.
My POV on the prisoner abuse is that it is mostly about sex, stupid.
Think about it for a moment. Most violence is sexual. It's exciting. There is dominance. There is victimology. Check the porno stuff. Tons and tons of rapes, Bondage and "Discipline", and S&M. It looks like we turned loose a band of sexual predators that were always outside of the mainstream of America on the prisoners at Abu Ghraib. That may be true in that these were people who could not control their baser instincts, but how far out of the "mainstream" are they? Almost all the "abuse" had a sexual content. Sexual humiliation works on the humiliator as well as the target. How do you feel after forcing a man to walk around in women's panties? This is sexually incendiary stuff, especially for untrained reserve soldiers. I submit to you that sexually manipulating the weakness of others becomes a sexual explosion within the completely untrained manipulator. They did not know the pathology of what they were doing and their emotional selves launched into an uncharted territory they knew nothing about. I'm not saying that these people thought this stuff up by themselves. I think that this is so "weird" that somebody somewhere got them to start it, but once started they just got crazier and crazier.
The Arab/Muslim abuses plainly occur within their mainstream. Sharia Law requires it. Sexual content? In a book called "Eastward to Tartary" (one of the must reads to understand the area) Kaplan points out that young unmarried men who cannot have sex outside of marriage act out their manhood in violence toward strangers. The violence of Sharia Law IS sex.
I point out here that there is sexual content to almost all "pointless" violence. We have all grown up with guys who got their rocks off kicking the shit out of people. I was in the Navy with a tough little bastard from NoCal who couldn't have a successful liberty unless he got into a fight with somebody who beat HIM up. I never heard of him with the local whores. I think I only won three fights in my life, but winning was better than sex; in fact it was sex in many ways. The feeling of exhilaration after "winning" a fight has few equals. I can imagine these "guards" feeling the same way after kicking the crap out of some Iraqis. And wanting more.
The inclusion of women in these prison abuses adds to the sexual content. O'Reilley did a piece on sex in the Military last night that at last turns our imagination into reality. One woman said her commanding officer hit on her while they shared a fox hole. You cannot turn young men and young women into celibates. The Army ain't the priesthood. "You can smell the testosterone in the co-ed barracks", said one woman. And you can see it in the pictures of Abu Ghraib.
How much of this abuse was sexual posturing to please the women? How much of the female participation was sex? If you look at excessive violence as sex you get much closer to the truth of Abu Ghraib. And much closer to America and our loose sexual morals. I doubt that this is an aberration in our culture. If we turn young men and women loose to do what they please to a victim group they "get off". And they want more. And more.
Posted by
5/19/2004 05:43:00 AM
The Left has trapped Kerry into taking stands that prevent him from attacking Bush in every area Bush is really weak. Just think of JFK, LBJ, or even Walter Mondale allowing Bush to participate in the cover-up of the UN oil for food, do you think for one moment that the recent sellout over judges would just slide by without Mondale commenting on the weakness of Bush?, Don't you think JFK would DEMAND the entire philosophy behind the Iraq War? Would any Democrat allow the existence of the shoddy bureaucracy composed of Minetta, the FBI, CIA (how can Tennet still be there?), the DOE complete with the scandal at Los Alamos, the endless scandals on Wall Street not addressed til media finally paid attention, the huge deficit, the failure to pursue the "No Child etc.", the open (Welcome Terrorist Friends) borders with Canada and Mexico, the fact that Humvees have no armor, the GIs have no armor, etc. etc. etc.
I swear to God, were I running I'd name the names of the GIs killed in naked Humvees at every stop. But how can a guy who needs to oppose the military do that? So GIs will continue to die in naked Humvees.
The Left has Kerry in a box and unless he has the guts to break out of the box he is toast. There is speculation that Nader is moving up on the extreme Left. If this is true then Kerry could turn hard right, and hard right is where Bush is weakest.
Posted by
5/19/2004 05:18:00 AM
I'm a big fan of Belmont, as you all know. But his Magnolias on the Euphrates series is really silly. There cannot be a similarity between our Civil War and Iraq or the Revolution and Iraq. Why? Religion, language, and culture. You better know the culture before you mess with post war settlements and things. Iraqis do not think like Southerners in the Civil War or Brits in the Revolution. We can take analogies way too far and this one is moonbeam stuff.
Posted by
5/19/2004 04:21:00 AM
Markets Profits flush away Iraq, India, China, and sex weak EU. Watch for a big day on Wall and Broad today as some big big profits hit the street. All markets recovered when India announced that neither the Communists nor Ghandi would be in the government. BUT it ain't over til it's over and there is pressure inside the party to make her PM anyway. The collapse in gold to below $380 is significant. Months and months ago I recommended a buy stop at $383. If you executed it you will make money, you are only down $700 and you can afford a hit of $1200.
Posted by
5/19/2004 03:40:00 AM
Bush's silence about the war has pissed me off for almost a year. He says zippo and I think he should be talking to us at least a couple of times per week. Sullivan has a good paragraph today before going on another gay rant.
Posted by
5/19/2004 03:16:00 AM
Awesome Hubble stuff produced to be an experience. Has music and shit. You must have fast download. Go HERE
Crank up the volume.
Posted by
5/18/2004 03:50:00 PM
It aint the Middle Easterners at the airports it's the Euro Trash we have to watch. Daniel Pipes tells it like it is today in the New York Sun.
Posted by
5/18/2004 07:06:00 AM
In case you need more proof about Congressional hypocrisy regarding Iraq, go here to the Journal editorial today.
Posted by
5/18/2004 05:55:00 AM
Looks like Asia has shaken off the stock crash in India, Nikkei up 200 overnight and European markets up slightly too. Probably means that all foreign money got out and that India doesn't have much money in the U.S. market (their growth was so huge that everyone figured they could make more money at home). Ghandi will not take the PM post and the Communists won't join the government. However the damage may have been done to a success story. Our markets are on the edge. This prison story keeps finding new legs. The Hersh story in The New Yorker is being vetted, his past agenda supporting Left causes is being "examined", but if is story of the involvement of higher ups is true it is bad news for Bush.
Posted by
5/18/2004 05:15:00 AM
Brad Pitt is the latest in a string of phony stars. Dispite the bullshit his movies do not make money. Marilyn Monroe never had a movie make money. Susan Sarandon has had nothing but flops. So how come they are stars??? How come they get outlandish pay? Who the fuck knows. These Lefty Hollywood execs pay their own. Troy has almost NO CHANCE of breaking even until Blockbuster has the disc. I know of only one person who "loved it", everybody else thinks it stinks. The potential weekend gross per number of seats and number of theaters was $230 mil; it did $46 mil. Probably headed for a $20 mil second weekend. $200 million to produce and market generally means it has to do $400 million to break even.
Bye bye Brad. Hope your wife keeps working.
Posted by
5/18/2004 04:52:00 AM
Crude prices can fool you. There are literally a hundred different grades of crude oil sold around the world. The quotes we see are for "light" crude; West Texas Intermediate or Dubai "Light"; this means extremely low sulphur content and very easy to "refine" into various fuels. Most of the crude sold is of the "heavy" ("sour") variety. Some, like the shit coming from Venezuela and Indonesia, is so "sulphur heavy" that special refining techniques have to be used. The oil OPEC is now pricing on the market is the "light" which even they are running out of. Saudi crude is now classified as "heavy". What is the true price? Hard to figure. Go HERE for a brief breakdown of the traded grades. The "OPEC" basket of crudes are: Saudi Arabia's Arab Light
The United Arab Emirates's Dubai
Nigeria's Bonny Light
Algeria's Saharan Blend
Indonesia's Minas
Venezuela's Tia Juana Light (their spelling)
and Mexico's Isthmus.
Here is a partial list of traded crudes:
High Sulphur Grades Low Sulphur Grades
Crude Country of Origin Crude Country of Origin
Suez Mix Egypt Qua Iboe Nigeria
Ziet Bay Egypt Bonny Lt. Nigeria
Basrah Lt. Iraq Escravos Nigeria
Umm Shaif Abu Dhabi Brent Blend UK
Murban Abu Dhabi Palanca Angola
Arab Heavy:Arab Light (80:20) Saudi Arabia Nemba Angola
Arab Lt. Saudi Arabia Cabinda Angola
Arab Medium Saudi Arabia Soyo Angola
Masila North Yemen
Kuwait Kuwait
Dubai UAE
Upper Zakum UAE
Confusing enough?
Posted by
5/17/2004 07:08:00 AM
Sanity may be rearing its ugly head in the Prison "scandal" This link to Opinion Journal editorial requires registration, a good and accurate read. I don't reprint entire pieces from anybody because I respect their right of authorship but here is one sentence to whet your whistle:
If there's a silver lining to the 24/7 coverage over Abu Ghraib, it is that we are slowly learning that these abuses were in fact the fault of a few undisciplined, poorly led soldiers. The accusation that the practices were part of the "system," or resulted from Army or Pentagon rules, is also being exposed as a political slurOf course the "slurers" will never take anything back but it is up to us to stay informed. Reminder: FOX, the so called right wing spin machine, is just as bad as the rest.
Posted by
5/17/2004 06:34:00 AM
Again, if you haven't read this from Iraq the Model, do it
Posted by
5/17/2004 05:42:00 AM
Baseball is so good now you cannot compare it to earlier eras. Saw a game from field level between first and home. You get to see 90% of the infield plays from there and I guarantee you that you have never ever seen play like this. If you are over 45 and haven't been to a game for 10 years or more you will shit your pants. Throws from third to first, a distance of 60 yards, take less than a second FOR EVERYBODY. Plays considered impossible in the 60s, such as a second baseman running away from first on the dead run and fielding a ground ball, THEN throwing to first to make an out are routine; a full 180 degree turn on a dime while on the dead run and throwing; everybody does it now. They say Bonds is trying for a .400 season. He may get it because he hits line drives to the outfield but those guys make "impossible" plays routine too.
Posted by
5/17/2004 05:22:00 AM
India stock market collapses as I warned last week (Under the Radar). The election in India can have serious reprecussions in all markets. Ghandi, as I said, is an economy wrecker and she was elected by the envious of success crowd.
A record plunge in Indian stock markets on Monday left investors stunned and sent brokers to the streets to protest against Sonia Gandhi's Congress party, which is set to form a new government with communist support.Be sure you link to the Forbes page above. This is very serious and the communists will make things as bad as they can.
"There is blood on the street. People are just queueing up to sell," said Arun Kejriwal, director at research firm KRIS.
Bad for us? Depends on how much Indian money is in our markets and in the European markets. Every crash in history was made worse by "patriotic money" fleeing foreign markets to rescue their investments at home. India was on the verge of being a major success story and it may be all over now. Oil prices could destroy struggling economies world wide. Watch for oil prices to plummet because a failing world economy will destroy OPEC too. Late add (9:40AM EDT) Dow down 100, S&P down 12. Could get worse because the technicals don't have major support til about 9600+ Dow. This from CBS Market Watch (best source for NOW news)
"We classify many emerging markets as being between a rock and a hard place of the slowdown in China and rising U.S. interest rates," said Joe Quinlan, Banc of America Capital Management's chief strategist. He's advising investors take profits on emerging markets, which saw "outsized gains" in 2003.Nikkei is also being routed, at a three month low at close last night.
Posted by
5/17/2004 04:57:00 AM
Terrorism in Iraq is widespread targeting anyone who assists the U.S. by killing them inside their own homes. In addition, the Italians were routed from a stronghold (Italians are the worst soldiers in the world, worse than the French) as were the Portuguese. These kinds of troops were always the soft underbelly of NATO; gutless, ill trained, badly led, and not really ready to do anything. In fact NATO was never more than the U.S. and Turkey. Now we have the proof.
Old Jokes: Q: What are the three shortest books in the world?
A. Black Nobel Prize Science Winners, Great Eskimo song writers, and Italian War Heroes.
Q: Why are the roads to Paris lined with trees?
A: So the German army could march in the shade.
Name one war Germany ever won.
Posted by
5/16/2004 04:20:00 PM
I am one of the many bloggers who suspect that the writers on Iraq the Model might be CIA plants. I will also confess that they are talented writers and use writer's devices and this stands in contrast to the "real" blogs coming from Iraq. Let's suppose they are real. Worth reading, and suspecting. Point is, that if they are right, and the lack of TV coverage for anything more than ten miles away from downtown Baghdad or the latest violent outbreak could very well shape our opinion, Iraq is on the right track. Read it every day. It can't hurt you.
Posted by
5/16/2004 03:54:00 PM
Zogby has said the election is Kerry's to lose. Rasmussen disagrees and has some good couterpoint.
Posted by
5/16/2004 03:04:00 PM
"Oh my Allah. We are doomed. The Americans are signing petitions against us."I honestly think this is another eliteist bullshit feel good let's advertise in the New York Times so we don't REALLY have to do anything move. But if you want to sign on to the "Standup to Iran but not if Anybody is Going to get Hurt" petition online go HERE. I guess this is for gutless conservatives instead of chickenshit liberals. I'm sure all the usual suspects are shaking in their boots. Strictly artists standing up for what they believe in but not really risking anything pose so the gutless dopes can tell their kids they Godstood up for what is right laid down and faked it when things got tough. To paraphrase Patton: "When they asked you what you did in the Great War daddy, you can tell them I signed petitions on line while hiding in my apartment."
Posted by
5/16/2004 01:12:00 PM