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Don Imus is toast. I thought when I happened to hear him go after that nanny that his wife was the one who is a nut case and she went over the top. Read it. When they fired the nanny she was dumped into the middle of the desert on cold December night with no ID and no money and told her to find a flight. Typical rich pricks vs helpless employee. Tipical helpless employee sues. Fuck him.

Why don't they call these anti-war demonstrations anti-freedom demonstrations?

Will the ACLU
ban the Declaration of Independence from all churches?

I’ve been smoking shit for forty years. I go back to the days when a nickel bag meant one ounce for $5; back to when we could go out in the woods or up in the hills and pick it for free; back to the days when the cops didn’t even know what it was. Everybody who smokes shit smokes it to get loaded; to get stoned; to get fucking paralyzed. Nobody ever smoked it to relieve pain.

I was in awful pain for five years. Opiates relieve pain. So does aspirin, Vioxx, and a ton of other meds. Smoking shit never ever relieved pain in anybody. So let’s get real here. These whacked out hippies who claim pot is a pain reliever just want to get loaded without risk and at at public expense. The hypocrisy of pretending is the watermark of modern liberalism.

Let’s legalize marijuana. Let’s all admit we want to get loaded once in a while, that we’d rather be stoned on shit than flying on alcohol. Besides, sex is lots better with pot.

LATE ADD: I've been trying to post since 5:15 and it is now 9:10. Blogger is the absolute worst.


WalMart sales....don't believe the bullshit. Internet sales are flying and there is no way to count them. They are so good we all better be ready for sales taxes on what we buy. This is the last year you will be able to buy a TV or computer without tax, so buy it. The "slump" in WalMart sales could also be a part of a general trend to buy more upscale merchandise by people who are employed and have more money to spend. Most WalMart stuff, while good, doesn't really cut it.

NYT lies again, if you are even remotely interested.

Does anybody other than the TV jerks, including FOX, care about Dick Ebersol? You'd think the President was on that plane.

Luckiest people in show biz?
Nicloe Kidman and Leonardo DiCaprio who were originally supposed to star in the disasterous Alexander. She as the mother and he--get this for strong male casting---as Alexander. Are young strong heterosexual actors now banned in the entire business?

The French are the only ones exempt from terrorists in Iraq. Irag the Model asks why? Is there a deal there? Could be.

Why elections
in Iraq on a date certain? Any of us who have had goals know that an exact time for their accomplishment is job one. You must set the date and move heaven and hell to achieve it. Only failures (and liberals) don't set goals with a certain date for accomplishment. That's why liberals fail, whine, and ask for Welfare.

The GOP and Bush did NOT get 44% of the Hispanic vote, and Michelle Malkin asks why they are heading over the cliff on immigration. If you go there read her first post, it's a real tear jerker.

In case you think Power Line has lost its bite because the election is over, take a look.


Video Game for the Kiddies: this Christmas. Players can actually ride up to the sidewalk, beep their horns and lure a prostitute into their car and then drive off and find a quiet spot to park. Once parked, a player never actually sees a sexual act performed (as you can't pick up a prostitute in a convertible) but from the outside of the car a player can see the car shake, hear the woman making noises, the health meter go up as the player's cash amount goes down. After the implied act is completed the player can get out of the car and beat up the prostitute to get his money back. The blue noses are bent out of shape on this one, which is the hottest selling game ever, natch.

Victor Davis Hanson has his own weblog and, no surprise, it's terrific and manned by some outstanding writers. Right now he's posting about the Mystery of Financing "Alexander the Drag Queen"
It is the old Dallas or Falcon Crest glossy pulp in Macedonian drag. Stone’s Alexander is a pouty, wimpy bore; the real figure, whatever your thoughts on him, was a killer and a fearful man of action. Gladiator’s Maximus was a far more engaging and forceful character—and that was a far better film as well.

There is also irony here. If we remember the embarrassing Troy, we are beginning to see, that all for all the protestations of artistic excellence and craftsmanship, Hollywood has become mostly a place of mediocrity, talentless actors and writers who spout off about politics in lieu of having any real accomplishment in their own field
He has a few other things not published at NRO. Take a look
For two centuries, the French have looked nostalgically on their favorite dictator, admiring the military genius that resulted in the little emperor. In light of Napoleonic greatness, Lafayette’s boyish enthusiasm for revolution and the American experiment is regarded with the fondness of a puerile escapade.
You'll have it bookmarked. Thanx to emailer and actor Robert M for the tip.

If you haven't ever dropped by A Collection of Thoughts, a military blog, do it today. Another well written and potent blog from Iraq.

Like a chicken voting for Colnel Sanders..Another clever blog is called Hoodratz. A sample regarding how road rage starts:
1. Kerry-Edwards 2004 stickers: This should be blatantly obvious, as voting for Kerry-Edwards would be like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. Every time I see one, I start growling like a pitbull chomping down on a totesack full of two gay boys having butt sex.


Next "GOD" target for the ACLU? Abraham Lincoln. That prick talked about God all the time. Starting with his Thanksgiving address in 1863
It is the duty of nations as well as of men to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God; to confess their sins and transgressions in humble sorrow, yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon; and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history, that those nations are blessed whose God is the Lord. We know that by His divine law, nations, like individuals, are subjected to punishments and chastisements in this world. May we not justly fear that the awful calamity of civil war which now desolates the land may be a punishment inflicted upon us for our presumptuous sins, to the needful end of our national reformation as a whole people? We have been the recipients of the choisest bounties of heaven; we have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in numbers, wealth and power as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us, and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us. It has seemed to me fit and proper that God should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged, as with one heart and one voice, by the whole American people. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November as a day of Thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the heavens.-----A. Lincoln October 3, 1863
Then that horible God was mentioned in his Temperance Address, the Eulogy to Henry Clay, his inaugural speech in Philadelphia and, and, and. Lincoln has to be stamped out. We owe it to our children.


A vertual plethora, a cornicopia, a herd even, of insanely gorgeous right wing chicks are here. Or you can start with this bodacious babe who listens to Rush every day. Holy shit, no wonder Bush won.

If you want to read what hundreds of whining terrified Democrats are saying go HERE. The whining accusing letter that has been all over the web has stirred the liberals to the depths of tax payer bank accounts. The terrified women who want to surrender all voted for Kerry, the ones who want to fight voted for Bush.

Carmel California, has one art gallery per 34 residents and is banning more. See my old essay "Drive by in Paradise---Old Carmel Dies." The absolute phoniest town on the totally phony Left Coast.

The best written Military blog that I've seen is called MARINE M31 A sample of what he writes is contained beneath a sniper team of Marines with one of the guys carrying a wounded comrade over his shoulder:
Well, here we go. The Left media is circling a lone Marine like jackals.

Like the cop who is tried and convicted by the left for shooting a perp before any evidence is available, this Marine, and by extension, the Corps, POTUS and America will be similarly attacked.

That is not to say that I do not consider the allegation serious. It is.

There are rules even for killing, and discipline is the foundation of of an army in the field. It is the difference between an army and a mob. The rag heads are a mob; they behead, torture, murder, use human shields, employ weapons of mass destruction and wantonly kill civilians and children because they are "soft targets."

We, on the other hand, are an army. This Marine will recieve his due process; I just hope it is as much as that given to captured terrorists at Gitmo. I won't hold my breath waiting for the ACLU to come forward to help.

This Marine may have seen a secreted weapon, he may have believed his life was in danger, perhaps he'd seen too much for too long (he was reportedly shot in the face just the day before). Regardless, he did not have the luxury of making a life or death decision over a period of hours and days in NBC's plush executive offices.

But let us say that he dispatched the man without the requisite threat of a clear and present danger to his own life. This war is for all the marbles; there will be no surrender, there is no quarter. We will not win this war following every Marquis of Queensbury rule the Left can wave hysterically on the evening news.

Brutal? Yeah, so was 9/11.

With all due respect to other wars and other enemies, our servicemen have never seen anything like this before. This is war without quarter. Our enemies have lawyers, American lawyers, who seek to have captured terrorists given "constitutional" rights, charges dropped, and released from prison. Where does a released terrorist go? What does he do?


Our enemies have supporters, American supporters, in the public, in the media and in our own government. They will oppose us in this war at every turn, not out of some moral outrage, but for purely political reasons. These people simply do not understand evil and what is required to combat it. First, evil must to be recognized, but the Left, steeped in moral relativism, makes no distinction between the terrorists and the soldiers from the Red States. You can make book on it.

Proof? Easy... John Kerry received a Silver Star for shooting a critically wounded VC in the back, yet he was embraced as a war hero by the Left and even backed for the most powerful and prestigious position in the world.

So you may immediately dismiss any outrage you hear from the Left in this matter with your moral integrity entirely intact.

Best thing about a long holiday weekend is that we can catch up on our reading. I urge you all to peruse the Diplomadic. You'll learn. Then Blackfive---not nearly as interesting since he got back to the states---links to a much too long series of photos from Fallujah . A scan will show you the huge number of mosques used as factories, storehouses for weapons, and hiding places; plus torture victims---all unreported, natch. Just to give you an idea
Mosques in Fallujah - 100
Mosques used as Fighting Positions / Weapons Caches - 60
Hospitals Used as Defensive Positions - 3
Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Factories - 11
Slaughter House/Torture Chambers - 3
Number of Major Weapons Storage Areas in the City - 203
Evidence of Foreign Fighter involvement - 2

Fallujah Urban Area Roughly 20 Sq Kilometers In Size
Average City Block = 100 X 200 Meters
Average Number of Fallujah City Blocks = 1000

3 out of every 5 Mosques had fighting positions – 60 total

653 total IEDs were found and detonated in Fallujah. The average number of IEDs found and/or detonated across Iraq per month from July to October was 772.

1 out of every 5 blocks had a weapons cache – 203 total.

Ukraine and Hannah Arendt---it looks like the big bully Russia is going to have to back down. Hannah Arendt, one of the great thinkers of our age--politically incorrect even to this day---wrote a long essay called "On Power" in which she observed the difference between power and (state) terror. Numbers are the real power, eventually. The guy with the gun eventually gets tired, the gun gets heavy, he needs recreation and so he lets his guard down. Exhaustion, corruption, spiritual emptiness gets the guy with the gun, finally. Russia is not only the guy with the gun, but the guy with the gun that has only three bullets in it and no sense of purpose other than pushing people around. Poland rising up to join the Ukraine is major news. Russia loses, again---still---and thank God (and the guts of the people) for that. Freedom rings and it's all our fault. One can also observe that a dictator (Putin) without an ideology---religion, communism, Islam----can't rally the numbers necessary to win these kinds of battles. Best website on Ukraine seems to be HERE. What they leave out is that Eastern Ukraine is Muslim and the west is Catholic (Greek Orthodox) and it was the east that voted for the dictator.


Notes on a Zig Zag paper:Blogger is almost as slow with a power house computer as it is with my old one. A real pain in the ass.

Weekend Warriors pissing and moaning again: so the guys who basically were just pretending to be soldiers a couple of weekends a month while getting paid for it, are crying once they have to actually do something. Don't bother with the link, just trust me.

You owe yourselves a present. Go HERE for freeware that will save your computer from spyware, trojan horses and so on. The tip from the Los Angeles Times. Great site and you'll bookmark it for sure. A truly great site. BTW on the first swipe on a brand new computer it discovered five spies and the source was Drudge, or at least his subsite called Tribal Fusion.

Add to above: There is also a patch for IE that allows it to run like Mozilla, with tabs etc. I have tried to use Firefox and I join with roughly 40,000 complainers so far, that find it impossible. No help, nobody to contact, and full of bugs. Be sure you check out their forums before you download that turkey.

The falling dollar, the real silver lining: The French and the rest of the EU are subsidizing production of the Airbus and they have successfully "underbid" Boeing. But have they? Airlines are buying the Airbus with wildly over valued Euros and are going to be on the hook big time when the dollar eventually turns. The EU is paid in Euros that are deflated.

This is what is behind their attempts to force us to tax the same way they do. Boeing has lost for now, but the real losers will be the airlines who buy the Airbus and the countries who will have to foot a huge deficit. I'm willing to bet that Boeing goes into aftermarket manufacture of Airbus parts that will be much cheaper than the EU parts.

Stay tuned.

Department of endless bullshit dot com: Reynolds has posted the following crap from the Economist
The first indication came when the falling price of computers crossed the point where the average programmer could afford to own a computer capable of producing the code from which he typically earned his living. This meant that, for the first time since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the ownership of the most critical tool of production in the most critical industry of the world's leading economy was readily affordable by the individual worker. Throughout the first three decades of the Information Age, the individual worker was still dependent on his employer for his means of production, just as any textile worker in Manchester or Lawrence was in 1840.

Suddenly, this changed. Now it is as if a steelworker could afford his own blast furnace or rolling mill, an automobile worker his own assembly line. By strict Marxist definitions, capitalism ended sometime in the early 1990s. This is a development that has not received adequate attention.
Wrong. There is no value whatsoever in having the abiltiy to post to the web. Should you decide to sell via the web, you still have to manufacture or buy the product you want to sell. There is no difference between the tree media and the web except that web ads are not easy to sell. The web BtoC business model is just mail order without the mail.

What we do have is a revival of that 18th century wonder called the pamphlet. There is no money in it but you can start a revolution with pamphlets as Tom Paine and America well know.




1) You walka pasta da bakery.

2) You walka pasta da candy store.

3) You walka pasta da Ice Cream shop.

4) You walka pasta da table and fridge



A short Thanksgiving screenplay


Two LARGE TURKEYS armed with huge hunting rifles and a tape recorder enter CAMERA RIGHT.

TRACKING SHOT as they sneak through the brush to their spot, eyes focused on a target we can't see. They whisper their dialogue.

TURKEY ONE: Shhh....for Christ sakes.
TURKEY TWO: OK, OK, where do you wanna set up?
TURKEY ONE: Right here where we can see where they live.

They have their weapons ready to fire while Turkey 2 takes a tape recorder off his other shoulder and lays it on the ground.

TURKEY TWO: I can't wait to play this new call. Cost me thirty bucks.
TURKEY ONE: Me neither.... I can't wait to nail one of these bastards.

Turkey One now carefully parts the brush in front of him


A house in the edge of a clearing. No smoke is coming from the chimney. Everything is quiet.

TURKEY ONE: Play the call

Turkey Two presses the start button on the recorder. We hear....

WOMAN'S SEXY VOICE: Oh God, oh God. I want it so bad, baby. I want it so bad. Please please give it to me.....

The door to the house opens and a MAN with an erection comes out. He looks around.

TURKEY TWO: Worked like a charm

MAN A: (voice in distance) Freddy, Freddy. Get your ass out here, sounds hot hot hot

MAN B comes out of the house very fast. He has no erection, yet.

TURKEY ONE: Shit, look at the prong on the first one. Look great on my mantle. Play something for the second one. Let's see what he's got.

Turkey Two presses another button.

WOMAN'S SEXY VOICE: Give it to me, give it to me. I wanna suck you, suck you, suck, suck, suck......

TURKEY TWO: That did it. Look at that prong. Jesus must be eight inches....

Both Turkeys now have their guns and are pointing. They open fire like maniacs. The MEN panic and curse at them before falling back up, their erections pointing to the sky.

TURKEY TWO: Want to take 'em to my house?

TURKEY ONE: No, no. My house, my house. My wife makes a great stuffing.......

Hollywood Whores--Vol II, a MUST READ over at the WSJ today. Titled "Look Who Isn't Talking" a trashing of the Hollywood Left over the Theo van Gough murder in Holland.
One would think that in the name of artistic freedom, the creative community would take a stand against filmmakers being sent into hiding à la Salman Rushdie, or left bleeding in the street. Yet we've heard nary a peep from Hollywood about the van Gogh slaying. Indeed Hollywood has long walked on eggshells regarding the topic of Islamic fundamentalism. The film version of Tom Clancy's "The Sum of All Fears" changed Palestinian terrorists to neo-Nazis out a desire to avoid offending Arabs or Muslims.
They are a truly reptilian lot. There is a good side here too, Conservative film makers are making movies and although they don't have wide distribution, they are being seen. More to come.


ON DAN RATHER: I start by asking this question; would David Brinkley, Chet Huntley, or Walter Cronkite been fired over one bungled story? I don't think so. You look at a guy's total work, not one mistake. Rather and CBS news had been twisting stories for several years. They had been proven wrong again and again, as has the New York Times. His management of the News Department had resulted in a ratings slide of monumental proportions. Not enough people believed CBS News. The phony documents were just the final straw. His career has been in decline for at least five years. It is possible that he became too old at the age of 65; he lost his judgement and it got worse and worse every year. Bottom line: he's an old man who hasn't been able to cut it for years. Too bad, he was good at one time. Yoot will be served.

Daniel Pipes has a terrific piece up today about moderate Muslims. I have been inviting him for months to provide some and he does. Dam good piece.

Hard to blog effectively til I get my new computer back

Notes on a Zig Zag paper
: look for a higher dollar as it is way way over sold. Greenspan's comments were misquoted by almost everyone, including the usually reliable Tim Russert. His real emphasis was on tax and Social Security reform, but the liberal press doesn't want to hear that stuff.

The latest Democratic Tax: Here come da socialists, as the Democratic leadership in California advocates installing a GPS (Global Positioning System) in every car so the government can track what roads you are using and impose a "road tax" on every driver. LA Times has two stories but you have to register so they can spam you forever.

And speaking of fascists, our pal Tony Blair and the Labour Left in Britain have passed an "emergency" law that enables the government to seize any and all private property without any notification. A Constitution, which the Brits don't have--surprised??---is what protects us from government shit like that.

The GOP is now the liberal party in this country, the Democrats the reactionary party. The Bush immigration plan is clearly out of the old liberal playbook where this country is the land of opportunity for everyone and everyone is entitled to a shot. Don't forget that Bush also won 40% of union households, another thing the MSM doesn't want to talk about.

The EU nuclear deal with Iran is designed to stop the U.S. from attacking Iran nuclear sites, not to stop Iran from building a bomb. When the Iranians develop the bomb and missile to carry it the EU expects us to step in and do their dirty work while they stand on the sidelines and attack us. I think the Bushies get this and will play the hand accordingly.

A WalMart sales slump, could cause a huge recession World Wide, something not covered in the PBS Frontline hit piece the other night. They are the economic elephant in all our living rooms; a corporation too big to fail. Consumers always change and huge corporations never change fast enough. The sheer size of WalMart will be a problem only until others catch up, if they ever do.

A HEALTH CARE FOR THE POOR BULLETIN: There is a health care company doing business in SoCal that offers super low rate care. They are able to offer these rates because they do most of their business in Mexico and can share the savings. BUT when employers try to provide this very low cost full coverage to their employees the employees refuse the care. Why? Because they can all go to the emergency wards for totally free care and the plan is a deductible or co-pay and they won't pay it. One of several sites that offer group health, premiums paid by employers, is here. There are at least two more. Keep in mind this is ideal for small business but the flake illegals don't want it when we taxpayers treat them for free.

More on the Sites video of the Marine killing the terrorist.....Too many of you take the position that the MSM is helping "the enemy." Understand that they are helping their friends. The MSM regards our troops, our government, and our president as the real enemy while the terrorists are----insurgents, freedom fighters, revolutionaries, etc.----so anything they can do to be on the romantic Left side of this war they will do. The very worst label the from the Left is "Resistance Fighters," a-la the French Resistance to the Nazis during WWII. In fact the Baathist party is now located in Paris turning out their propaganda, while the French label them a group "that has opted for resistance through the use of weapons." The French are further demanding Baathist representation for any legit election in Iraq. Our press will be featuring that line pretty soon. The scumbags have a website. Front Page is also running a series on this topic right now. Then there is THIS WARNING from our high command (link via lgf)



Go over to this petition and sign it. the petition to Congress concludes.....
It is my opinion that NOTHING should happen to this American Marine. He should be returned to his unit or be given an honorable discharge. We don't need our young men and women taking an extra second to decide if its right to shoot an enemy terrorist when that could mean that one of our soldiers could lose their life. The lives of our soldiers should be the single most important factor in this war against terrorism. The rights of terrorists can come second.
Link courtesy of Jihad Watch.

the past

One of the literally hundreds of new visitors to this site in the past three days---I have no idea why the sudden new interest---is called Synthstuff, a mostly music site. The Synthster reminds all of us that CBS promised, like really really promised, that their "investigation" into the fake documents would be completed totally very soon.
Meanwhile, CBS remains an object of mockery like this from Dave Barry in the Baltimore Sun: “Yes, it is a tragic but statistical fact that every Thanksgiving, undercooked turkeys claim the lives of an estimated 53 billion Americans (source: Dan Rather). Sometimes the cause is deadly bacteria; sometimes - in cases of extreme undercooking - the turkey actually springs up from the carving platter and pecks the would-be carver to death.”
He links to others too. CBS is like Clinton in many ways, all the ways are bad. Visit the guy, he's pretty good.

LATE ADD: Any doubt you may have that the Associated Press is now part of the Left propaganda campaign should be put to rest after reading Belmont today.


Follow the money, it's always the same. The Hollywood Left: the phony movie stars, producers, directors, the artists who work for $20 mil per picture get most of their money through EU grosses. That's the picture the WSJ painted last week when discussing Hollywood domestic failures that doubled and tripled their grosses overseas and thus made money---Troy, King Arthur, and so on---all domestic losers that made huge bucks overseas. Roger Simon has the gross monies goods in his comments section; be sure you read the comments section which has more info.

What we have is the disgusting whores of Hollywood hanging out where their steady johns are, their johns are in Europe, and like any good whores they ain't about to bite the hand that feeds them. These are traitors, pure and simple who are only interested in looking sexually attractive to their customers. The only thing that interests them is the next buck, they cannot and will not think about freedom, democracy, or anything that deviates from the latest EU party line.

Read the links and see if you don't come to the same conclusion.

Cutting to the chase: Mickey Kaus is full of crap, again. In his column today or yesterday he rambles on about giving the welfare moms the $18,000 "retraining money"---RE-training?---in cash. He says Bush should give them the money rather than to a government agency. This would mean they can choose how to "retrain" themselves. These people need to be trained. Period. Anybody who has ever worked with these people know that they have life histories of making bad decisions. They will choose bad programs, fake schools, or find some scam---because most of them are penny ante scammers anyway--where a fake school takes the money and kicks back half. They don't think about tomorrow til five minutes before midnight. They have never planned anything. They don't have dreams they have fantasies. They have drug "problems." They have crime "problems."

They have a life like the cab driver in "Collateral" who lives in a fictional world, only they have no jobs just fantasies about life, politics, jobs, and relationships. They marry the worst possible people, if they bother to marry. They drift from place to place. The entire structure of their lives must be changed and they must be willing to change; something 99% of the people I've worked with say they want to do but never do.

Somebody has to supervise these people and control their "training money" or nothing will happen. I referred yesterday to the Jane Galt piece that you should read. Too many of us are in the "business" of criticizing or evaluating things we know nothing about---we've read about it--. Sullivan, a Brit homo from Oxford, knows nothing about this country only what he invents in his own deviant brain; he's not Little League, not a class presdident, never ridden an American School bus; Lefty elites that know nothing past the latest Page Six and the latest literate fad; guys writing about Baghdad from London; you get my drift.

Bottom line for me is that a person who is really trying to break that cycle of poverty deserves help, but help from people other than government hacks. Personal help from people like us. Mentors, if you will. That is what MUST happen.

BTW: Yesterday, due to my own bad writing, I clearly implied that the GOP was somehow "at fault" in killing Intel Reform. The fact is that there are valid reasons to rewrite parts of it. The main concern is that the bill as written keeps intel from the "war fighter", instead channeling all to bureaucrats at the CIA and others before getting to the people who need it. Remember the time when we had Bin Laden nailed but the people on the ground had to clear an attack through lawyers in Florida? He got away. The illegal immigrantion, best summed up by Kim duToit, is also a factor. So now I'm more or less clear.

I find that I'm getting a ton of new visitors to this site from foreign countries whose sites are in a language I don't understand. However one of my new visitors is called Aspyre, or Favorite Half Light, which will not be everybody's cup of tea but it is quite beautiful and very spiritual and poetic. Take a visit, you might go back. I'm sure she linked here by accident but she has a gorgeous site.

Solution: Windows 2000 and 524 RAM To those of you commenting here and emailing regarding the unacceptable slowness of Blogger, and it is almost unusable now, here's a reason. I have had to send my new hopped up super powerful machine to warranty repair in Diego, but in the two days I could use it Blogger seemed OK. I think the slowness has to do with the fact that unless you have a minimum of 524 RAM Blogger is not something anyone can use effectively. I think it is a monstrous RAM hog which renders your entire system nearly unuseable. This means that those of us still using Windows 98, an OS that gets very "buggy" if you try to use more than 212 RAM, must upgrade to Windows 2000 and 524 RAM in order to have Blogger work. I am using my old system til my new machine returns to me.


This has now become serious stuff among the fruits and nuts of the Canadian Left which now runs the country. The Diplomad has a pretty long piece on it right here.
This Canadian (diplomat) relished the thought of having Bush "served" a bill of indictment or arrest warrant during the President's visit to Ottawa o/a November 30. He thought this an incredibly clever idea, and spit out the reasons for indicting Bush for "crimes against humanity" -- basically the ones contained in the Walkom column and the Kasich interview, e.g., aggressive war, no UNSC approval, mistreatment of POWs and civilian populations, etc.
These guys are serious and see the U.S. as their sworn enemy. Read it.


Notes on a Zig Zag paper:

Stanford thugs, yes Virgina there are Stanford thugs, the guys with the 160 IQs and 1500 SATs played as dirty a football game against CAL yesterday as you can find. Were it not for the brawl at the Clemson game it would be all over the tube. Worst was a full speed early hit on a CAL punt returner that could have killed the kid.

I didn't see the TO commerical with the Desperate Housewife live,---I never turn on MNF til 6:10 Pacific so I don't have to watch all the commercials--- but the re-runs show an incredibly bad actress, Nicollette Sheridan, and an athlete who can hardly speak the English language. There is also a live radio interview with Desperate Nicollette that reveals her as a near moron. Next this moron will be taking off her towel and telling us how to vote.

I always assume that everyone reads Little Green Footballs, in case you haven't today please go there. He has the goods on Columbia University and the beginning of a possible scandal about French troops shooting down women. See that on MSM? Sure you will.
In Fallujah, where U.S. Marines and soldiers are still battling pockets of resistance, insurgents waved a white flag of surrender before opening fire on U.S. troops and causing casualties, Marine spokesman 1st Lt. Lyle Gilbert said Saturday without elaborating.
God I hate the media.

The word is getting out on "Alexander." My super review of Alexander is HERE. I mean it when I say short AOL/Time Warner stock. The New York Times just loves it and thinks this is a breakout film for homosexual heroes. Blue State decadence.

Attn college football fans: I actually spent the day watching all the college football games on TV because I was waiting for a FEDX to pick something up. Utah is so slow that they could never beat Ohio State, Florida State, Michigan, Iowa, or any one of five or six other schools ranked below them.

The Clemson SouthCarolina football brawl: while it looked bad on TV, how bad is a football fight with all that armor they wear? I was once smashed in the helmet during one of said brawls by a guy who weighed at least 40 pounds more than me, and while he knocked me down it was he who broke his hand on my helmet and was screaming in pain. I met him in the navy a couple of years later and we got drunk together and had a lot of laughs. He told me his hand had never healed.

I'm now very concerned with this Iraq war. There seems to be no end of suicide bombers. We have had experience with this type as recently as WWII with the Hitler Youth Germans and the entire Japanese war machine. We won by killing everyone. Remember there was a Viking subset called The Berserkers who believed the only way they could go to Valhalla was to die in battle. They overran Europe and stayed there. Muslims are exactly like the Berserkers.

The Republicans have killed intel reform in the House. The Republicans. It seems that Rumsfeld has stuck his nose into this and is challenging the president. My prediction: Rumsfeld is the next to go. The CIA is as dysfunctional an agency as is possible to imagine. The Defense Department was so quick to deny this news that it makes me think Rumsfeld IS involved.

I continue to be mad enough to kill over the persecution of that Marine in Fallujah. Simon links to this great great letter from a Marine. Go there if you haven't read it. This prick Sites is the one who should be on trial.

I'm not a total fan of Jane Galt because I don't give a shit about recipies and stuff. But if you read her once a week you will find some gems. She has a terrific post up about people on welfare that mirrors most of my own experiences in that field (of course I link to people who agree with me) and it is well worth reading. I have worked with these people of all races and unless you can find a way to permenently separate them from their peers and force them into another life style if ain't gunna happen.


I grow tired of bashing the MSM, but the distortions of Greenspan's statements last Thursday and Friday are the worst slanting of straight news I can remember. Schultz, the former Terpsboy, has it cold so go there and get pissed. Again.

NBA BRAWL----It's the fans, stupid.....many are the same ones who were calling Bush Hitler, and a few of the same ones who sponsor websites attacking religion in the most despicable ways.

I live in supposedly "laid back" LA. I stopped taking my kids to pro football games years ago when it became obvious that drunken fan behavior was completely over the top. I now am fearful of taking them to Dodger games for the same reason, God help you if you are cheering for the other team. Outfielders fear playing in many stadiums because the fans throw batteries at them. The abusive foul language directed at players and their families is as bad as anything you could imagine. And nobody in their right mind will allow their young children to go to the stadium restrooms alone.

One of the things that we all have to acknowledge is the relative stupidity of most of the athletes, who are largely black college drop outs--and lately high schoolers who had horrible grades--- who have no parameters past their athletic specialty. One of the problems with uneducated people is that they haven't been taught to see alternatives past two. You're either good or bad, right or wrong, a menace or a friend; fight or run like a coward and nothing is worse than not standing up for your manhood. Vicious behavior is taught in the NFL, the hard foul is "part of the game" in the NBA, and the almost universal intake of steriods have as a side effect problems with aggression.

So we have fans with educations from the PhD level to high school---quite possibly drunk-- who have paid up to $500 per ticket vs the multi-millionaire players with 90+ IQs who carry grudges against both fans and owners because they think they are back on the plantation. This is a combustable formula waiting for a spark at every event. The fan who pays $500 feels entitled to see whatever he wants to see and if he doesn't get his money's worth he has no problem cursing. The players can only see black and white, the plantation owning fans suck and if they attack they will strike back.

The players won't change til their incomes are threatened and the fans won't change because they can always find alternative venues. All we have to do is look at the campaign tactics on the Left--- which continue right now---to see that this fan abuse doesn't stop at the stadium entrance. Right now there are sites, to which I refuse to link, where The Crucifiction is attacked by showing the face of Jesus as a naked buttox and the Virgin Mary is shown about to perform oral sex on an unseen man. Horrible attacks on the religious is now part of the main stream. How long do we think religious people will take it?

We all have to create rules of behavior and expect that the stupid won't "get it" until they are faced with only two choices: obey or lose your incomes. That's how the KKK was stomped out and the violent communists were made unacceptable. We are all out of control to a certain degree.



Remember the scene in "Jurassic Park" when the lawyer got killed and the audience cheered? Get ready, "Alexander," the newest three hour sand and drag queen movie, is so bad that the audience cheers every time a major character gets killed, which unfortunately doesn't start happening til the two hour mark. Actors, a la "Troy," flounce around in their best blouse and skirt ensembles kissing and flirting with each other before going off to conquer the world.

"Yoo hoo, Darius. Ready or not, here we come," and they skip into battle. This is strictly a Blue State epic for the gay marriage set. A full quarter of a "straight" non-paying preview audience at a college showing walked out after the first 45 minutes and the rest remained to cheer and laugh at the dialogue. The script is so bad that normally good actors like Val Kilmer look horrible. Viewers report that the script wanders off into stealing from "Citizen Kane's" rosebud recollections to a blatant "Braveheart" reconstruction.

People who tout the movie as honest, artistically brave (you can bet it doesn't deal with Islamofascism), and truthful to history, actually mean that men kissing each other on the mouth, ogling one another, and going to bed with each other is what passes for artistic bravery in anti-Bush Hollywood. The "truth" of Alexander's homosexuality or "bi-sexuality" is on graphic display. The reality of the Greeks kidnaping young boys and raping them is not included in this historically accurate movie, but wife raping is included, presumably for the bi-sexual Northeast and Malibu crowds. And let nobody forget that this movie is aimed at a world audience, particularly Jew hating and anti-Black Europe, so there are no Blacks and Jews in this "honest" movie, in spite of the fact that Alexander kicked the shit out of the Jews.

Then there is the sheer boredom that co-writer, co-producer, and director Oliver Stone manages to convey through such clever devices as endless speeches and battle scenes that you can't see because they are filmed through dust and sand. Everyone who has seen it comments about a shot of an eagle interrupting a battle scene that makes no sense and then cutting back to the hazy combat. In the business they call it "cutting to the moon." Every director worth his salt always has some extra footage he can "cut to" when a scene is missing footage that matches the master shot. When a director is bad or egotistical he has no "moon" and instead of a door or a breast he has to use a ten second shot of a bird flying, squirrels fucking, or a lion walking. Oliver Stone (co-writer, co-producer, and director) shot no moon to which he could cut if he had no matching footage. Audiences who saw the movie for free also comment on the horrid dialogue and acting; the age of Alexander's mother (Angelina Jolie would have had to give birth when she was eight years old), and the impossible age of Ptolemy.

It is generally recognized that a Spaniard named Lope de Vega, a 16th century dramatist who wrote two thousand three hundred plays, scribed the absolute worst soliloquies ever written. Til now. This movie will probably top de Vega's reputation for agonizingly long and tedious monologues. Actors clad in skimpy dresses emote them while doing their best to feign masculinity til they can date one another after the day is done.. Most attendees writing "reviews" seem to be sorry that Anthony Hopkins, of all people, is forced to shuffle around in a back lot sand dune uttering the skunkiest solo dialogue since Ethan Hawke butchered Hamlet back in 2000.

This is another example of the decadent Hollywood Left handing $150 million to the "Hate America" near Communist Oliver Stone knowing his track record for wallowing in blood, fictionalizing history, and losing money. All the viewers reporting compare it with Troy except that it's three times as gay. The movie will eventually cost in excess of $200 million in AOL/Time Warner shareholder money if you include prints and marketing. This means that it will have to gross $400 mil to break even and at $8 per ticket it means that fifty million people will have to see it. I guess the DNC poll takers told Time Warner execs that "the Red State assholes are all secret fags" and are dying to see men sodomizing each other in the desert. Guys who believed the financial statements of former AOL founder Steve Case will believe anything. Still.

Summing it up: short AOL/Time Warner stock or buy put options. Right now.

Late Add: the New York Times is just thrilled up to here with the homosexual display.


Oil is heading south again, down a dollar. Just in case you think our corporation give a shit about us, an emailer asked me why the price of diesel fuel is going up and not down. Well our corporate slugs, patriotic to the almighty buck, found they could sell diesel fuel in Europe for a higher price than here, so they sold it. Our truckers pay through the ass and of course these costs are passed on to us.
Citgo, Premcor Refine More Diesel for Europe; U.S. Prices Rise

Nov. 16 (Bloomberg) -- Oil refiners such as Citgo Petroleum Corp. and Premcor Inc. are shipping a record amount of diesel to Europe for use in automobiles, boosting costs in the U.S. for truck fuel and home heating oil.

U.S. diesel exports to Europe climbed to 7.65 million barrels during the first eight months of this year, from 618,000 barrels a year earlier, according to data from the Energy Department. Europe now consumes the equivalent of 13 percent of the fuel produced by East Coast refiners.

``Demand for diesel is at an extraordinary level,'' said Premcor Chairman Thomas O'Malley, who runs the company from Old Greenwich, Connecticut, during a conference call on Oct. 28. ``There's a lot more trucks, planes and trains moving around, and we're seeing a pretty substantial outflow of diesel to Europe.''

The average price of diesel has risen 42 percent to $2.13 a gallon this year, after climbing above $2 a gallon in the U.S. for the first time on Sept. 27, according to the U.S. Energy Department. Oil-industry profits have surged 36 percent this year to $64.3 billion, based on the 13-member AMEX Oil Index, which includes, Exxon Mobil Corp. and BP Plc.

Consumers will likely bear the brunt of the increases. Truckers, who are the biggest consumers of diesel with more than 35 billion gallons a year in the U.S., have been able to pass on the additional costs to manufacturers and retailers, said Jack Waldo, a trucking-industry analyst at Little Rock, Arkansas-based investment bank Stephens Inc. Homeowners who use heating oil, which is similar to diesel, will have record bills.
France gets the fuel and we get the shaft.

And now for something completely different. Emailer Janna J has clued me in to a site called The Diplomad that is run by a few Foreign Service guys in the State Department who are "mostly Republicans." They have a take on the Marine in Falluja.
We at The Diplomad blame the military censors. Presumably this NBC cameraman was an authorized "embed" with US forces. Those reporters and cameramen are subject to military censorship (as BBC reminds us repeatedly.) Why did US military censors allow NBC to run the tape? It should have been seized as "evidence" in any legal proceeding or investigation that will follow the shooting incident, or simply as posing a danger to lives and future operations.
Go over there and learn something from guys who really know something.

Their bio is: A Blog by career US Foreign Service officers. They are Republican (most of the time) in an institution (State Department) in which being a Republican can be bad for your career -- even with a Republican President! Join the State Department Republican Underground. This a GREAT SITE, if you go there you'll spend twenty minutes reading and learning plenty.

Look for 11,500 plus on the Dow, and sooner rather than later; per Mark Johnson. The chart looks like explosion city.

Can you believe the idiots at the MSM continuing to print those CIA leaks?

I'm still in computer Pergatory but all will be solved today, I hope.


No Pasaran has a good piece up:
France built the Osirak nuclear reactor outside Baghdad, which Israel destroyed in 1981 and which would have given Saddam a nuclear weapon by the time he invaded Kuwait, making the world a very different place.

And by 1989 an estimated half of French arms output went to Iraq. It was an Iraqi French-built Mirage fighter firing a French-made Exocet missile that hit the USS Stark in the Persian Gulf on May 17, 1987, killing 37 American sailors.
Good old France. Now the Senate is blaming them. Think the MSM will report it?

I am in computer hell and will be resurrected soon. I think....


Crude Prices: major support is at $42 but due to the huge volume you have to be pretty flexible. There will be a literal ton of sell stops under $42 and if we have a sudden downside move prices could go to $38 before bouncing. Gasoline is still sky high around here.

"I submit to you that if a man hasn't discovered something he will die for, he isn't fit to live," is the banner on a terrific site called Right Wing Sparkle. Take a look, it's worth it. I'm linking it right now.


So I’m thinking, “Why not start a new movie company called Red State, do the movies in Florida or Texas, and do good stories without the propaganda?” I was seriously saying this to a marketing guy from Universal and he shot me down pretty good.

“Seen the red county-blue county map? Did you see that all the support for the Blues is big city or on both coasts where property costs run half a mil and up? I don’t know why these rich guys are all socialists and chickenshits but I do know that statistically they have nearly 70% of the money in the United States. All the billionaires, mega millionaires, Hollywood, Music, heirs and heiresses, plus the successful people who make two fifty to seven fifty per live close to each other. There is no big money in the red states, or at least no discretionary money.”

It’s obvious here in LA where choice condos are now several million per and homes can be over ten million. Top prices for homes in rural America are still 50K. In the Midwest and south you can buy a hell of a lot for 100K. Sure there are a couple of local millionaires and maybe a few highly paid skilled people hanging around, but the millions of rich are located on both coasts, the ski resorts in New Mexico and Colorado where homes are a million plus, and the rare counties dominated by universities.

Which leads me to the following conclusion. The Hollywood Left and the Media Left are in no jeopardy. They are turning out product for their blue state billionaires, heiresses, stock hustlers, and college professors, all of whom have plenty of discretionary income and want to be told that America sucks. Their audience does not want to hear about success, only the failure of America and our government. They don’t want abortion shown in any way other than the no guilt no problem situation of flushing the brat at 2PM and having cocktails and dinner at 6PM. Rape is bad, like in really really bad; hurting the trees and animals is horrible; killing people is a groovy visual; they adore helping the grateful poor, launching class action lawsuits, and demonstrating in front of the TV cameras.

The LA headline on Falluja was “Iraqi City Lies in Ruins” and all they talked about was how we’ve destroyed Iraqi living standards, got 28 soldiers killed, and that we’re in a quagmire. If you read the “news story” you’d think we lost the battle. But that is what the upper income readers want to read. There is no room in this scenario for criticism of the latest Christian bashing by Garrison Keillor, which had it been said about Blacks or Jews or by a Republican would have been front page all over the country.

As I write this the media is trying to launch a blue state lynching of that marine who killed the “insurgent.” I am so pissed about this I can't tell you. Kim du Toit sums it up very well. The ever blue LAT (sub) is calling it a war crime, the New York Times and Washington Post are playing it close to the vest, for now, giving it back page even coverage but leaving no doubt that a "helpless Iraqi" was shot dead.

So look for business as usual from Hollywood and the MSM because it’s all about money. And that poor Marine will have to live in Kansas because they’ll key his car and launch insults in the blue states.

Good close here by General Sherman in the Civil War: "I hate newspapermen. They come into camp and pick up their camp rumors and print them as facts. I regard them as spies, which, in truth, they are. If I killed them all there would be news from Hell before breakfast." Link courtesy of Mudville.

News from Hell before breakfast about covers the MSM.

Michael Ledeen has a great take on all the CIA leaks to MSM.
Spymasters? The crowd that proclaimed East Germany to be the world's seventh greatest industrial power? The people who claimed to be running scads of agents in Cuba, only to find that every one was a double? The people whose counterintelligence superstar turned out to be a Soviet agent? The organization that didn't seem to have a single reliable agent on the ground in Iraq? The geniuses who thought that Saddam was in a nonexistent bunker on the eve of the invasion of Iraq?
No shit Tonto.

Simon has a good take on oil for food if we hadn't invaded Iraq.


HFS--Crude oil down $1.27; unleaded off four cents. Don't hold your breath for retail. The reason it is outrageous for gasoline prices to stay high is that all oil companies hedge in the futures market. Right after they buy they protect themselves with a sell stop under the market. This means if they bought actual product for $50 a bbl they will sell it at $49.80 and not lift the hedge til it is convenient or they take the product. It makes no difference how low the price goes, they buy at $50 and sell at $49.90 so if crude drops to $40 on delivery they have only "lost" twenty cents per bbl. Twenty cents represents around a penny a gallon of gasoline. Yes, Virginia, we are taking it in the rear one more time.

ADVENTURES IN WARRANTY LAND, and a pat on the back of sorts for HP/Compaq

So I buy this Pentium XXI with 40,000 Megahertz, 9000g hard drive, 2 g RAM, a 19" monitor, and a babe in the tower who pops out and gives me a blow job twice a day....and when I get it hooked up it turns out the CD Rom drive will not write. I can’t transfer anything from my old computer to the new one and I cannot copy essential files from inside the new one to a disc.

But it’s fast fast fast. I contact the HP customer service on line and have a long typed interchange with a clone named Kumar. After some exchanges he says he will send me the operating system discs at no charge and gives me a work order number to fix my machine.

I get their list of repair facilities and “partners” and discover that they are all Radio Shack stores. For those of you who haven’t shopped Radio Shack for a couple of years, what was once a terrific chain of stores has been replaced with commission hustlers who pay no attention to anything other that to sell you IPS, telephone time, and every other thing you can think of. I knew there wasn’t a Radio Shack in existence that could fix a computer. There was one local Best Buy listed as a warranty repair facility so I called them. The guy laid it on the line to me. They simply send the computer to the main repair facility in San Diego and wait for it to come back, a process that usually takes three to five weeks.

So in order to fix my computer under warranty I have to be without the computer for up to five weeks. I decide to actually call a human being at HP/Compaq. The guy who answered the phone had the thickest Indian accent I’ve ever heard. Welcome to customer service located in a Bombay slum in India. For all I know I’m talking to a Fundamentalist Muslim terrorist who now has my address. “Good day kind sir or madam, may I have your phone number please?”, so now the cocksucker also has my phone number. To top that off, I’m talking to a guy I could not understand. I asked him to speak very slowly and he complied. After taking me through at least twenty minutes of diagnostic tests and efforts to get my computer to write to a disc he told me he was sending me a replacement CD Rom unit and asked me if I could do the replacement myself. He added that it was simple, the directions were clear, and if it turned out I couldn’t do it he’d refer me to a shop that could do it; which may be a Muslim safe house for all I know.

So that’s customer service via India and at least they are making me whole without any hassle at all, which is all we can ask of any company ever. I just question the economics of a twenty minute long distance phone conversation with a man without English skills as compared to a customer service center in LA or New York with an American black who not only can’t speak comprehensible English too well either, but will be rude as is permissible without being fired.

I'd also suggest that were I not persistent I'd have been between a rock and a hard place.

BTW I loaded the new Word Perfect Office 12 into my machine. It’s only $69 with rebate and it’s terrific. All the tits you could ever want and easy to use. Microsoft is selling Word packaged along with their Office for $249. You cannot buy Word by itself. This is a no brainer if you are looking around. Corel has always been the best and it’s firewalled.

If you want a post election and thus dispassionate look at total media bias check out the "leaks as news" from the CIA incompetents to all the liberal media who are still more than willing to print anything to make Bush look bad. LA Times is here, the CNN piece which quotes Democrat Jane Harmon at length is HERE, the Brit planted stories are HERE and it goes on forever. These people are not capable of reporting news. It's all propaganda all the time. Just remember that the CIA has just not done their job for two decades, it's time they were cleaned out.

The Left media is back to business as usual and Little Green etc., has some commentary that is interesting. I'm not one to praise the blogs too much because rarely to we originate any news at all. Our only function is to expose the bad reporting of news. If MSM ever gets honest we are all out of business. Til they go back to propaganda.


Notes on a Zig Zag paper:

LA/Long Beach harbors are stacked with ships three deep waiting to unload. Can't remember action like this. No rail cars available to ship so trucks are doing the transportation. Economy is exploding.

Gasoline prices are down no more than a nickel around here while futures prices are down twenty five cents.

It's hard for me to watch an NBA game anymore knowing that none of those teams can beat Latvia or Estonia.

Three Great teams in the NCAA: SC, Auburn, and Oklahoma. Too bad there is no playoff system.

They're now calling themselves "sex workers" instead of whores and they are complaining about their customers. In where else? San Francesspool where these scumbags are having an "Erotic Health Day." Like stop fucking for money and get a real job.

Now something very nice: Want to help soldiers wounded pretty badly in Iraq, Afghanastan, and other places? Go HERE for Marines and HERE for Army. Links courtesy of Blackfive.

Blackfive is also running open comments about the firing of a Lt. Colonel Kahn that are very disturbing. Reading all the comments it could be a PC firing, retribution by senior officers, or a justified removal of an abusive but heroic, officer.

The death of Iris Chang
is very sad. If you haven't read her book, "The Rape of Nanking" it should be on your must read list. Many writers can only write if seriously depressed (Bukowski, Poe, Stevenson, etc., etc.) and I guess she was too depressed to continue. Too bad, but she has left a legacy.

The most realistic evaluation of the election, without the bullshit from either Left or Right is HERE IN SUNDAY WSJ.
The nation did not undergo a rightward shift in 2004 any more than it had when it elected Reagan in 1980 and re-elected him in 1984. The policy preferences of Americans are remarkably stable, a fact that has been confirmed by virtually every scholar who has looked at the matter.
Marty Peretz said it like this:
Neither the Kerry enthusiasm (and the Bush hatred) of Eminem (himself given to vile homophobic and racist ranting) nor of Paris Hilton, of Sean Combs (with his "Vote or Die" campaign) or Whoopi Goldberg amounted to anything except publicity for themselves (Hollywood thinking of themselves?). And then there was the cinema thug Michael Moore, fabulist and fibster.
VDH in NRO said it this way--
...democratic populism is now defined by pampered New York metropolitan columnists, billionaire heiresses, financial speculators, and a weird assortment of embittered novelists, bored rock stars, and out-of-touch Hollywood celebs.
My take is that the election was decided not by one thing but by ten or so "things" stacked atop each other in our minds; things like Swifties, ACT, Move on dot Org, the media bias, gay marriage, the Hollywood Left, and so on. No single thing dominated. This is a very rational essay, for those of you seeking real thought.


The angst of the Left is worse than anything I've ever seen. National Review today has a partial list of the rabid ravings of some of our elites while leaving out a ton of other more maudlin howls. My take on all this is that the Left view politics as their religion. Whenever they lose an election it means that their God has failed. They think Jesus was a jerk off but that their politics are sacred. The Left expects that all their prayers and all their work must always result in material return; more votes. Votes must be counted as the business leader counts his return on investment. Japanese business failures kill themselves. A couple of Democrats have killed themselves, while others are in expensive therapy.

Had the Red State hooligans lost there would be no deep psychological reaction other than "aw fuck," a downed six pack or a few smoked joints, or perhaps---my particular favorite---a grudge fuck. The ones who were really upset would have gone to church and then most likely let it go til next time.

Our elites have nothing else to do during half their days but sit around posh eateries, private clubs, or sequestered communal watering holes and gossip with other gifted intellects much like themselves. All think the same. Nobody disagrees with anyone. They ain't kidding when they say "nobody I know voted for (fill in the blank). Like the cloistered monks of yesteryear they think everything they do, think, or say is "the word of God's messenger."

We all need spiritual healing. The Godless get it through revolution, strikes, and full page ads in The New York Times declaring their faith. That is what we are seeing now. Don't make the mistake of thinking they will just go away. They will pretend Christianity and Bible learning together with moral values. They go to political church every day. They are fanatics and don't forget it.

And now for something completely different: The Turks are getting ready to rumble (Link to World Net Daily). Their prime minister, a guy named Necmettin Erbakan, is an Islamist. It was he who refused to let us use Turkey to invade Iraq and he is now threatening invasion of Iraq in order to prevent Kurds from taking over. This is a near century old conflict which i posted about HERE.
Do yourselves a favor and read it. This is a potential disaster for us in Iraq. The EU will love Turkey and let them in the "club" should they stick it to us.


George Washington on values and morals:
"Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars... The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and cherish them... Let it simply be asked, 'Where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert?'... And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds... reasons and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principles........
George Washington -----Fairwell Address


ARLEN SPECTER: See my post below and also read his essay today's WSJ. Specter deserves to head the Judiciary Committee.

Check out this one at Kim du Toit today. He has a letter written by a literate but viciously angry Lefty
Fuck the South. Fuck 'em. We should have let them go when they wanted to leave.
And it goes on. A good read.

The second of two pieces on the Morals and Values vote: Moral Values without the bullshit------Let's get real here. Muslims have moral values. Wahabi Muslims have them too. The Nazis had them, as did the Communists. Obviously Christians and Jews who follow their faiths have moral values set down on paper. Hindus and Buddhists have so many of them that nobody can figure them all out. So the true believers have moral values, but the depth of these values always depend upon how closely they follow their code. Moral values for a political movement or deity have their "rules" and reasons written down in bibles, Korans, manifestos (Das Kapital) and so on; generally we know what they think and how they might behave in certain situations. Catholics oppose abortion (in most cases), other Christian sects refuse to accept all things modern or mechanical, some will refuse to go to war under any circumstance and so on. We know more than we want to about the Muslim religion which is governed by the Koran and fatwas issued by local imams.

People with no faith or code are unpredictable. The increasingly atheist or secular Europe cheats , lies, conspires, and it is obvious that they lack centrally published codes of conduct.

Similarly, the "immorality" we see in our own country has to do with people of no faith who adhere to no codes at all. Show movies of people being killed is no biggie. Show rapes, write titillating stories about incest and sadism, call political opponents Hitler or Stalin, lying about whatever suits the moment is just part of the game. Sometimes murder is OK and you let the killer go, sometimes rape is excusable, but verbally insulting a woman is a crime against humanity. Today. Tomorrow the ideas may change. Morality on a sliding scale with no ruler or mathematical equation.

It is obvious that people who live by defined codes are a threat to people without them. Conversely, the people with no codes are a threat to the people who live by them. That is because secularists try to stamp out all references to codes in any public place because the codes will make them appear to be criminal or dishonest. The people who are Muslim or Christian are always proselytizing for their religion, or code of conduct, to become paramount. This is an ongoing and unchanging culture "war."

The secularist wants no code at all other than to be "tolerant" of everything. "You mean I can't have sex with an 8 year old boy?", laments Man Boy Love Association. "I've decided to use heroin, fuck you." "I'm having sex with my mother and we both like it so mind your own business." People with codes make things occurring outside their codes their business. Things like hunger, medical care, freedom, lying and so on are things codes try to deal with. If you will check around I think you will see that 90% of the food banks in America are church sponsored and use money voluntarily contributed by members. These members also volunteer to distribute food and help, all with no agenda other than to do good. They do it every day, not just when the TV cameras are rolling on some special day.

The "secularists" want professionals paid by money squeezed from taxpayers to do all the charitable jobs. It is easy to see "big government vs small government" as a moral issue when looked at this way. When a secular association of lawyers tramps the Red States stamping out all public displays of codes like The Ten Commandments, crosses anywhere, or prayers anywhere you have a moral or values issue. People with a Christian or Jewish code want to fight terror everywhere. People with no code want to do a France while keeping the ACLU around to be sure nobody gets punished.

Are atheist (secularists) immoral? Amoral? Of course they are when viewed through a magnifying glass of a specific code. Are people of faith immoral or amoral? Yes, because secularists feel that people allied with a fictional God have no business telling them what to do, how to behave, or what they are allowed to think about. Secularists, feel they are being "judged" through a judgmental magnifying glass. The guy having sex with his sister doesn't want to be "judged," the woman who murders her abusive husband---without going to the cops or lawyers--- has the "right" to kill. Killing a baby as it comes out of the womb by sucking its brains out is "a woman's right to choose" to the secular atheist crowd; murder to the religious.

The values of the secularist are entirely situational. Sometimes things are OK, sometimes not OK. It all depends. When Moral Values become part of the voting considerations, the people with codes will marginally outnumber the people without any. This election was partly that conflict being played out. The Democrats were seen as morally "hazy" because they are secular and have no constant code to live by.

The atheist, or as it is as it is characterized in politically correct language today, secularist, will always fear the person of faith, the people who follow a set of rules to govern their lives. Secularists don't like people of faith because when a person of faith has something bad happen to them that person turns to a Higher Power for solace and finds it. When Mormons rush to the aid of other Mormons and rebuild flood damaged homes for free, the secularists see evil; they think the Mormons should fix every home. Secularists on the other hand, want to turn to paid professional home builders for help. Help paid for by the taxpayer. When in emotional difficulty caused by catastrophe atheists will turn to a psych person paid by the state to somehow teach them to deal with it. The person who follows a set of rules set forth by a Higher Power (Secret Police, God, Communism) will turn to God, the state, or a written document of rules to solve problems with no cost to the general population.

The people who voted in this election and claimed that Moral Values were important meant that they wanted to vote for someone they recognized as being guided by something higher than current elite cocktail party conversation, rich Hollywood whores who use heroin and speed, or the hate filled intellectual class that seems to babble endlessly about nothing and everything.

Personally, I refuse to be told what is morally right by a bunch of aimless "secularists" whose morals shift from day to day, who don't know what "is" is, and think a blow job isn't sex.

I know Bush has a code, one that I can recognize, and I trust him. Period. Others want no code at all. Kerry could not explain who he is because he is everything at all times. Values vs nothing.


Hey, Howard. Why don't you write something on how the Democrats can win next time?

Because I hope they lose and I don't give a rats ass if they ever win, that's why.

BTW regarding the super elite trying to run our lives without a addition the the MA Supreme Court take a look at Eurabia courts who just banned the largest party in Belgium by declaring it racist. This is the largest party. If these Liberal judges here had their way they would outlaw the Republican party and don't forget it.

If you want to see the encylopedia of Left Wing hate just go to LA Weekly. Republicans hate women, homosexuals, bi-sexuals, people with AIDS or HIV, everyone who wants justice for working families (like I don't work longer hours than any union asshole on the planet), artists, actors, etc. The cover is Bush as a vampire (on the left at web site). Dems have no chance to build a party because their people are filled and motivated by pure hate.

Unleaded gasoline for the December futures contract is down twenty three cents in the last eleven sessions. Feeling it at the pump yet? What? It's only down at a few stations? And then only a penny or so? Let's hear it for capitalism.

Ken Layne has copied the map of United States of Canada and Jesusland on his site. Layne has become a Bushonoid, filled with all the usual crapola. The Left never sleeps but perhaps they should take one hell of a long nap. This map will come back to haunt them. Layne's insults to Christianity speak for themselves. A pseudo Moore without a camera. I'm sure the GOP is collecting all of these insults to religion for use later.

Be sure you read Belmont today.

After a few weeks of non-stop blogging with some very good stuff, Bill Quick is temporarily burned out. Come back soon.

Simon wonders what happened to our Hollywood elite regarding the murder by fatwa of Theo van Gough in Holland. All I can remember is their near total cowardice after 9/11 when they were cancelling personal appearances, tours, and slobbering all over themselves in fear. Now they side with the perps hoping they won't be next. It's called feeding the crocodile. Soon, you gutless weasels. Soon. Meanwhile the Left is biding its time til they can impeach Bush. Lots of posts on this.

Tax news from emailer Carol H: When NASA first started sending up astronauts, they quickly discovered that ball-point pens would not work in zero gravity. To combat this problem, NASA scientists spent a decade and $12 billion developing a pen that writes in zero gravity, upside-down, on almost any surface including glass and at temperatures ranging from below freezing to over 300 C.

The Commie dirt bag Russians just used a pencil. Your taxes are due again soon--enjoy paying them

First of two pieces on the Morality Vote: The Morality vote may be the wrong way to look at this election. In my opinion what we have seen is a wide rejection of the established liberal, progressive-left moralists who dominate the media and Government across the EU/US.

The Moral Values at stake in this election were the murkey values of the Left and we have just seen the near complete defeat of them. Those values are basically Marxist, the subversion of our Constitution to World Opinion and Governments, internationalism that has been taken for granted by the self appointed elite as the right moral course for mankind, and a government imposed morality .

The Leftist view is being shoved down our throats by the Media Elite, both here and in the EU, as if it is the only moral choice for the human race. This morality includes tolerance for almost every deviant behavior from homosexuality to murder. Everything is not only OK "in certain cases" but it is our duty to "understand" all these behaviors as equal and to "tolerate" them. Thus we have Muslim rapes in the EU being blamed on the women, PLO terrorism in Israel is encouraged, as is its European Siamese twin which hates Jews, and the imposition of laws without any vote.

When you try to break down the Left morality, what remains are dots of liquid mercury slithering across glass, easy to see but impossible to pin down and analyze. It has been left to New Media: FOX, Blogs, web based "zines", and especially talk radio that tells us every morning and afternoon the news that the establishment media has covered up or slanted.

The latest example is the stupidity uttered by the Democratic Blacks that there is massive vote fraud in Ohio. Rep Conyers (Idiot, MI) went so far as to say that he knows many people who were going to move to Ohio and vote but were prevented from doing so by Republicans. This morning MSNBC did ten minutes on the "slaughter of civilians in Fallujah" that at one time would have been the only voice to be heard. Michael Moore has the same disgusting bit up on his site along with the picture of a kid who was killed somewhere on the planet.

Last Tuesday we rejected this phantom morality, stealth propaganda masquerading as news, and alliances with criminals at the UN. The country is waking up to our elites on both coasts and around big cities like Chicago and Dallas. We are sick of the snobbery that has resulted in corruption and incompetence telling us what to do. The Left calls us bigots, morons, and too ignorant to understand "new-ahance."

We showed them.

Some stuff on Specter: I rarely hear Sean Hannity and when I do I usually turn him off quickly, but yesterday he interviewed Arlen Specter and I listened. It seems that Specter was opposed to Bork because of Bork's insistence of placing "original intent" in the forefront of his opinions. When you think about "original intent" it is clear that the original intent supported slavery, votes only for male landholders, and Bork indicated that he thought that the Rights enumerated under the Constitution did not include women. Specter, and a hell of a lot of others, thought that there was no way original intent can be applied to modern society and that is why Specter voted to keep him off the bench. Specter further pointed out that he had supported every Republican nominee to the courts, especially including Clarence Thomas.

It's my opinion we have to cut him some slack.


Eursoc is a very good site.
Stephen Pollard wasn't surprised that a BBC journalist broke down in tears when ailing terrorist Yasser Arafat was carried from his compound for medical treatment in France.

In a column for the Times, Stephen says there is nothing remotely newsworthy about the fact that a BBC hack expressed her adoration of Arafat and contempt for Israel. Perhaps her boo-hooing stepped over the line of "impartiality" the taxpayer-funded BBC is supposed to observe, but it was certainly within the BBC's approved range of prejudices.
I urge you to visit. There is stuff there you won't see anywhere else.

Be sure you read John Fund's piece in WSJ today. Republicans lost plenty of local seats in legislatures. I've long been of the opinion that the GOP "tide" came from the top and not the bottom. They have NOT built a party from the ground up and they better get going on it. One interesting stat in voter breakdown is the 40% of union households that voted for Bush in spite of the union "leadership" stealing their dues money and giving same to Kerry.


Markets and Economy

The stock market is about to take off like no market in the last several years. There are very few dot coms to mystically inflate values (I exclude Google and Yahoo). We are going to have a run with real companies that market or create real products. Employment is booming, transportation is booming--the rail car shortage is so severe that trucks are being used instead, check the want ads for truck drivers--- companies are transporting goods to markets eager to have them. The S&P 500 breakout is the biggest thing to hit the market in at least a year. Don't make the mistake of thinking a rising tide floats all ships. Ships with rotting wood will stay at the bottom of the new ocean. I hope you are all in this with carefully selected stocks because this is going to be one hell of a ride.

Keep in mind that Bush tax policy is pro-growth and his aim at Social Security will help this market enormously over the years.

Time to say something good about John Kerry. When good old Integrity Bill told him he should jump onto the gay marriage ban bandwagon he refused. He refused because he didn't believe it. Because it was wrong. The difference between he and the Clintons, who say anything and everything to get elected, is very clear. Neithert Kerry nor Bush do the hypocritical "triangulating" in order to be elected. Get ready for the totally corrupt Hillary Clinton who would have figured a way to be on the gay marriage ban bandwagon even though she doesn't believe in it.

Details on the horrible Arlen Specter are all here, link via Schultz. He is the most liberal of Democrats, not a Republican in any shape or form, and we can all forget Bush nominees if he heads the judiciary committee. He has to be stopped. Read the link. Why Bush backed him is a mystery.

Here's how the French handle prisoners released from Gitmo.
In France, however, the four prisoners who were sent back in July haven't been heard from since. They were whisked off by French security forces, who say that they could be held for up to three years without charge.
This from a blogger in Europe called Eurosoc. Read the whole link. France has no ACLU pissing and moaning about criminals. Suspected terrorists are shot down in the streets or just disappear. Many are held without trial seemingly forever, all with the support of the French citizen. Maybe this is what Kerry had in mind when he said terrorism should be a police matter
....judges like Bruguiere can order the arrest of anyone on the vague charge of "conspiracy in relation to terrorism." Over 500 people have been held on this charge alone, which allows investigators to hold suspects while enquiries are carried out. It has even led to suspects who have evaded justice in other countries being flown to and dumped in France for detention and interrogation.
This stuff would never fly here. Thanx ACLU.


Canadian Citizenship Application for soon to be American expatriots

You have checked the box indicating you are fleeing the oppression of George W. Bush and his agents of God. As a victim of this war mongering fascist homophobic God fearing criminal who was illegally elected by a moronic majority of 59 million semi-literate sun baked boobs you are entitled to all the privileges of Canadian Citizenship. In order to avoid persecution, assassination by CIA hit teams, and libel on the Internet you may register as either Jane or John Anonymous. As a home address you can use Gulag Red State c/o General Delivery Ontario. You will be granted immediate asylum, citizenship, free health care----the year long wait for treatment is worth it (ten months for pregnancy, two years for schizophrenia, and hives)---agreement to fork over fifty percent of your wages earned in or out of the country, marijuana on demand, heroin in certain counties, and free drug rehab for as many times as you need it.

Just write a simple 100 word paragraph on each of the following topics and sign it.

A. I will obey Sharia Law in certain districts because.....
B. I will never attend a filthy Christian Church because....
C. I hate democracy and majority rules because....
D. I despise everyone to the right of Michael Moore because....
E. I hope all American soldiers in Iraq are killed because....


Notes on a Zig Zag paper

GOP reality check: when it comes to fake Republicans there is always Lincoln Chaffee and Olympia Snow. These two, combined with Arlen Specter, will bury all of Bush's judicial appointments. The Democrats have an easy blockade of the courts and they will do their dirty deeds. "Fuck Bush" signs abound once again in LA, which means our two senators, Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein will be cheered every time they block a vote.

It's the ACLU, stupid. The Liberal alliance with this gang of far left litigators who have as their sole purpose the eradication of Christianity will not solve the Democrat problem of winning in the Red States.

The writing from the Left since Wednesday morning leave me deliriously happy that Bush won. This pontificating gang of effete snobs from all the right places deserve to lose forever. Chairman Mao would put them all to work on a collective for five years.

The Democrats are all going to Bible School so they can communicate in the Red States. Their hypocrisy has no limits. Said Senator Hillary Clinton posing outside of St Patrick's Cathedral trying on a nun's habit, "We gotta pretend we believe this shit."

PBS and even more bovine droppings: The PBS party line is that the eleven states of the Old Confederacy---racist slave owning gay hating scumbags---form the heart of the Republican Party. It follows that all the Democrats have to do is seize one or two of these bigoted states in order to win. Right, and if the GOP managed to win either New York or California it wouldn't......Never mind.

Reynolds has a small roundup of rants from the Left. Remember, it's not enough to bash Hillary. Bashing Bush didn't win for the Democrats. We better have a record of achievement and it won't be easy with Chaffee, Snow, and Specter as RHINOs stabbing Bush in the back every inch of the way. And let's all face reality here too, neither Snow nor Chaffee could win as conservatives in their states. Specter owes his seat to Bush but that obviously was a serious mistake. Specter is a liberal who should have lost in the primaries.

A dem quote: "Eventually, the party in power is going to screw up," Hess said. Screw ups include WINNING the Iraq war instead of running away; solving the impending Social Security meltdown, stopping the trial lawyer sacking of the economy, and simpllifying the tax code. Those are screw ups the Democrats can run on.

Bill Quick has some good stuff up today. Especially interesting is this vote breakdown.


There is a terrific editorial in Investors Business Daily
The French government's opposition to our Iraq policy seems less rooted in principle and more rooted in cash. As so-called French intellectuals like to say, the war to liberate Iraq was indeed about blood and oil — American and Iraqi blood and French oil.

French oil company TotalFinaElf had exclusive rights to develop the Nahr Umar and Majnoon oil fields, which hold 25% of Iraq's reserves. Some 60 French companies did $1.5 billion in trade with Iraq under the U.N. oil-for-food program. France controlled 22.5% of Iraq's imports. And, most important, from 1981 to 2001, France sold Iraq 13% of its arms imports.
Read the whole thing. Link courtesy of Larry Kudlow.

Millions of Iranians join with us Red State morons in celebrating the Bush victory, according to the SMCCDI. Keep in mind that I've always suspected the total veracity of what they say, but this sounds good anyway..

Quick energy note: the opinion that there were thousands of sell stops under $49 for the December contract have proven false. The decline from $54 to $49 is a $.25 drop in the price of unleaded gasoline. Seen the difference yet? Right.

The jobs number is so good it is scary. Then we note that unemployment went UP during the month. You must look under the numbers to see how strong this economy really is. The Black unemployment rate is nearly double that of every other race stat at 10.7%. I submit it is the group think that learning anything is "white" but the race baiters blame Bush and us Red State morons. Eight million of us hold two jobs, which may mean may are also running a business from home but most likely indicates people with two low paying jobs. Additional data show that the sollar drop almost assures a manufacturing gain and that the hurricanes will produced massive construction employment. Picture not entirely bright but it never is.

Everything we worked for, every phone call we made to get out the vote, every sign we posted, and every drop of energy we spent to elect Republicans will now be lost if this liberal RHINO, Arnold Specter is put in charge of the Judiciary Committee. To dare threaten Bush the day after election says everything. Write to Senate Majority leader Bill Frist using THIS PAGE and let him know what we will do. I personally told him I'd work to defeat every Republican I could in 2006 if that liberal RHINO is put in charge of a committee that will knock out all Bush appointees he doesn't like. Let Frist know. Let every other Republican Senator and party official know that we won't take this. Everything we worked for will be toast. Act.

But this story is even deeper. Read this piece from WND about the so-called reporter, Laura Jakes Jordan. She is a Democratic operative within the AP who has time and again betrayed her bias. I don't know if she set Specter up, deliberately slanted his statements, or is just a liar. Read Farrah's piece and decide.

In another WND piece, the "asshole.jpg" and "moron.jpg" tags on GWB and Laura have been removed from the Netscape/CNN site. The employee at Netscape who tagged the pictures has been fired, according to Netscape.

For the completely honest and accurate description of what the Left elite of the Democratic party actually thinks of the huge majority, just go to Jane Smiley at Slate. Should you not be able to stomach her disgusting description of us Republicans and Red Staters Wretchard over at Belmont Club has some excerpts. Yes, that is why they lost and I bet never win again. Always remember this piece because it is exactly what the elites think of us. Never be fooled again.

This stinking Blogger is down again. Jesus, when I get the time I'll change.


MARKETS: The S&P 500 Index broke 1160, which is huge. The election has encouraged capital spending, Microsoft announced a 30billion investor dividend, all this combined with oil falling is great news Now if Bush stops loading up the SPR oil could drop to the mid-30s. Happy Days are here again. Big Tech seems to be the place the "experts" are saying they are putting their money. Careful with oil because supply demand is precarious, it could easily go to $60. $2 drop in crude equals ten cents per gallon of gasoline.

If you haven't seen the county by county election map go HERE. Anybody who looks at this one will see the extent of the GOP sweep.

The GOP will have to bounce Arlen Specter. They can afford to lose one Republican who is not a Republican anyway, he is the living example of a RHINO. It's time for the Republicans to govern and getting this traitor out of the party to join Jeffords is a great start.

All the media bullshit about the election doesn't cover the main point: Bush got more votes. He got more Jews than last time, more Blacks, more Hispanics and more whites.

The perfect example of stealth liberals covering the news is contained in the LA Times today. The print edition says it all. Feature after feature of brave democrat losers and their families, plus pictures of sobbing Kerry supporters. Yet, within this bias they do a good job. But you come away feeling sorry fot the poor Left. If you think this fight ended Tuesday then you are in dreamland. The LA Times does make one observation comparing the GOP volunteer army with the Move On dot Org crowd. They talked to a woman who was being paid $300 per week to get out the vote who told the reporter she'd have done the same for Bush had they paid more. The Hessians got their asses kicked and I couldn't be happier.

The CNN link to their asshole.jpg and moron.jpg are completely down as are all the WND links. The media didn't wait one day to start bashing Bush again. Goes over well in Europe.

Notes on a Zig Zag paper

Why did Bush win? Because he got more votes, stupid. I'd hoped these stinking MSM sycophants would be done after the election, but now they give us more stupid opinions.

The Left, now calling themselves "Progressives", form an underground railroad to Canada. If any of you caught Hardball last night you saw that the Left is still very angry ("The Nation" publisher with a name I can't spell was ranting). Do not think they are going away. They are hate filled and like other hate groups---KKK, Nazis, and so on----they ain't going away. They hate capitalism, not GWB, and their candidate will be on the radar screen very soon. If you think this election was foul, just wait til Hillary looms. Don't think this is over.

You better reach out George are the yowls coming from the Left. I hope not. The Democrats screwed us for the last four years. I hope they change the rules of the Senate so that a simple majority confirms judges and that the GOP jams their agenda through. If the Republicans can't govern now they don't deserve power. The "warning" from Arlen Spector, the defeated Senator from PA, has got to be the laugh of the year so far.

More on exit polling: It seems the near unanimous opinion that the Democrats "jammed" the polling, that Democrats successfully infiltrated the poll takers, or that Democrats successfully manipulated the target voter matrix. Jamming is the most likely thing. Never ever trust any poll again.

Rasmussen Reports polling nailed the election dead on. The University of Virginia actually called every state race as well.

The battle over the Supreme Court has already started with the usual suspects ready to brawl over abortion.

The Democrats have three albatrosses hanging from their throats. Plus one huge anvil. The giant birds are homosexuality, abortion, and gun control. Gun control is easy, they just drop it. Abortion won't go away and they will have to line up against partial birth and stop screaming about abortion on demand, two fairly easy tasks. Look for them to just plain dump the homosexuals who are just 2% of the population anyway. The anvil is the ACLU which is conducting a war against religion all across the country. I bet they can't dump them, the only way to stop them is to change judges. That's why judicial appointments are so important.

Noonan today referring to Soros
The leaders of the Bush effort see it this way: A ragtag band of more than a million Republican volunteers who fought like Washington's troops at Valley Forge beat the paid Hessians of King George III's army.


Those Exit Polls: yesterday at approximately 3PM Michael Barone on FOX warned that they were completely wrong. He mentioned the huge spreads in the Carolinas and PA. Kondrake, another political wonk, was also very suspicious. Brit Hume was completely taken in as well. Only the networks swallowed the polls, most probably because it was what they wanted to hear; the NYT/CBS syndrome at work. When amatuers like me attempt to analyze polls or just quote them without checking them you have the "Morono-blogging" of yesterday.

Another question we must find the answer to is why the polls were so wrong. My inner conspiracy nut tells me that these were out of control liberals attempting to rig the election. I cannot understand how professionals can screw up a poll this badly.

A final observation is about us, us morons who didn't listen to the polls and voted anyway. I think we've all learned not to trust the polls and the people who take them; thank God.

Interesting take on exit polls: some sharp people think that the polls were "slammed" by the Democrats. This is what "slamming" a poll means. The Democrats sent several hundred people into a polling place they knew was being "exit polled." They pretend they have voted and when they leave they agree to answer the twenty minute poll. They lie hoping to slant or "slam" the poll. Makes sense.

The youth vote: When I was young we had to be 21 years old to vote. That meant we spent three or more years in school or on the job wishing we could vote and participating once in a while in a campaign. When we turned of age we couldn't wait to vote. Eighteeen year olds want to get laid, to get laid, to get laid, and then maybe do some drugs. Who else do you think is showing up at those dopy Spreensteen and Pearl Jam concerts? Democrats wasted far too many resources chasing the dragon, and I'm glad.

Those horrible evangelicals and religious people: None of them believed Kerry believed in anything.

Channel surfing at 3AM: Dan Rather is alone in not giving Ohio to Bush claiming that the election is still wide open. ABC is trying to stir up a "Florida" about suspicious votes in Ohio; NBC reluctantly agrees that Bush is a winner but Ohio might be a problem. FOX declares Bush the winner in Ohio.

If you looked at any blogs yesterday you know that those assholes are as full of themselves as any MSM jerk off. The "blogosphere" was a totally inaccurate place. Any political pro would have suspected an early leak of "Exit Polls" but the bloggers ate it up. Exit Poll "results" were most likely leaked to the bloggers by the Kerry camp in an effort to influence the election. I have long held the position that both cell phones and absentee voting renders these polls meaningless. Besides if anybody ever asked me how I voted I would lie.

The best? Tim Russert on NBC who time and again summed up the election in less than a minute. Long before anyone could call the election he had it wired, calling Florida for Bush long before it was safe to do so and narrowing it down to the states Kerry would have to win in order to pull it out.

How big is this election? Huge. The Republicans have boosted majorities in both houses of Congress, Bush was won the popular vote with the highest vote total in the history of the country. The GOP control of Washington is complete. For the first time ever the leader of the Senate opposition has lost re-election (Daschele). Bush will appoint the judges, the GOP has most of the states, and the gay marriage issue is now an albatross around the neck of the party.

Watch for the Democrats to abandon gun control, gay marriage, and abortion. When the county by county breakdown becomes available you will see that the West Coast sweep for Kerry occurred in a narrow strip along the coast where the elites all live; the entire west coast from 100 miles inland went for Bush.

Second biggest winner? Hillary Clinton.

Second biggest loser(s): John Edwards, followed closely by George Soros, Hollywood, the Music mafia, trial lawyers, academia, blacks, Broadway,Big Labor, all the media liars, NYT, LAT, and most of the elites. I know we are all glad.

Close election but it's over, thank God.


EARLY RETURNS: CBS awards Spain and France to Kerry. Denmark too close to call.

Barone's picks are HERE. Bush in a squeaker with GOP gaining in both House and Senate. From your pen to God's ears baby.

The Horserace Blog, a terrific site if you haven't been there, has Bush with a big electoral win. "Bush 306 or 327 to Kerry 232 or 211."

Meanwhile the word from the GOP is that a doctor diagnosed the pimple on Kerry's ass as a brain tumor......Developing......

While everyone sleeps, oil is below $50. Watch for stock market to really explode. Everyone but Mexico is back on line, world economies cooling, and if Kerry is elected there will be conservation. He will also stop pumping oil into the SPR thus re-supplying the market.


Polling data better than Real Clear Politics is HERE, link courtesy of Kudlow best economic site on the web.

Heresy from a GOPer: The stock market is set to explode no matter who wins. This is because the uncertainty will be removed. The negative would be if the GOP loses Congress. Kerry will advocate taxes that a GOP Congress will never pass, he will tax investment that the Congress will not pass, and he will advocate certain labor issues that Congress will bottle up in committee. Question is will the stock market continue to surge under a Kerry presidency that will tax investment?

He is almost certain to sell out Israel to anti-Semitic France, create "quagmire" conditions so he can cut and run from Iraq, and change the "war on terror" to one in which Europe slowly but surely becomes Islam through immigration rather than terror.

George Soros will have far too much to say about the direction of the country; the Supreme Court will go to Liberals (abortion, rights for criminals, and power to organized labor); and the looney left will desert Kerry within six months.

The country will be changed for a century. Hope you will all vote.

MY CALL: Bush 53-47; GOP picks up six house and two Senate seats. If I'm wrong I'm moving to Tahiti. and vote absentee.

Makes me remember: The Jews of the 1930s Germany just hanging around while Hitler rounded them up AFTER he said he was going to kill them all. Now it seems as if 80% of the Jews in the U.S. will vote for Kerry in spite of the fact that he will cease supporting Israel. What is it about Jews that they just lay down like dogs when a threat appears and just hope for the best? The ones I know---and I know plenty of them being part Jew myself--- seem to "think" about things forever, or until they are ruined. Consider that all Jews in the U.S. ran away from somewhere rather than fight. Now many think that just throwing their money at problems will solve them.

Wrong. Again. Still. If Kerry wins he will join with France and destroy that little country.

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